Questions about Inventions

Started by happyatchristmas, July 29, 2014, 06:45:09 PM

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Ok even though I have been to DLP 3 times it appears I was pretty unobservant  :-[ am I right in thinking that the buffet restaurant in the DLH is Inventions. We ate here every night for our honeymoon in 2009 and I never realised that it was possibly the Inventions restaurant - doh!

Also we have purchased the half board premium, I am assuming this will let us eat in Inventions for no extra charge?  This is how we ate there last time I'm just worried something might gave changed, DH loves this place and is the main reason for staying at DLH and getting the half board

Sorry for all the questions but does anyone know if there are character meets if you eat at Inventions for your evening meal. We had loads last time but get the impression some character meets are being cut back.

Thanks in advance for any pointers anyone can give us x


Yes it is the Inventions Restaurant!

Half Board Premium will cover you for a meal here at no extra cost.

From November 2014 Inventions will be hosting character meals at lunch as well as dinner so you can choose from either of these with your vouchers   :D


The Buffet restaurant in the Disneyland Hotel is indeed Inventions, and your Half Board Premium coupons will cover that no problem, it even covers the California Grill, which is the table service restaurant in the Disneyland Hotel. :D

I checked the 2014-2015 brochure for the info, which is using the new plan info, so you should be good. ;D

No clue on the character dining stuff, but Inventions should have characters present I think, according to its description.


Yay  ;D thanks for your help. We will probably not bother with the Californian Grill as we have a 3 year old with us this time so buffet will be better for us.

Am sooooo excited I can't wait until we go in November x


I'm going in November as well and our group would like to go to Inventions. Where did you see that Inventions are going to have Characters from November onwards at lunchtime?

It's much cheaper for lunch, so if that's true, i'll be booking lunch with characters rather than dinner :D


The information is in the latest brochure release by DLP for Winter 2014/Summer 2015.

It confirms that once the character meet and greets stop in the hotels, Inventions will start doing the character meals at lunch as well as dinner.
