The Walt Disney Co. to refinance debt with 1,3 billion EUR

Started by Kristof, September 18, 2012, 07:03:27 PM

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In my opinion, as i have read on some several news about DLP  financial situations,
From the Very beginning, Disneyland Paris always had and always will be having financial problems.
While Bob Iger will try to help and save them, by sending them some financial help from the BIG RICH DADDY (the Disney Company). Their situation again will be the same.

Let me explain:
If someone go and investigate the subject in a more depth, they will come out to the conclusion that the Main reason for their "bad financial management" it's of course their "?ureaucratic" financial plan system which they follow as a Country (France).

The French Complicated "?ureaucratic system"is causing them those problems.
Also listen to this one! Greece is following the same financial "French system" and you see the results and what happened to them...

French Financial Management system sucks. That's it. Period.

On the other hand, the English financial SYSTEM is Much more simple, efficient and powerful!

So, to sum up for all these:
-> Did DLP made a mistake by building a second theme park, the Disney Studios?  My answer is YES
-> Will ever, DPL expands the Original Main Park with Future New Attractions or "New Fantasyland expansion" as Magic Kingdom does? My answer is NO, Never! They simply just can't afford  it.
-> Has Disney Company made the worst decision ever in history,  to choose "Paris" as the final location for the build of the European Disneyland? My answer is YES. Terrible mistake!
-> Is France one of the "Most Expensive" countries in Europe, not to mention, in the World?  My answer is YES.
So Tourists can not afford to stay longer in their extremely expensive Hotels, etc...

Did you know that London(UK) was a candidate country for the position, to build the European Disneyland, but Paris finally won? That's so Sad. :-(

I am Not from the UK, neither my first language is English (its my second Language), But I would definitely choose the UK for the European Disneyland. and I am sure and convinced that they will never had those financial problems as France has.


Usually I don't post here that often anymore, but after reading the post above, I had to write my two cents. Recently I had the possibility to chat with a person who works for TWDC and he explained a lot about DLP to me.

QuoteFrom the Very beginning, Disneyland Paris always had and always will be having financial problems.

Yes DLP had finacial problems from the beginning, but the reason for that was, that TWDC insisted on too many hotel rooms. DLP met the attendance numbers in the first years, but DLP could never fill all the hotel rooms. Another problem was that the budget was increased so many times. But DLP will not always face financial problems. The cash flow was always good in recent years, but the interest rates on the debts killed off every profit. Without the interest rates, DLP would make profit.

That's why TWDC bought the debts to give DLP more time to clear the debts with a lower interest rate. That will help to improve spending.

Quote]Did DLP made a mistake by building a second theme park, the Disney Studios? My answer is YES

Yes it was a mistake, but they were forced to do so by contract, otherwise they would have lost the land rights.

QuoteWill ever, DPL expands the Original Main Park with Future New Attractions or "New Fantasyland expansion" as Magic Kingdom does? My answer is NO, Never! They simply just can't afford it.

First DLP doesn't need such an expansion at this time, that's why they are focusing on WDSP, which shall get a new attraction each year after Ratatouille opened. That's the expansion plan until 2018/2019.

QuoteHas Disney Company made the worst decision ever in history, to choose "Paris" as the final location for the build of the European Disneyland? My answer is YES. Terrible mistake!

Wrong. TWDC did many studies and Paris turned out to be the best location. There were only two locations TWDC considered for the European Disney resort. One near Barcelona and Marne La Vallee. They chose Paris, because it is easy to reach by plane, train and car. In addition Paris is one Europe's most visited city.

Quote-> Is France one of the "Most Expensive" countries in Europe, not to mention, in the World? My answer is YES.
So Tourists can not afford to stay longer in their extremely expensive Hotels, et

That might be true, but tourists are coming nonetheless. So it's a bad argument. The quality of the DLP hotels is bad, compared to other hotels of that price range, but people are willing to pay the prices.

QuoteDid you know that London(UK) was a candidate country for the position, to build the European Disneyland, but Paris finally won? That's so Sad. :-(

According to that Disney person, that's not true. They looked for land, but they never considered the UK as a location for Disneyland. It was always either Spain or France.

