Facts & Secrets

Started by mstaft, March 24, 2007, 04:15:38 AM

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Love to leave all those secrets


Quote from: "Lordofthemightybeasts"On Big Thunder Mountain, when you're on the first chain lift through the tunnel. Look down and ahead on your right by the waterfalls. You should notice an opening in the rock and some train tracks. This is where the trains rush by as they enter the last tunnel before the big drop underwater. If you're lucky you might also see a train shoot past.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head...  :wink:
Never knew that u could actualy see one of the other trains


i will have to look out for that train next time :D
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


If you are in the queue for "Pirates of the Caribbean" you can see a scene from the ride ( the skeletons I think ). There's any place where the boats are right under your feet. It's after the 2nd drop.


And in the treasures scene, if you look up to the left, you might see one of the trains drive by.


When we went on POTC I spotted that in the queue area you walk past a floor that is broken and falling in on the left. At the end of the ride you will see this also, but from underneath also on the left.

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "raptor1982"And in the treasures scene, if you look up to the left, you might see one of the trains drive by.

Yes, I've seen this before, it was really interesting because I never knew that the pirate scene on the train was actually in POTC! :shock:  :o


Here's a couple of random facts that you might not know, but might not want to know either.

The majority of the Neon signage accross DLRP was made and installed by a company called Blaze Neon, based un the U.K. Not only was it a great contract for them, they also won a British signs and Graphics award for this project. (Maybe they should be asked to have a look at the coca cola sign in the tiki room in Studio 1)

The other random fact is...
Leona Lewis was "apparently" given a roll in the Lion King at DLRP, but turned it down after getting through into the X factor.


I knew that the train went through POTC infact i can remember that i think i seen the train go through POTC when i was on it.

Interesting fact there about Leona Lewis if that is it's ture.
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Quote from: "-breeno-"Interesting fact there about Leona Lewis if that is it's ture.

My wife read it in one of those magazines that are full of gossip, probably about last december time.

"When I did get a part in The Lion King at Disneyland Paris at 18, I turned it down because I didn't want to move so far away from home.
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/showbiz/a ... article.do

The quote is about 2 thirds through th elast section.


I have a few from Disneyland:-

If you liik carfuly the wicked queen appears in the window above the entrance of the snow white attraction

The Robot wich looks like it has binoculards for eyes in the star tours que was originally used in AmericcaSings as the large Geese. Also after the attraction americca sings closed all the other geese and some other animals were transported to Splash Mountain

Club 33 was named after the original 33 members and the door number wich it lies in New Orleans Square

The Gold spiral was added to the castle later as Walt walked down mainstreet one morning with Roy and though that something didnt look right. the Gold spire was then added and Walt Said "Now thats my dream Castle"

Critter country was originaly called Bear Country and New orleans square sits were Holiday land once stood.

The first attraction to be removed from the park was the phantom cruise boats due to there mecanical problems. The ride famosaly then was known as the first to be removed from disneyland
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

[size=100]\'We Keep Moving Forward\' [/i][/size] - Walt Disney

Disneyland Resort - 2007 2010
Walt Disney World - 2001 2003 2005 2006 2008 2009 2011 2012/2013
Disneyland Paris - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2007
Disney Cruise Line - Disney Wonder: 2008 2009 Disney Dream: 2011 Disney Fantasy: 2012


Hi, i'm going to DLRP tomorrow morning for 7 nights, so thought i'd write down all of these secrets and see if me and the kids (and OH) can spot any while we're there!  :D  So i c+p'd it all into word to print out later.

Here is the list if it comes in useful to anyone?  :)


Secrets of DLRP

If you compare the house of phantom manor with the house of Alfred Hitchcock's movie   "Psycho", you will find that they are almost the same

Okay- go to Adventure Isle and try to find a little clearing at ground level to the East (taking Main Street as pointing due North) of the large suspension bridge. You should notice a rather large, flat rock. If you push one side it will roll over on a central pivot.

In Boot Hill, the graveyard at the exit of Phantom Manor, look for a large metal sarcophogus grave. If you press your ear up against it you should hear a faint heartbeat from inside it

There are loads inside Sleeping Beauty's Castle. On the first floor inside the castle there is a large oval window pointing towards main street. Every few second the image on it changes from a rose to a dove.

In a nearby scene there are two suits of armour. Listen closely and you can hear them snoring.

Next to that is a stone statue of Malificent's raven. If you take a flash photo of it you should notice that its eyes briefly glow red.

And, if you didn't know, a huge animatronic dragon is to be found lurking underneath the castle.

Right, Pirates Of The Caribbean. In the interior queue you will walk past a barred window looking into a room with a broken floor and a chandelier with a skeleton lying on it. Near the end of the actual ride, in the scene with the skeletons drinking in the bar, look up at the broken ceiling and you will see that same chandelier from earlier.

At the entrance to Adventureland look up along the top of the wall stretching from the left of the entrance. There is a large bird (the Roc bird from Arabian legends) egg sitting on top of the wall in a nest.

On Big Thunder Mountain, when you're on the first chain lift through the tunnel. Look down and ahead on your right by the waterfalls. You should notice an opening in the rock and some train tracks. This is where the trains rush by as they enter the last tunnel before the big drop underwater. If you're lucky you might also see a train shoot past

i dont know if you know this, you proberly do but to make the castle look further away     the top storeys of the buildings along the sides of mainstreet are subtly graduated in size.

