Our August trip to DLP

Started by liberty square, September 07, 2012, 03:00:23 AM

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liberty square

We had a 4 day/3 night trip to DLP staying at Davy Crocketts Ranch

Here is the trip videos...

Part 1

Part 2
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEhS9-oF ... el&list=UL

Part 3

Please subscibe to my channel.....http://www.youtube.com/user/gsb99?feature=mhee

Hope you enjoy!


Love video one and three but for some reason it says that video two does not excist?

Thanks for sharing your magical holiday with us all :-)


Great fun :thumbs:

As stated previously though problem with video 2 :(

Thanks for sharing your hols :)


liberty square

Apologies don't know what happened so here is link to Part 2....



What a great time you had....videos are fab.....looking forward to going in Feb now after watching them :cheshire_bounce:
Oct 06, Santa fe 3 days
Oct 07, Sequoia 4 days
Oct 08, Sequoia 4 days
Oct 09, Sequoia 4 days
Dec 09 New Year
Oct 10, Cheyenne 4 days
April 11, Cheyenne 4 days
Feb 13, Cheyenne 5 days
Feb 14, Cheyenne 5 days
Oct 14 Hipark 4 days
Nov 14 Hipark 4 days
Feb 15 Santa Fe 5 days
May 15 Hipark 4 days
Augt 15 Hipark 5 days
Feb 16 Cheyenne 5 days
April 16 Hipark 5 days
Aug 16 Hipark 5 days
Oct 16 Hipark 5 days
Dec 16 Sequoia new year
Next Trip
Oct 17 Hipark 5 days