buffalo bills

Started by jackieann, March 19, 2014, 11:38:04 AM

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  We are planning on doing bbwws when in disney, does the price differ much from pre booking and paying before we go or booking it when we arrive??



I think its the same price. We booked our tickets through ticketnet.fr and saved over £100 for a family of 4.

polar vixen

We found very little difference between ticketnet.fr and pre booking tickets with our Disney booking and getting 10 percent of.


I think the ticketnet.fr prices only run to April 1st



I think here it is the cheapest way:


Les dimanches, lundis, mardis et vendredisSéance à 18h30 : 42€ séance à 21h30 : 37€Réservation au minimum 5 jours avant votre visite.Ce billet ne comprend pas l'accès aux Parcs Disney®. Nombre de places à ces tarifs limité.

Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays
Meeting at 18:30: 42 € session at 21:30: 37 €

Booking at least 5 days before your visit.
This ticket does not include access to the Disney ® Parks. Number of places limited to these rates.

37 € will be ca. 31 Pound

sincerely,  Michael


Is it the same price for adults and children?

First time ever: August 2000, one day visit!
August 2010, NewPort Bay, 5 days
October 2012, Sequoia Lodge, 5 days
April 2014, Sequoia Lodge, 6 days - Big 7th Bday Surprise for DD#1 :)
September 2015, Newport Bay 6 days - Another surprise!!!


Thanks for replies will look have a look at that site

prices are different for adult think its 60-70 euro and children 30-40 euro.


Any idea why you can only see that price if you select French and "Ile de France" region when entering the site?

Previous Visits:
Oct 2011 - Santa Fé - 3 nights
Oct 2012 - Cheyenne - 3 nights
Apr 2014 - Sequoia Lodge - 4 nights
Jun 2015 - Sequoia Lodge (GFC) - 4 nights


Quote from: danogian on March 19, 2014, 03:32:00 PM
Any idea why you can only see that price if you select French and "Ile de France" region when entering the site?

Because the rest of us are getting scammed by DLRP as usual. The fact that it's "Europe's" biggest tourist attraction and that non French visitors make up for a massive amount of it's revenue seems to be lost sometimes on DLRP