WD Company buyout of DLP

Started by britincgn, August 24, 2012, 01:36:54 PM

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Visited in 2010 to WDW and noticed one plasma screen not working at carousel of progress in the whole 3 week holiday, noticed a hell of a lot at dlp in June 2012.  I don't normally complain re Disney, in fact I more often than not wear my rose tinted glass, but dlp standards have gone down, and that one thing that has always brought me back to disney in the past 25 years is the quaility of the attractions. I don't feel i'm compaining about nothing as whilst wizarding world is excellent I am not a fan that has complained about toy story play land.
"I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing - that it was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney

DLRP Roundup!

I visited DLP for the first time this year and compared to WDW, its in fine shape. The park was lovely and the studios aren't that bad, I quite liked them!

WDW isn't at that much of a higher standard than DLP, the bus service at DLP is fantastic, the village is pretty cool too, the parks rides work well and the staff seemed pleasant enough. I hate parades so couldn't comment. The only thing missing was the night time entertainment, but now it has dreams, which really seems to kick WDW in the teeth.

I'll be back to DLP this November, I enjoyed it. Defo didn't feel I was in any less magic :)
The Roundup
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It's funny how we start off by discussing the WD Company buyout of DLP, but in the end we always come back to the rides, shows and maintenance.  :D
Ed & David


In the past I read multiple rumors that TWDC wanted to invest in Paris. To me it actually makes sense that they want to acquire more ownership in the park at this moment. It is clear that the parks are is profitable, EDSCA is only suffering from its debt, which should be better in the next 6-12 years. Until that time, it is very hard for EDSCA  to invest in the parks, and TWDC aren't really seeing a lot of profit from the parks because they regularly wave the royalty fees. If TWDC would just loan the money to EDSCA or keep waving fees, they only get little return on investment, since other shareholders will also benefit through dividends. And once EDSCA becomes profitable share prices will certainly go up. So by increasing their stake in the EDSCA, TWDC can invest in the park at a faster rate and reap the full profits for themselves once the parks debts are cleared. Obviously there are some disadvantages for TWDC, one of them as mentioned earlier here, is that they would carry full responsibility, so if things take a turn for the worse they stand to lose a lot of money.

This is just my theory and personal opinion thoo, so who knows what will happen in the future. But in my view these rumors are just another confirmation that fans don't need to worry about the future of DLRP, cause while the company will most likely continue to struggle for another few years, things will most likely get better in about 6 years. And if they don't TWDC doesn't seem keen on abandoning DLRP anyway.


Quote from: "ford prefect"We would see no difference as guests at all.  The resort is in no more danger of closing now than it was in 1994, 1997 or 2004.

Don't want to sound too negative about this, but are you completely sure about that?

Are DLP definitely honouring all the terms of their credit lines/debt with the banks? I'm just wondering if there is a bank with debt in DLP which is itself in a situation where it needs to clear down that debt urgently and so may be forcing TWDC's hand in this.

In those previous years you mention the economy was a whole lot different and so the banks and other creditors may have been more tolerant previously.

Another alternative would be that maybe its TWDC playing hardball and it may be them who call in the debt - as we know DLP havent been honouring their terms. Could TWDC be about to force DLP into bankruptcy before buying them out?


I can't imagine it would be good for publicity, though, if they try to make the company bankrupt. I would understand if it was something else like the recent OnLive acquisition, but they'd never recover if press reported "Disneyland Paris is bankrupt."
Disneyland Paris
    [li]January 2000, 2012[/li]
    [li]April 2012[/li]
    [li]August 2009, 2011, 2013[/li]
    [li]New Year 1997-98, 1998-99, 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04, 2004-05, 2005-06, 2006-07[/li]
Walt Disney World
    [li]August 2008[/li]


Just a few days ago, Alain entitled as "Breaking news" this rumour on his blog disneyandmore.
"If you can dream it, you can do it"


Quote from: "Josh"I can't imagine it would be good for publicity, though, if they try to make the company bankrupt. I would understand if it was something else like the recent OnLive acquisition, but they'd never recover if press reported "Disneyland Paris is bankrupt."

I agree it would definitely be damaging initially, however I dont agree that they'd never recover.

The question is, would that damage be any greater than that of the current level of debt?

I dont know a whole lot about how bankruptcy works in France, but in the UK these days it seems like its used as a far too easy way to write off debt and then carry on as normal after being "rescued". Usually those who are then back running the company are the same people who were there before the bankruptcy. Is the same thing possible or going on lots in France currently?


Well I welcome this news/rumour. Hopefully it will mean that they can start to get the resort moving forward again and bring some much needed investment in.

I would guess that if it does happen (and that's still a big if right now) we probably won't see much change for some time. Although having said that, they are in a unique position in that they know what's going on at the resort and what needs doing, so its not as if we have to wait for long winded fiscal studies and such to be completed before things get done.

Fingers crossed.

"We're not trying to entertain the critics ... I'll take my chances with the public." - Walt Disney


As you say it's a big if,  and I don't think it will happen. I don't think the WDC will be allowed to buyout EuroDisney. EuroDisney is part of the master agreement between the WDC and the French goverment. Not only does it run the resort, it's also responsible for developing the area, Val d' Europe and Village Nature etc.  It's hard to see why the French goverment would  be happy to hand that over to an American company in Burbank. I don't know much about the master agreement, but that's what I've learnt so far.
Ed & David


The question is would it be worth buying shares at the moment ?
Sadly I didn't have the money last month after payday as I wanted to use Salon Mickey now they are too expensive just for that perk!!


if the shares are too expensive for you now you're better of waiting.  I think the shares will go back down, but I couldn't possibly say for sure or advice you where the shares will go from here.
Ed & David


They've almost doubled in price since Friday, I'm sure that as soon as the rumours of the buyout calm down, prices will go back to their usual low...


^That sounds about right. And probably that's the right time for the Mouse to sign on the dotted line. :lol:

I tell you what, I'd love to see what's happening in WDI right now. Assuming that they have been tasked to draw up a master plan for the next decade based on full ownership.

"We're not trying to entertain the critics ... I'll take my chances with the public." - Walt Disney


What DLP buyout by WDC Could Mean for DLP Future

Interesting article on Disneyandmore.

Here it is
"If you can dream it, you can do it"