Birthday cake

Started by squeezelou, September 21, 2012, 07:03:44 PM

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I've booked a birthday cake for cafe mickey when I made my reservation. I'm just wondering if I have to ask for it or will it be automatically brought out with the meal. Im hoping it's going to be a surprise!!!


I would have a quiet word just as you are seated with who ever is on the front desk,  to make sure they have it ready, and ask a waiter for it to be brought out when your ready, I found it best after we had eaten our main meal, we didn't order desert as the cake is huge,  I'm sure you can do it with out the surprise being spoilt.


we got a cake from cafe mickey for our sons birthday in 2010. we added it to our booking with the travel agent. we recieved a voucher for it when we checked into the hotel so just took that along and gave it to them when we ordered. they came and asked if it was for a boy or girl and brought the cake out when we were finishing our meal. even tho they gave us pink candles after we told them we had a boy it was so worth the look on his face and the pics we got when all the characters came over to sing happy birthday xx