Just a few questions!!

Started by halfashandy123, April 23, 2014, 02:02:21 PM

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Just a few questions that we need answering and thought this would be the best place!

1. We booked our holiday through Disney and was wondering how soon you receive the packs in the post with Eurostar tickets etc?
2. Are they still doing the 'VIP' dreams menu for Walts? We have booked a table however wondering if they still offer this!
3. Is there a facility to get my little brother measured and then have something to label he has been measured and not have to be done everytime he gets on a ride? (if that makes sense)
4. How busy is it usually during (Monday 19th May-Friday 23rd May)?
5. Any general tips for visiting with a 4 year old?
6. I need to get my mum on tower of terror, it's a long running joke as she has never been on it but I truly think she will love it!

I know it's a lot but appreciate any help we can get  :D


Hi, halfashandy123!
This is the menu of Walt's:
http://www.dlrpmagic.com/planning/dining/restaurant-menus/walts-an-american-restaurant/#Our Specialties
You can measure your brother at home, they don't do this before every ride. You can read about the attractions that suite him best - Fantasy Land, Autopia I hope, Adventure Land, there are so many things.

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all


As regards #6 - Lie through the back of your teeth! - I did with my wife and she forgave me after a couple of days :)


We're taking our 4 year old son for his first trip to Disneyland 18-21st May and from looking at the brochure he's most excited about Crush, Autopia, Peter Pan, the dragon under the castle and Buzz Laser Blast ride.

A couple of things that we've bought for him ready are: a lanyard with cheap disney pins from ebay, an Id bracelet, a Mickey to go on his bunk bed on arrival and a road trip bag full of cheapie disney toys, sweets etc.

I'm hoping its not going to be too busy as not a European school holiday week. Hopefully people will wait for many bank holiday and it'll be empty! Dd you know Spider-Man is going to be there when we are? Not told my son yet until I see the length of the queues!!!!


I don't think Crush Coaster is suitable for a 4 year old  ::)

About Spider Man in DL I hear for the first time  ???

P.S. you are right - I found it, Walt Disney Studios, Backlot, near Blockbuster Cafe:

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all


I'm hoping to go at that time too, we've been around those dates in the past and it's usually rather quiet, everyone' back at school so you get mostly grown ups without kids, or people with small children. Good time to go :)

Spiderman will be in the Studios until July, so yes, you'll be able to meet him!

I don't think they still do the Dreams menu in any restaurant (other than the 200 EUR a head menu in the Disneyland Hotel, I think that one is still on....) It's a shame because it was really good, we did it when they first started it and it was really worth it. It definitely was not on during our last visits.

For your mom, tell her that it really is not as bad as it looks... I used to be terrified of it, but now it's one of my favourite rides. You can always try to get her to go in, just to see the inside of the hotel it's worth it, the theming is amazing.... and if at the end she still doesnt want to do it, she doesn't need to get into the lift (just tell the cast member there that she wants to come out). But really, it looks a lot worse than it actually is....


Sorry to butt in but with the ToT is it true that if you dont hold on to the barrier its actually a lot gentler a ride?

Slimy yet satisfying

Re height. You can go to city hall and be measured they will write on a band (a bit like a hospital bracelet) which shod stay on for your whole trip as they are waterproof.
Sorry to disappoint but Crush is not a great choice for a 4 year old, even the extended wait time could be too much for him :'(
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.


Awww re: Crush... Is this due to height or other? We'll stop talking about that one then, thanks x

Slimy yet satisfying

Crush...sudden drops and fast turns dark spinning...oh and a giant shark!
1992 Honeymoon DH
1994 Oct DH, 1996 Jan DH, 1998 Oct DH, 2000 Oct DCR, 2002 Jan SL....too many babies so a big break...2010 Mar SF, 2011 Mar SF, 2013 Jan Kyriad, 2013 Apr Gite, 2013 Oct Gite + 2nts DC, 2014 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 New Year/Jan SF, 2015 Oct Gite, 2016 Jan Gite, 2016 Easter Kyriad, 2016 June Explorers, 2016/7 NY Dream Castle and Gite, 2017 Feb Cheyenne , 2017 May Dream Castle,  2017/8 NY/Jan Gite, 2018 Feb Dream Castle Hotel, 2018 Nov Dream Castle, 2019 Feb Santa Fe.


Thanks everyone for your help! We received our eurostar tickets this weekend and the countdown has truly begun!
-We are getting the indirect train via Lille does this mean we collect our park tickets at the Disneyland station in Paris? (as our train leaves Ashford at 7:30am)
-We don't plan on making my little brother go on Crush however we are so excited for him to experience Big Thunder and Pirates!!
-We have the full board plus option and does that mean we can eat in sit down restaurants for lunch as well?
-I am bribing my mum with a bottle of wine on me if she goes on TOT!!
-I have told him about Spiderman and he seems interested, I guess it depends on how big the line is but I am willing to wait with him!
3 weeks to go!!! :D


You can have lunch everywhere - sitting comfortably - Au Chalet de la Marionnette, Colonel Hathi's Pizza, Hakuna Matata, Toad Hall, Fuente del Oro ... and much more.

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all