QuoteThe French Complicated "?ureaucratic system"is causing them those problems.
Also listen to this one! Greece is following the same financial "French system" and you see the results and what happened to them...

Again wrong. TWDC is fine with that system, because it helped them to get money from government for the parks. It also allowed them to establish that complicated corporation structure, in which they have a lot of control of the resort.  The system is relly not the problem, otherwise so mayn other companies would have problems in France. As I mentioned above, the interest rates from international banks caused the problems.


Quote from: "DisneyEuros"Did you know that London(UK) was a candidate country for the position, to build the European Disneyland, but Paris finally won? That's so Sad. :-(

 Mate, London is even more expensive than Paris (a single ride metro ticket in london is £4.30, that's more than 5 euros, while in Paris is €1.70!!!), and London has an awful weather, even in summer.



Quote from: "dagobert"Usually I don't post here that often anymore, but after reading the post above, I had to write my two cents. Recently I had the possibility to chat with a person who works for TWDC and he explained a lot about DLP to me.

I enjoyed reading your comment on my post!
Nice explanation, very informative and Very interesting!  :-)


Quote from: "dagobert"
QuoteHas Disney Company made the worst decision ever in history, to choose "Paris" as the final location for the build of the European Disneyland? My answer is YES. Terrible mistake!

Wrong. TWDC did many studies and Paris turned out to be the best location. There were only two locations TWDC considered for the European Disney resort. One near Barcelona and Marne La Vallee. They chose Paris, because it is easy to reach by plane, train and car. In addition Paris is one Europe's most visited city.

Come ooooooon! Everybody knows that those studies were an absolute FAIL! The fact that they did many studies, doesn't mean that they made the right decision. It was absolutely wrong to build Disneyland in Paris. No one says "Oh! Let's go to Disneyland because Paris is the most visited city in Europe" or "Hey! let's go to Disneyland because it's about 3 hours drive from 50 million european homes". People go to Disneyland because it's Disneyland, and if it was in Spain it would have been a tremendous success, because the weather is better, the beach is near to the place where it was going to be built and people are much more friendly. These are REAL and TANGIBLE reasons that real people think of when they travel. People would have said "Oh, let's go a few days to Disneyland, because we can also go to the beach" or "Hey! let's go to Disneyland this winter because it's cheaper and the weather is fine!" or "Let's go to the Costa Blanca in Spain, because we can visit Disneyland one or two Days".

In the case of Paris What I always hear is "Let's go to Disneyland", and yes, they go, but it never seems that the location is a plus on a trip to Disneyland, although it can be for some people.

Other times what I hear is: "Oh! I can't go to Disneyland because my boss won't give me holidays in summer and I won't go in winter because is too cold in Paris",  or "I went to Paris but I didn't go to Disneyland, because I didn't have the time" or " I went to Paris, but I didn't go to Disneyland because I Prefer to visit only Disneyland IF I go".

So, please, be a little more objective and don't say that the decision was right because they made many studies.


You can't call Disneyland Paris a fail though, 16,0000 people went last year which is a record number, it's  the number 1 tourist destination in Europe, that can't be a fail.
I take your point about the weather being better in Spain,  but if I was considering flying  to Barcelona for my Disney holiday, I might just as well fly to WDW and Orlando, which is the theme park capital of the world and the weathers better in Florida.
Building a Disney resort in the heart of Europe near Paris, which is the most visited capital city in the world apparently, does make  sense to me
I agree with you about the weather, and I think DLP needs to build more rides under a roof.  Just my two cents.
Ed & David


I haven't posted on here in what feels like forever, but I think I can stick my head in and leave a few of my thoughts on this matter.

