So what's "DD" all about?

Started by DisneyManiac, May 12, 2014, 08:25:11 PM

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Okay, so I have been reading a trip report by SVioletS and she/he uses the term DD and DD1 or 2. Could someone explain what this means? Does it mean Disney Daughter? Is it a term that Forum Members use instead of real names, to hide identity? Is it required or not?

captain rocket

DD stands for darling daughter so DS is darling son and DH is darling husband she would be her DH's DW!


Dd1 is your first born daughter and dd2 your second etc. OH is commonly used for other half too.


Oh okay, thanks for clearing that up! Can you just use people's names instead of using that?



Okay, I'll think I'll use names.

Thank you everyone for helping me!