Can anyone help me? Disney at Christmas

Started by rachel2013, March 27, 2013, 11:46:39 AM

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I am wanting to visit Disneyland Paris at Christmas time (19th Dec-22nd Dec)  With my 4 year old daughter.  I am really wanting a magical Christmas trip hence going so close to Christmas.  I have never been to Disneyland so any helpful advice would be appriciated :) Is it wise going so close to Christmas or would it be better to go earlier in December? I am worried that the weather may effect the rides and attractions....Has anyone stayed at the Cheyenne Hotel in winter seasons? Thank you :)


We went to Disney last year 10th-14th December and it was the most magical time ever. It was my 5th trip to DLP and by far the best. Seeing the park all lit up and decorated for Christmas was just...............sorry words just can't describe how wonderful.

It was damn cold, in fact so cold that I have photos of one of the fountains  frozen over as the water is coming out of it. We were lucky and only had one rainy day, which given how cold it was made things a little less fun. However there were very few people there, the longest we had to queue for a ride was 20 minutes. We will definably be doing it again at Christmas.

We stayed at the Davy Crocket Ranch and despite the cold outside, the cabins were warm and cosy.

Hope that this helps.

Em x


Went to Disney Christmas 2010 and 2011- Santa fe both times but my family stayed in the Cheyenne Christmas 2011. We absolutely love going at Christmas, hated the fact we couldn't go 2012  :( It is cold but as long as you wear appropriate clothing ( for some reason mini skirts and high heels seem to be a thing with some girls- mad!) you will be fine, drink plenty of warm drinks esp when watching parades. The weather doesn't put people off so can be queues but nothing like in the summer. Plenty of indoors ride and in the Studios indoor shows to get you out of the cold.

My parents said rooms were nice and warm in the Cheyenne but the dining room was heaving! No concept of queues just smash and grab so keep your daughter near you at all times - my eldest had a broken collar bone and they just pushed her out of the way, I was past myself. I might add it seemed to be just one particular nationality and not British. Breakfast was the same as other hotels and  the all you can eat  buffet was lovely esp the desserts! which is where I will be heading in May haha (Staying in the Sequoia)


We went December 13-17 last year (2012) as my son turned 3 whilst we were there. I can't explain just how amazingly magical it was,just perfect! We are looking to go again similar time but in 2014 for his 5th birthday. Generally all rides were open,only days it was busy was on the weekend but we made use of our magic hours to get on stuff before park opened to general public

I don't think we'd ever return at any other time apart from Christmas

Oh we stayed at cheyenne and the room was always warm,in fact whilst there we had just one day of rain the rest of the time it was actually warmer than England! Sunny days and mild temperatures xx
First visit to DLP but stayed in Paris in 1993 just after DLP opened - aged 10!!

Cheyenne 13-17 Dec 2012 - amazing time for my sons 3rd birthday

Santa Fe 12-16 Feb 2014 - truly magical, Valentines meal overlooking the fireworks at the DLP hotel ... PERFECT!

Newport Bay 23-27 Dec 2015 - I only went and got engaged ON CHRISTMAS DAY IN DISNEYLAND ❤❤❤ 1st in the park on Boxing Day too ... amazeballs


Christmas is absolutely amazing, definitely the most magical time to go. But I wouldn't go so close to Christmas, particularly that weekend, it's going to be very very busy... If you can go earlier in December (or even November), it will be better...