Uragano Tati - September 2013

Started by Uragano Tati, March 26, 2014, 03:27:04 PM

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Uragano Tati

The view from our room:

And the room:

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

We then headed to the Disneyland Park.

City Hall:

And then we noticed that during the night a lot of pumpkins had appeared on the buildings of Main Street!

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

In Frontierland there were many new decorations too.

And I noticed that most of the normal pumpkins, those that were not designed or with weird shapes, such as those inside the fence, were true pumpkins!

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

Big Thunder Mountain was still closed, so we did a relaxing cruise on the Molly Brown, the boat that goes around the lake.
I love it, you can see glimpses of unique beauty.

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

The geysers of course did not work, they are years that they don't work, however, the fossil is great!

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

While we were on the Molly Brown, Big Thunder Mountain had opened, so we did the usual thing of taking the fastpass for the second ride and joining the 30 minutes queue for the first one.

And waiting for the fastpass time we also had time to ride Pirates which was a walk on.

Just out of BTM there was a cast member who was drawing on the ground some characters with water:

Then we decided to move to Discoveryland.

And along the way we caught King Louis and Baloo dancing:

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

And while we were going through Central Plaza there was the twentieth anniversary train.
They were the last days that the train would come out at the park, because the 20th anniversary would officially ended at the end of September, so I had to take a picture with it!

Once in Discoveryland we rode Buzz Lightyear (we took a video of the big Buzz animatronic which was working perfectly!), then Star Tours (and here I must say that one of the animatronic in the queue line did not worked well and in fact in the following days it was covered), and finally Captain Eo, the Michael Jackson 3D movie.
All with very little waiting time.

At the entrance of Captain Eo I saw a scene that I found disconcerting.
A Spanish family (parents with 2 children) wanted to come to see the show, but instead of going through the right entrance they wanted to climb over the fences.
The cast member at the entrance kept saying that they could not climb the fences, for their safety they had to pass through the entrance, which was just a couple of meters away from where they wanted to climb, not on the other side of the world!
But they wanted to climb the fences.
What kind of teaching are those parents giving to their children?! Teach them even to cross the streets without looking and pass with the red light! And why not? Even running with scissors in their hand!
At the end I don't know if they climbed or passed though the entrance because in the meantime we had taken our 3D glasses and were entered by passing on the right side.

Claudio liked the movie so much, and once we came out he made ​​me promise that before the end of the holiday we would watch it again.
Now, it is certainly true that the film is a little silly, but we must keep in mind that it's a 30 years old show and at that time it was something extraordinary.
It has also been made ​​for the Disney parks, and also for this reason it has a great historical significance.
And the moving chairs are a wonderful thing!
And Michael Jackson... we love him!
At the end of the show Claudio and I applaused, but no one else joined our applause.
April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

Then we went to Fantasyland on It's a Small World which was walk on and while strolling around the castle I got the sms from Beatrice saying that she had just arrived at the park.
We met in front of the castle and we went to eat at Earl Of Sandwiches some amazing sandwiches!

Then we went back to the park and we started our tour for searching secrets!
The house of the dentist, the Goofy house, and many other little cute things!
We were almost at Discoveryland that it was time for the parade and we stopped to watch it!

While we were in the Christmas store in the castle we met Marcella!
And we continued our secrets tour!

We could not miss the window in Discoveryland:

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

The egg in Adventureland:

The entrance of Adventureland:

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

And the secret most secret of all!
The Coke box:

We wanted to make the video, but Claudio's phone didn't work and we could not stay there for at least 20 minutes keeping it warm in the hope that it would work again.
We still had time, so we could go there again another time.

Then we all went together to see Aladdin's passage, and on the Pirates of the Caribbean!

And then we went to get a spot for Dreams. There was still only half an hour before the show would start, but we managed to find seats in the third row slightly left from the center.
While we waited we all ate the sandwiches with Nutella that I had prepared in the morning .
It began to drizzle. Nothing dramatic, just a few drops, but they were enough to make the not very young ladies sitted in the first row to stand up.
And so the guy who was in the second row right in front of us stood up.
Oh, nooo!!!!
Beatrice, Marcella and me were laughing and joking together, and when we saw the old ladies and the guy stand up we sayed that when the show would start everyone from behind would scream "sit down".
But maybe those people would not have understood, it depended on what nationality they were.
Beatrice said that she thought that the guy in front of us was German.
And I said, "Well, then we will tell him sitz"!
Maybe I said it a little loud and the word sitz sounding like a command, but who speaks German knows that it is talked like that, hahaha! It isn't a sweet and soft language!!
Well, the guy turned to us and looked us in a bad way...
Ooops, he was really German...
A few minutes before the beginnig of Dreams I tried to tell him politely if he could please sit down in German, but he sayed no with his finger and made us sign to stand up.
Of course he was even right. With the old ladies standing up right in front of him he could not sit down or he could not have seen anything.
So, oh well, we all stood up. Everybody around us stood up.
And in doing that we were able to move toward the center (better) and I noticed some details that I had never seen!
Such as the smoke that rises from the water around the castle!
So at the end it was good!

