travelling with an infant

Started by jackieann, April 12, 2013, 10:24:17 AM

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 On our next next visit my daughter will be nine months, has any one taken an infant who is still on formula and sterilizing bottles.??  What did you take etc??

Hope someone can help.

Many thanks


Took my youngest when she was nine months and nephew at 10 months, then nieces at 10 months and we did the same every time, we did the sterilising the old fashioned way and used boiled water so you would need a kettle. We had our own travel kettle so took that or you can usually hire one there. For the milk we took pre-maid cartons of the type they used and just poured it in their bottles. If need it heating most places gave us a cup of boiling water and we put the bottles in that.

Hope this helps  :)


Be sure to go to the baby care centre, at the end of Main Street (on the side of the Discovery Arcade). They have great facilities to change and feed your little one! Most toilets have an area where you can change your baby, but they're not very nice (a tiled flat area, basically, and it can feel quite cold if it's chilly outside!) The baby care centre is much better.


Zee79...  so you just washed bottles with boiling water then poured in milk? This is baby number three but never taken then away at this age..


We rented a kettle and used the boiling water method when we took our son (also 9 months) but he was only on 2 bottles a day so there wernt too many too make.  We also took the cartons of ready made milk and the ready made meals for babies.


Quote from: "jackieann"Zee79...  so you just washed bottles with boiling water then poured in milk? This is baby number three but never taken then away at this age..

Yes just poured in the water and shook it about a bit before scrubbing with bottle brush. Then just added the carton of milk.


Thanks all for your replies... just got to wait till august now..


We go next week and will be taking our little girl who is almost 6 months :) I actually specifically chose to stay at the Davy Crockett as they have a kitchen area, but there are ways around it as others have said. Also, you can buy presterilised bottles which you just open when ready to use and either fill with boiled water or buy cartons to take with you. I think the presterilised bottles are fairly cheap as you just throw them out when finished. I actually stopped sterilising with all of mine around 9 months as they were crawling about etc. just cleaned with very hot soapy water :) hope that helps!


My daughter was 3 months the first time she went, you can buy bags that come with sterilising tablets already in them for cold water sterilising. I used these and took my own kettle to make fresh bottles. It was easy and much cheaper than buying one use bottles and ready made formula, but what ever is easier for you.