Quote from: "Aladar"Come ooooooon! Everybody knows that those studies were an absolute FAIL! The fact that they did many studies, doesn't mean that they made the right decision. It was absolutely wrong to build Disneyland in Paris. No one says "Oh! Let's go to Disneyland because Paris is the most visited city in Europe" or "Hey! let's go to Disneyland because it's about 3 hours drive from 50 million european homes". People go to Disneyland because it's Disneyland, and if it was in Spain it would have been a tremendous success, because the weather is better, the beach is near to the place where it was going to be built and people are much more friendly. These are REAL and TANGIBLE reasons that real people think of when they travel. People would have said "Oh, let's go a few days to Disneyland, because we can also go to the beach" or "Hey! let's go to Disneyland this winter because it's cheaper and the weather is fine!" or "Let's go to the Costa Blanca in Spain, because we can visit Disneyland one or two Days".

There's no reason whatsoever to believe that the location for Disneyland Paris was a fail, if anything I - like others - believe it's very much so a success.  As mentioned, Paris is pretty much the heart of Europe, and is reasonably accessible from almost anywhere on the continent.  The same can't be said for Spain.  On average it takes around 1 hour 20/30 minutes by plane to get to CDG airport from Belfast, a flight to Spain can take as long as 3 hours+ from here, a stretch many people here won't or can't do.  You mentioned too that the weather is better in Spain and the people are friendlier.  Yes Spain does have a better climate but I don't feel that's such a big issue honestly; particularly when you take into account the amount of covered/indoor attractions DLP has - not forgetting the 'covered walkway' which can take you from the entrance on Main Street to Adventureland (almost) bone dry.  The friendliness of the locals however I'm not even going to discuss as I'm not willing to unintentionally offend anyone here.  All I will say though is that all castmembers I have met in my past 14 visits over the last 15 years I've encountered on have been very friendly.

The main reason I decided to reply to your post however is that I have further evidence that proves the studies weren't "an absolute fail"; Minecon.  For those who don't know, Minecon is a gaming convention dedicated to the video game Minecraft.  This year Mojang (the game creators and hosts of the convention) decided to stage the event in none other than Disneyland Paris last weekend - which I was also lucky enough to attend.  When the announcement was made back in August, many Minecraft fans didn't understand the decision.  Many people wanted it in Spain, the UK or Mojang's home country Sweden due to the better climate or bigger fanbase.  Mojang however stuck by their decision for the same reasons why Paris was chosen for the resort all those years ago and I'm very happy to report that Minecon 2012 was a huge success for Mojang and DLP as well with an estimated 7,000 Minecon attendees (believe me, last week was a wash with Minecraft fans all around the resort).

So in reply to your statement no, I don't believe the studies were an absolute fail and I very much so believe the opposite.  The fact that Mojang decided to choose the resort for this year's convention (which was held in Las Vegas last year) speaks for itself in my opinion.
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I never said Disneyland is fail. I said the studies were a fail. Of course Disneyland is the nº1 Tourist Destination in Europe, but it would have a lot more visitors if it was in Spain.

Anyway it's not the same flying to Spain than Flying to Florida. You can't compare a 2 hours flight with a 10 hours fligth, and, well, I don't know your income, but a holiday in WDW is much much more expensive. First, it's a longer trip. Second, you need more days to stay and see it (almost) complete. And Third, The spanish Disneyland was not going to be built exactly in Barcelona, but 3 hours drive from it, heading south, where the weather is much better.


I want to point out that, personally, for me, Paris is a perfect location. I love Paris and I love cold weather.


Quote from: "Aladar"I never said Disneyland is fail. I said the studies were a fail. Of course Disneyland is the nº1 Tourist Destination in Europe, but it would have a lot more visitors if it was in Spain.
And the basis on which you base that is.....? I think on your personal preference and opinion.....
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


I must agree that Paris is a way better choice of location than anywhere in Spain. Saying that Paris is no incentive to go to Disneyland is mad. It's one of the most wonderful cities in the world.

Over the last couple of years I have gone to Disneyland many times. On these trips I have gone with my parents (68 & 69) and my parents-in-law. There is no way I could have persuaded them to come if the trip didn't include going to Paris. As it turns out they loved Disney and are going back. But it shows that Paris attracts people.

Some people think that holidays are all about weather: thats not the case for everyone. Paris offers something that other Disneylands just don't have. A beautiful, old, majestic city the likes of which there must be two or three of in the world just down the road.