Disney releases fan survey results

Started by gldc, January 12, 2013, 12:09:26 AM

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Not seen this posted, so:

"In November 2012, Disneyland Paris asked fans to take park in a unique, first ever fan survey asking about their habits surrounding their passion for Disneyland Paris. Today, they revealed the results of the nearly 8000 fans who took part."
http://disneybrit.com/2013/01/disneylan ... an-survey/
DLP Visits: Summer 2003 // April 2011 // Christmas 2011 as a Cast Member // April 2012 // April 2013 // Returning June 2014 to September 2015 as a Cast Member // February 2016

WDW Visits: Summer 2013 as a Cast Member // September 2015
DLR Visits: August 2013 // September 2015

My Cast Member blog - http://www.mepipe.com


READ IT!!: 10 visits per year on average??? - that's BS. those results are way, way off and probably massaged. Let's face it, unless you live within spitting distance or are extremely wealthy with an obsession for Disney that surpasses even our obsessions then 10 times per year is crap. I've been 45 times so far and spend a lot of my spare cash on DLP (with wifey and daughter) and earn decent money but not in this lifetime could I go 10 times a year, think about it, anyone that works for a living could not go 10 times a year unless they are fairly local to DLP. Did the survey people listen for French accents then filter those to local residents and THEN do the survey?????


You have to remember that survey was filled out by fans, not casual visitors. That may seem like a lot to people like us in the UK, but those in mainland Europe not so much. I know plenty of people that go 2-3 times a month, and most of those don't even live in France. If I lived across the channel I can guarantee that 10 times a year would be surpassed by Easter.
Dedicated to DLP - Celebrating Disneyland Paris

Hotel Santa Fe 07/05, 11/11 and 05/12
Hotel Cheyenne 07/02, 11/02, 07/04, 12/05, 07/06, 10/06, 10/07 and 09/10
Sequoia Lodge 12/03 - Honeymoon Suite
Hotel New York 11/12
Off Site 05/13


its true enough, if you lived in driving distance and got a annual pass I could easily see it being done too. We have a yearly pass for a local farm/theme park and go once a week in summer.


Even by fans, to be fair and accurate, it should be fans from across whichever countries they live in. If you were a fan from the UK then you would have to be able to take the time off work and pay the not too inexpensive transportation. I know for my family (1 daughter, wifey and me) it costs an average of £300 return just for transportation. Now I would say we were huge DLP/Disney fans, dvd's, blu-rays, pins, globes, etc etc etc and the small amount of 45 visits but that's over a 20 year span. Had they surveyed my family, our response would have been 2-3 times per year.


Fans across the world were surveyed - lots from here filled it in.

While you may not visit that many times, you have to realise that lots of others do, and with the majority of visitors coming from mainland Europe the average is bound to be higher than us folk in the UK. Plus the survey was distributed via fan websites and blogs, which is going to be seen by the more hardcore fans, again upping the average visits. Plus there are cheaper ways to get there, as I am finding out with my first off site visit next month which will save me 60% than if I were to go via Eurostar and stay onsite. With APs I could see me making quite a few trips, where in previous years I might only go once or twice.

The French fans probably look at us lot and think that's such a few times to go a year  :D
Dedicated to DLP - Celebrating Disneyland Paris

Hotel Santa Fe 07/05, 11/11 and 05/12
Hotel Cheyenne 07/02, 11/02, 07/04, 12/05, 07/06, 10/06, 10/07 and 09/10
Sequoia Lodge 12/03 - Honeymoon Suite
Hotel New York 11/12
Off Site 05/13


I have to agree with Steve, if I lived in and around France I would go there 20 times a year! And a lot of people can and do! :D
[size=150]~ Sheriff Woody[/size]