N2O's day trip 23 November 2012 - FINISHED

Started by never2old, November 27, 2012, 04:00:58 PM

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Thanks MinnieMum!! :D

And here's the last update!

So after doing IASW with my sister, we split up; she went with her husband to meet up with his family and decide what they were going to do (they were debating whether to go back to the hotel to relax and spend some time together before driving back home in the evening).

We thought we could maybe try Buzz Lightyear's Laserblast but when we got to Discoveryland the queue was advertised as 20 minutes, and we didn't want to risk missing the tree lightning, so we decided to skip it; Cris also wasn't too sure how much Alicia would enjoy Buzz... So instead we went for a bit of shopping, before going to Town Square for the tree lightning.

Wreck it Ralph merchandise

We got to Town Square about 10 minutes before the show started, and there were already quite a few people around. But we still got a decent spot on Main Street, between Town Square Photography and the Emporium, with only a few people in front of us so we all had a good view.

Watching the show

Ready with the magic wand!

As I said, the show is pretty much the same as previous years... But still a really cute little one :) And Alicia really enjoyed it, with all her favourite characters and the music and all...

It was now time to go up to the Castle to find a good spot for the Castle illumination and Dreams! There were already quite a few people waiting around Central Plaza, but we found a decent spot behind the information board, in the little terrace next to Plaza Gardens. True we did have a speaker blocking our view of the Castle, and our view was framed between two trees... But we could still see it pretty well, and there was plenty of room around us for Alicia to run around before the show started :)

She was actually laughing...

Castle illumination

The result :)

And Disney Dreams!

I really like this picture... It's blurred, and dark, and badly framed (I should have at least edited that) But I just love it...

And that's all folks! ;)  Unfortunately it was time to go back...

Looking good!!

And that is all!! Apologies for the many blurred pictures of Dreams, but I still like them so much, they bring back great memories ;)  One day I'll have to take my tripod and take proper pictures...

Thank you for following my little trip!!

I'm now of course already planning when to go next... I'm hoping maybe 1 night and 2 days in the spring, May or June when the weather is better, and Alicia will be a bit older... I can't wait!!! :D


Great trip report and lovely photos! The park looks amazing this year, cant wait to experience it ourselves!
September 2007-Cheyenne
March 2009-Santa Fe
January 2010-Cheyenne
October 2010-Hotel New York
December 2010-Cheyenne
February 2011-Disneyland Hotel
October 2011-Newport Bay
December 2011-Santa Fe
August 2012-Offsite
October 2012-Explorers Hotel
December 2012-Sequoia Lodge
May 2013-Kyriad
October 2013-Kyriad
December 2013-Dream Castle
October 2014-WDW Saratoga Springs[/color]


love your bauble photos and the one of alicia's cousin with his dad looking at the parade.sounds like you had a great time despite the few niggles.


I really hope you won't let your memories of this fantastic-looking day get ruined by some arguments you had with your family and what not. I know exactly what you mean with the troubles of going with a larger group, but Alicia seemed to be really enjoying her first trip to DLRP (when she was awake ;) ). And with the short queuelines and such it really looks like you had a great day. Can't imagine how much fun your next trip is going to be with just the three of you ;)
Goldie, look at this! Look at all the blood in his mustache! Good sir, that\'s a lot of blood!


Thank you for your comments!! :D

And don't worry, despite having a few issues, we still had a great time :) There were times, particularly when I could see Alicia wasn't feeling great, that I did not enjoy at all.... But then a bit later she was feeling better and it was really great to see :)  And of course seeing my nephew's reaction to everything, it was really special!!! :D

Of course as you can imagine PrincessEnya, I can't wait to go back, just the three of us!! ;)