Trip booked 4th-8th June 2014 - Now for the questions!!

Started by glgittens85, November 05, 2013, 01:33:24 PM

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Thanks, that would be great!

Sorry for all the questions but do you think we will get to see everything during our stay? Timewise I mean as obviously, 2 days will be part travelling


The last couple of times we've been roughly 2 half days and a full day, and we've managed to do everything we wanted at least once.

I think on the Thursday and Friday (5 and 6th) you should be able to get plenty done. On the weekend it will get a lot busier (if you're lucky it will rain lots and keep the crowds away  ;) ) but you can still get a few rides done, with a bit of planning and fastpasses.  For example IASW and POTC have great capacity, so even if the park is busy you can do them with reasonable waiting times. Alice's Labyrinth is a good one to do on weekends (it's better when it's quiet of course, but you can still enjoy it even if it's a bit busy), and you can also go and explore Adventure Isle and its caves. Oh, and go on the Molly Brown of course! And even if you find everything's very busy on the weekend, then simply forget about doing any rides and simply relax and wonder around the park. Oh, and of course you can also do Animagique in the Studios!!

If you want to do some of the busier rides like Peter Pan or Buzz again, you can try to get fastpasses for them.

So anyway, try to do as much as you can during the week, and maybe leave things like the Molly Brown or the Adventure Isle for the weekend. And you can also plan to do your shopping Saturday morning! I usually finds shops fairly quiet in the mornings (and you can send the shopping to your hotel so you don't need to carry it around with you).

I'm sure you'll manage to get it all done  :)


We recently visited Buffalo Bill's in May with 6 kids ages from 10-2 and they all loved it. Even though it can get dark the arena itself is lit up so shouldn't be a problem. The youngest two (twins) loved the animals (they thought it was really funny when an animal had a call of nature  putting it nicely  :D ).