HELP! Anyone speak French?

Started by Mrsya, July 02, 2014, 11:02:15 AM

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Booked Bufallo Bill tickets on ticket and keep getting emails from them in French...

Anyone know what this one says?

Cher/Chère Mr/Mme Y nous a demandé de vous contacter afin de recueillir votre avis sur la commande que vous avez effectuée récemment.

Vos avis et commentaires, qu'ils soient positifs ou négatifs, aideront à améliorer ses services et seront de précieuses indications pour ses futurs clients. Toutes vos réponses seront rendues publiques. Nous ne publierons pas votre nom et seul connaîtra votre identité.

Ce processus ne vous prendra pas plus de 15 secondes.

Donnez votre avis   >>
Merci de nous avoir accordé un peu de votre temps.
L'équipe Avis-Verifies


If you put the email in Google Translate it reads:

Cher / Dear Mr / Mrs Y asked us to contact you to collect your opinion on the order you have recently made.

Your opinions and comments, whether positive or negative, will to improve its services and will be valuable information for future clients. All responses will be made public. We will not publish your name and only know your identity.

This process does not take more than 15 seconds.

Write a review >>
Thank you for giving us a little of your time.
Notice-team Verified


Ahh, nothing too exciting then! Haha. Thanks very much for your reply!

Managed to get tickets for less than the regular child price for all of us. Saved enough to buy that copy of Sketch, finally!


After reading that you had purchased tickets from I had to take a look myself, though I am undecided whether I should go or not.

What is the difference between the regular price and the price you paid.


When we went last May we saved £100 for a family of 4. It was cheaper through these than using our a.p for discount


Hi. These are the current prices below. I've just paid €42 per ticket. Same price for child/adult. Under 3s free if seated on lap.

1st Category Seating ... €74.90
2nd Category Seating ... €59.90

1st Category Seating ... €61.90
2nd Category Seating ... €46.90