Look at the centre window on the first floor of Phantom Manor and you just might spot the Bride behind the curtains. This is pretty much impossible to see on a bright day, but when it gets dark a light will occasionally illuminate the window for a few seconds. Also look out for the Phantom lurking behind the furthest left window on the first floor on the side facing Boot Hill. Again, a light will come on behind the window every once in a while.

ou can also hear the sounds of a dentist performing a particularly painful operation on a patient, a man shaving and various other noises coming from the upper floors of certain buildings on Main Street USA

On the waterfall lift in Pirates Of The Caribbean, look above you and you will notice lots of little glowing eyes peeking down at you. These eyes are also to be found later in the skeleton caves and in the first tunnel in Big Thunder Mountain
In Alice's Curious Labyrinth, the Cheshire Cat is more than just a head. The hedges that grow overhead to the right actually form the stripes of the cat's body, as seen in this sattelite photo

When riding Big Thunder Mountain, after the second lift hill, just after coming out of the big helix you go through a canyon before dropping down through a small tunnel. Just before you drop, look above and you'll notice a pack of animatronic coyotes (two to the right, one ahead) It's surprising how many people miss this. Oh, and in the final tunnel, after the third lift hill, look above you to see a group of glowing bats screeching at you.

At the far left end of Main Street USA, just before reaching Central Plaza, where Liberty Arcade comes to an end, turn left toward Frontierland. Here there is a secret passage to Frontierland that bypasses the main entrance

As you exit your doombuggies on Phantom Manor you find yourself in the wine cellar. Looking through one of the barred windows you can see into a small chamber storing wine in barrels. On top of a barrel is a bunch of roses, and if you listen carefully you can faintly hear the haunting, manic laughter of the Phantom echoing around the chamber. A wonderfully creepy little touch

At one end of Adventure Isle lies Skull Rock (from Peter Pan). Unbeknownst to most guests, there's a little passage next to Captain Hook's ship that takes you up and inside Skull Rock. From inside you can look out of the hollow eyes and mouth, offering a very different view over Adventureland.

Okay, some more- in the African section of Adventureland, to the left of the main entrance there is the Girafe Curieuse shop. If you go in then you will find the large, curious giraffe itself, its head poking through the wall, chewing on some leaves.

On Space Mountain: Mission 2 you drop through a large field of asteroids just before you enter the loop. Each asteroid has a 'moving' effect projected onto them, but the lowest one on the right which you pass by last has the face of the moon from the original version projected onto it.

Alright, some more. At the entrance to Adventureland there is decorated blue archway that has 'Adventureland' written on it. Where the top, blue part of the arch comes to an end, there is a little corner with the intitals WDI (Walt Disney Imagineering) hidden in it. This can be seen at both sides of the arch.

On Adventure Isle ther is huge system of underground tunnels and caverns. If you follow one to a point where you are directly underneath the Swiss Family Robinson's Treehouse, look up and you will see the tree's roots creeping through the ground above.

The ride building for Snow White has a tower of sorts emerging from the entrance. Look up at the large arched window on the tower and you'll notice the evil Queen looking maliciously out over Fantasyland.

Another from Boot Hill- there is a large white gravestone in memorial of the 'Hole In The Wallet Gang', 1992. The following list of names are actually imagineers who worked on creating Phantom Manor. The 'hole in the wallet' refers to the huge budget that the team used in creating this lavish, highly detailed attraction.

Next to the exit sign of Au Chalet de la Marionnette you will notice Figaro (the cat from Pinocchio) painted on the wall giving the thumbs up. When designing the original Disneyland version of this restaurant the imagineers forgot to include exit signs. So when the restaurant was built the exit sign had to be placed off centre from the exit. In a touch of 'pure imagineering' Figaro was painted on the wall pulling the sign by a rope, accounting for it being offset. When it was built in Disneyland Paris the imagineers got the sign perfectly centred and, in a nod to the previous version, painted on a clearly delighted Figaro.

Near the end of the queue for Pirates Of The Caribbean you enter the large Blue Lagoon building where the loading area and first ride scenes are located. As the queue descends towards the boarding area you can see a large wooden figurehead of a woman poking over the wall. If you pay attention in the Blue Lagoon scene at the start of the ride (or are particularly tall), you can see that this figurehead actually extends from one side of the large broken ship you pass through the middle of.

if you look up at the Videopolis you'll see two big round windows facing space mountain, initially these big round holes were build to make a connection with spacemountain

I do remember the Mr. Toad portrait in the restaurant changing from one unique style to another

At night, have a look at Phantom Manor. If you look closely, you will see a faint candle light from inside, wandering from window to window. This is supposed to be the bride, candle in hand, searching for her long lost love

On Rock n Roller Coaster, if you look to the right straight after the corkscrew you should be able to see a control room where all the lights are controlled

But let's take a closer look at these façades facing you. The numbers over the stalls weren't chosen by chance. As soon as you enter the studio, the shop on the left bears the number 1205, as if by magic. This stands for December 5, the birthday of Walt Disney! A little further down, the next door bears the number 1128, the birthday of Walt's favourite mouse: Mickey.

i didnt realise that on one of the top turrets on the castle it has snails crawling up to the top i just thought they were golden balls

Beki xxxx
Jan 2007 - Santa Fe - 5 days, 4 nights

Jan 2008 - Cheyenne - 8 days, 7 nights

Jan 2009 - Cheyenne - 11 days, 10 nights

September 2009 - Santa Fe - 3 days, 2 nights

Next trip - Cheyenne - 6th December - 5 days, 4 nights

miss disney fan

@ bekiboo26 - we did this and we really enjoyed hunting for the secrets, we nearly got them all till i lost the paper they were printed on  :(


I always look at the skeleton on the treasure when we are on the train
DLP visitor since the age of 2.
Part time Student, Full Time Disney enthusiast.


Some great secrets there bekiboo26, thanks for posting them :D

 :offtopic: Cool avatar thekirtley2 :D   How you do that?
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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