wedding anniversary

Started by SUTHEL3, November 08, 2014, 10:06:52 PM

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We're going to Disneyland Paris in 2 weeks for my parents 25th anniversary. Can anyone give me any ideas of what we could do to make it extra special?

Ive already emailed the hotel to see if they can do anything in the room and we've booked inventions for dinner one night.

if anyone else has any other suggestions id very much appreciate it :)

DLRP Roundup!

Some drinks at CafeFantasia in the Disneyland Hotel just after the park closes. Theres a live piano player or you can sit on the balcony and watch the crowds exit. It's always very nice.
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Aw that's a good idea. We could do that after inventions as our reservation is at 630 and I think the park closes around 7. Thanks!

Do you happen to know what prices the drinks are?


The Glow-Tini is €17 at Bar Fantasia (or Inventions or California Grill, as it's on their drink menu too).
The other alcoholic cocktails are the same price. Non-alcoholic cocktails are €14 each.

I can heartily recommend the Glow-Tini, it's quite strong, but tastes lovely and the glow cube is quite a cool little trinket. :D

The other cocktails for the most part don't have glow cubes, but you can order them separately at Bar Fantasia. ;)