Halloween 2014

Started by Scally, August 07, 2014, 06:29:18 PM

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We will be in DLP until 28th September and halloween starts 1st October. Does anyone know if there's a chance they'll have a soft opening of the season .ie the harvest parade and we'll get to see it? (hopeful thinking maybe!) Thanks.

Uragano Tati

Last year we were there from 23rd to 27th September but no soft opening for the Halloween parade.
Everyday there were more halloween decorations expecially in Frontierland and in Main Street and it was very funny to go in the park every morning and see what have changed during the night!
April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne


Ah, that's a pity!. At least we'll probably get to see the halloween decorations at some stage then. Thanks


Does anyone know if there are any details about this years Halloween schedule / party? We have tickets for the party but cant find anything out. I'm sure there was loads of details by this time last year. Thanks


also anyone know if dreams is on this october ?? :o


Quote from: amee on August 08, 2014, 06:12:50 PM
also anyone know if dreams is on this october ?? :o


It's official, extended until September 2015!