Dreams finished and we returned to the hotel doing the usual walk.
And I took a picture of the hamster-like balls for humans in front of the hotel New York...

Every time I see them I laugh sooo much!!
April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

Day 6 (fourth in the park) - Thursday, September 26th

Wake up and usual huge breakfast.
It was the last day for Marcella & family.
They had to leave in the late afternoon so they could see the descent of the stairs of the characters at the Disneyland Hotel at 16:00.
So we decided to meet and greet us there.
That day Marica with her family, another girl of the forum, will arrive to the park and maybe she would come to see the descent of the stairs too.

We had eaten a lot in the past few days so we didn't want to eat a lot again that day and I made a couple of sandwiches to eat during the day.
I found in a corner of the buffet a garlic sauce. I took a little bit of it and I used it with the ham to fill the sandwiches we took with us.
This sauce was very full of garlic and the sandwiches were very bad smelling... even though they were sealed in a plastic bag, our backpack smelled a lot!

We arrived at the park, as usual, when it was already 10:00.
Destination Frontierland.
I tried to take a picture with the zoom at the egg to try to catch the little eye that you can see through the crack, but I'm afraid a much better camera is needed...

Big Thunder Mountain was still closed like the previous day, and so we take another ride on the Molly Brown.
I've said that I love it?! Eheheheh!
But this time we stayed on the inner side, to the island with BTM in the middle of the lake, just to change the view!

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

There was also a heron. I thought it was a fake (such as the coyote) then Claudio pointed out to me that it was alive!

Meanwhile Big Thunder Mountain had opened. Picture of the train:

April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

We also took some pictures inside the ship that is really beautiful.

Then, as usual, we took the fastpass for Big Thunder Mountain and in the meantime we rode it the first time by joining the 30 minute queue and then our usual ride on the Pirates of the Caribbean.

Since on the Pirates we were in the front row, we started the series of on ride pictures with funny poses.

This is on the Pirates of the Caribbean:

And this is on Big Thunder Mountain:

Then we went on Indiana Jones (walk on) and as Claudio's phone worked good we were able to make the video at the Coca Cola box!
I posted it on facebook, this is the link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=737663849633423&l=538020425109988483

We then went on strolling searching for secrets: the 3 little fairies in the Confiserie des Trois Fees, the witch appearing at the window on the Snow White building, the little beds and the cups of the seven dwarfs in their store, and so on.

In the meantime, we rode Buzz Lightyear, Captain Eo and Autopia.
Autopia is a path on true two-seated petrol cars, so even children can experience the thrill of driving.
I had been in the past on Autopia and I remembered that the cars were absolutely undriveable!
They had a dreadful inertia responding very late to commands from the steering wheel making it nearly impossible to go straight!
Last year we didn't gone on it because the waiting time was always more than an hour. This time it was only 15 minutes.
So we went there.
And of course I let Claudio drive.
I knew that if I would drive going zigzagging he would keep going on for years saying that I was clumsy...
So it was me that was laughing while he could not go straight!
April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

Then we went to visit the castle. Upstairs we took the pictures at the crow that has red eyes only with the flash:

And on the outside there was a door that was slightly open so we could see some of the preparations for the fireworks of Dreams.

Even in the castle stage the Halloween decorations began to appear:

It was almost 16:00, so we went to the Disneyland Hotel to watch the descent of the stairs of the characters.

Marcella was already in the hotel lobby.
I sent a sms to Marica to let her know that we were already at the Disneyland Hotel, but she said she would not be able to get there in time.
She had not received my previous message, and so she had remained with her family in the park.
Oh well, maybe we would be able to meet in the evening!
April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne

Uragano Tati

At 16:00 the music started and the characters came down from the stairs!

There were Mickey, Minnie, Tigger, a penguin from Mary Poppins and the Cat of the Cat and the Fox from Pinocchio.
All the people who were there (not much actually) were all around Mickey, Minnie and Tigger. The other two poor characters were standing there alone!
So I went by them, heheh!

The Disneyland Hotel was one of the few that already had the free wi-fi, and I wanted to try it with Claudio's phone because I wanted to know if a password was needed to connect or if it was completely free.
But of course the phone didn't work and since the perfume that there is in the lobby of the hotel in my opinion is a bit too strong, so as to be annoying, I did not want to stay there to warm the phone for 15 - 20 minutes.
So we said goodbye to Marcella and we returned to the park.
April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne