My first trip report!!! November 3rd to the 6th!!!!

Started by PrincessKirsty, November 07, 2013, 10:13:46 AM

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Ok so here goes ...

Day 1 - November 3rd
Won't bore you with all the details but after a long, train, plane and bus journey my friend and I checked into the Santa Fe Hotel at around 7:30pm in the evening. We dumped our stuff and walked along the river towards Lake Disneyand got some photos. We had reservations at Cafe Mickey and I went for the three course option while my friend just had a main and a pudding. the food was very nice and I enjoyed it. We also got to meet Mickey, Minnie and Goofy. Smee was out too but he ignored us which was a shame as I love all things Peter Pan. and Pluto was out too but he didnt come into our section of the restaurant :( still we had a great time and after our meal we wandered about the village before walking back to the hotel and getting into bed completely exhausted!

Day 2 - November 4th!!!
Our first full day in the parks!! we got up really early and went down for breakfast but i was so excited i couldnt eat much. I did make up a pack up though of sandwiches and pain au chocolats as i remembered to bring sandwich bags. it was really busy at breakfast but it wasnt in a bad way. It was then time to head to the Studios for EMH. the very first ride we did was Crush's coaster and we did this twice in a row sitting both front and back. I think this is definitely my favourite ride ever and I especially love going backwards on it!
We then wandered off to Toystory land. we wanted to do the parachute drop but it was closed due to the rain. so we went on RC racer straightway which my friend vowed to never do again afterwards! and the  after that it was TOWER OF TERROR time!!! my friend was petrified from watching the video and getting sat down but once the ride was over she was loving it. we then rode the Aerosmith roller coaster but we didnt really enjoy that at all. went on Crush's coaster a few more times and then went over to the Disneyland Park for 10am!

once we were in i just had to stand a moment and take it all in. absolutely amazing!!! couldnt beleive I was here!!! there were boards up around the square and the christmas tree so until we walked around it we couldnt see the castle. wow!!! i have seen loads of pics and videos but until you do it yourself you cant picture it. ran straight for the Princess Pavilion because even though I am 26 I am princess mad!. we were the first ones then and were very lucky as we got to meet both princesses in the pavilion. I am a big Ariel fan and literally screamed when i was shown to the first greeting place as she was there!!!! got loads of pics and had a lovely long chat with her which made my morning.  then we were taken round and we met Snow White! she was lovely and spent time with us. she showed us how to do a princess pose for our photo with her.
When we came out we saw Donald Duck by the ice cream parlour by its a small world so had a photo with him. we then went on Its a small world and when we came out we met Gepetto and Daisy Duck!. we then went round fantasy land doing the teacups, pinoccho, peter pans's flight, snow white and the seven dwarves, dumbo and the maze.
We went to Adventureland and got on Pirates of the Caribbean. i knew the ride existed before the film but I felt it was a little tame and could possibly benefit from an update with something from the film? i enjoyed it but it wasnt my favourite. we then wandered over to Indiana Jones which was fab and I loved that. I found it hard to navigate my way around Adventureland but we did try looking for Peter Pan- no luck though!
We ended up in Frontierland and got on BTM and Phantom Manor straight away. LOVED them!!! had a wander round the shops and then decided to go over to Discoveryland. of course we headed straight for Space mountain and really enjoyed that so we did it again straight away. then we did star tours which was a nice little ride.
By then it was 5pm and we had reservations for Plaza Gardens so we headed over and man did I
eat!!! i was so hungry i went back like 4/5 times for mains, trying everything and then had 3 platefuls of puddings! so greedy but so nice. love an all you can eat.

after eating so much we rolled out onto the area outside the castle and got a good spot for Disney Dreams!!! It was incredible!!! i had tears in my eyes, it was just so awe inspiring and clever and enjoyable.  cannot describe how awesome it is.  after the show we had a wander through the shops again before getting the shuttle back to the hotel, very tired and satisfied and happy!


:) Sounds like you had an amazing time! The parks weren't too busy, you've done so many rides already! Looking forward for some more reading! :)

First time ever: August 2000, one day visit!
August 2010, NewPort Bay, 5 days
October 2012, Sequoia Lodge, 5 days
April 2014, Sequoia Lodge, 6 days - Big 7th Bday Surprise for DD#1 :)
September 2015, Newport Bay 6 days - Another surprise!!!


Day 3 - November 5th
started the day pretty much like the previous one, went to the studios for EMH and rode everthring at least 4 times.  then went over to the park and once again did Princess Pavilion. this time we only got to meet one Princess and after being asked which ones we had already seen were taken to one of the areas and this morning we met Aurora! she was lovely and very good with us. on the way out we looked at our pics and we saw in the other area it was Snow White again. we then went over to tea cups and Peter Pan. My friend was kind of rided- out from yesterday if that was even possible so we just kind of wandered around, taking it all in and did a fair bit of character hunting. we met Rabbit and Eeyore but Casey Jr.  we wanted to ride Pay de contee faye but it was broken. shame really but it was due to be closed the next day anway for repairs so maybe its a good thing they started early?
We had reservations today for Auberge de Cendrillon and I was so excited about it!!. the meal was very fancy but i did enjoy my food very much and we had a lovely waitress who attended to us very well. it was very quiet in there and we were shown to a table right out of the way. i was worried that the princesses wouldnt see us but thankfully they did! we had Cinderella come and have a photo with us first and then the two mice came over. Bellle spent lots of time with us and she really was beautiful i loved her dress and we talked about how much she enjoys living in the enchanted castle. Couldnt beleive it when our Prince and Princess was Ariel and Eric!! I was bouncing off the walls I was so excited!!!! and they were lovely to us. i thought that Eric was quite handsome and enjoyed watching him dance with Ariel.
we made sure we went back to the studios for half 2 and we watched the stars and cars parade which was really good. Gaston stuck his tongue out at me! then we park hopped again to go and watch the Magic on Parade. at this point it was spitting a bit but it wasnt dampening our spirits. But then half way through the parade the heavens really opened and its SOAKED us all. like REALLY hard. as soon as the last float passed us my friend and I dived across the road for Discoveryland and went straight on Space Mountain for a bit of shelter. We then did Nautilius after that and the rain had lessened off a little. we had intended to stay and watch dreams again but my friend was whining on a bit about being soaked so we left the park and went to the village.
We decided to do our souvenir shopping there and then and we bought loads!! we were still feeling full from our princess meal so we went to Annette diner and had a milkshake each before going back to the hotel to start the dreaded packing!! Was dreading our last morning in the park as I really didnt want to leave!


Day 4 - November 6th! OUR FINAL half day!!!
spent our EMH in the studios and as my friend wasnt feeling too well I rode crush's coaster a few times all by myself. i honestly beleive the less people on it, the more it spins because i had a turtle to myself and was just constantly going round and round, i didnt know where my head was at! also rode tower of terror by myself once and then my friend joined me a second time. we were the only people on our lift, it was incredible having a whole ride to yourself!

we did the spinning cars ride thats opposite Crush and that was good fun. again at 10 we went back to the park. they had taken the boarding down from around the tree and main street had mickey mouse holly wreathes going across it!!! and again went to the Pavilion where we met Ariel. it was her and Snow white again. Kind of wished i could have met Rapunzel or Tiana or Cinderella there but never mind, its just an excuse to return to DLP!!!
We rode BTM again and then I went around taking loads of pics on my fancy new bridge camera. We wandered back to the castle so I could take more pics and we spotted Winnie the pooh doing a christmas meet and greet at the top of Liberty arcade so we rushed over and got pics! he looked so cute in his outfit and when we wandered down Main Street we spotted Duffy in his christmas outfit too so queued up to meet him. when it was my turn he grabbed me and we sort of did a dance in a circle, it was so much fun!!!  we then headed back over to the studios because we wanted to meet the characters from the stars n cars parade. First though we met Buzz Lightyear which was cool and my friend loved it as she is a major toy story fan. then saw the incredibles but didnt get pics with them.
went back to the production lot and met: Gaston, Cruella, the evil queen, Aladdin and Jasmine, Mary Poppins and Bert, Lilo and Stitch, Remy and Emile, Mulan and Woody. Have to say it was a real scrum when it came to meeting Lilo and Stitch and Woody and Jessie. Parents were pushing their kids towards the characters the whole time even though the characters would point at the kids they wanted to come first. i couldnt get a photo with Jessie but we managed Woody. Chatted to Gaston a few times as he was wandering around scaring people and being funny. I really think the cast members who are with the characters could organise the crowds a bit better it was chaos. when i went to the evil queen I was first and a nice polite queue was forming behind me but then the cast member said 'you dont have to queue, its a free for all, just come and stand here' so then it got mobbish very quickly and i just got my photo and my friend did and we scarpered.
we stayed around the production courtyard for a while until half 12 and then we had to say a final goodbye to disneyland and get the coach back to the airport. Was really glad I went and I would love to go again next year. I would definitely stay in the Santa Fe again as it was cheap but cheerful and we only ever came back to it on a night which is what you want really. had a major drama at the airport though as for some reason my suitcase didnt make it onto the plane and as of now I am still waiting for it to arrive!!! so upset as it has all my souvenirs and profesiona character photos in it!  :'(


I hope your bag find its way back home soon!!!  :(

Great trip report, it sounds like you almost had the park to yourselves!! It's brilliant when you can go on any ride like that... And you also got to met LOTS of characters!!

And I have to say, this is the first time EVER that I see someone saying this:

Quote from: PrincessKirsty on November 07, 2013, 10:13:46 AM
went on Crush's coaster a few more times

The quietest we've ever seen Crush was 25 minutes... And usually nothing less than 1 hour!!! So being able to ride it more than once in a row  :o ;D .... Incredible  :D

Thank you for sharing your trip!!  :)