A Summer of Disney Dreams (TRIP VIDEO ADDED!!)

Started by DLP-Photos.com, July 12, 2012, 12:43:46 PM

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these pictures almost had me in tears, so beautiful! they really took me right back to the magic of disneyland. You are the most amazing photographer!


No really, you've taken some beautiful pictures of DLP at night, but then the parks are at their most magical at night, and Dreams is the most amazing show at DLP yet.
Ed & David


Amazing trip report and pictures mate  :)  You easily bring out the magic that there is in Disneyland Paris! Especially from the pictures you took of Disney Dreams...Classic man! Now im even more looking forward to see it live in a few weeks time thanks to your amazing shots of Dreams :shock:  But mate,you should be Disneyland Paris official photographer for events or marketing wise,your so talented!!! :thumbs: Im serious!  :)  

I look forward for your next report and new pictures ;)  Keep it up! :thumbs:


Quote from: "natalie1313"these pictures almost had me in tears, so beautiful! they really took me right back to the magic of disneyland. You are the most amazing photographer!

Aw, thank you - you are all too kind! :)

Quote from: "Donald-Duck-Malta"Amazing trip report and pictures mate  :)  You easily bring out the magic that there is in Disneyland Paris! Especially from the pictures you took of Disney Dreams...Classic man! Now im even more looking forward to see it live in a few weeks time thanks to your amazing shots of Dreams :shock:  But mate,you should be Disneyland Paris official photographer for events or marketing wise,your so talented!!! :thumbs: Im serious!  :)  

I look forward for your next report and new pictures ;)  Keep it up! :thumbs:

Wow - thank you so much! I doubt they'll ever 'discover' me though :P But thank you very much - that would be a magical job, wouldn't it? :)

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


as i've said before your pictures are amazing but more than that as i read your report  i can feel myself there with you,your words are so graffic i can picture every moment as if i'm walking along with you :D

as previous guests have said you really should put your pictures in a book ,i for one would buy it ;)

looking forward to hearing more.......btw when is your next trip???



Quote from: "lynny"as i've said before your pictures are amazing but more than that as i read your report  i can feel myself there with you,your words are so graffic i can picture every moment as if i'm walking along with you :D

as previous guests have said you really should put your pictures in a book ,i for one would buy it ;)

looking forward to hearing more.......btw when is your next trip???


Thank you very - I am nearly as fascinated by writing as I am by photography, so that's very nice to hear :)

I begin to think it would quite a good business to make these books :P

Unfortunately, I do not have a specific trip planned right now! Hoping to go some time during next year though :D

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Really really great photos!!!
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California

Pete's Dragon

I hate your photos  :evil:

only because they are so amazing and make mine look so poor



Haha, great response PD! :D

I'm doing it again - postponing an update... No update tonight, as will only get the time to edit the photos and not do the writing. HOPEFULLY it will get online tomorrow :)

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]

Martin B

@DisneyMart - Follow me on twitter and I\'ll tweet live from Disneyland Paris and other Disney locations on our magical adventures... www.twitter.com/DisneyMart

Pete's Dragon

Do you do a lot of 'touching up' to your photos .e.g. photoshop, or do they just come out like that?

 :offtopic:  : This is my camera, not a full DSLR as I'm not allowed one yet

I'm finding that trying to capture moving objects in low-light in nigh on impossible. and my lash doesn't seem to help. I
s this a problem with all cameras to some extent? And is there a max shutter speed setting when using a flash e.g. no greater than 1/500 or something?


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"Do you do a lot of 'touching up' to your photos .e.g. photoshop, or do they just come out like that?

 :offtopic:  : This is my camera, not a full DSLR as I'm not allowed one yet

I'm finding that trying to capture moving objects in low-light in nigh on impossible. and my lash doesn't seem to help. I
s this a problem with all cameras to some extent? And is there a max shutter speed setting when using a flash e.g. no greater than 1/500 or something?

I run them through Aperture to adjust curves and add some contrast if they have been taken in high sun for instance, but it's only on very rare occasions that I run them through Photoshop or do larger adjustments (large = lasting more than a couple of minutes per photo).

Regarding the moving objects in low-light - that is a difficult task no matter how expensive your camera is! Anything in particular you are thinking about here? Regarding flash then my rule number 1 is: no flash! Of course you can use flash on some occasions, but always have in mind that your on-camera flash will only light up things a few metres in front of you.. Anything else it will just make darker... Instead my biggest recommendation would really be to use a tripod or even just a small gorilla-pod (of course only for non-moving objects and/or fireworks)..

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Quote from: "Donald-Duck-Malta"Amazing trip report and pictures mate  :)  You easily bring out the magic that there is in Disneyland Paris! Especially from the pictures you took of Disney Dreams...Classic man! Now im even more looking forward to see it live in a few weeks time thanks to your amazing shots of Dreams :shock:  But mate,you should be Disneyland Paris official photographer for events or marketing wise,your so talented!!! :thumbs: Im serious!  :)  

I look forward for your next report and new pictures ;)  Keep it up! :thumbs:

QuoteWow - thank you so much! I doubt they'll ever 'discover' me though :P But thank you very much - that would be a magical job, wouldn't it? :)

Your most welcome! :D  Well its nothing but the truth ey mate  ;)  It would be a very magical job suited for a talented person like you though!! =D> Well if I could or knew how to id recommend you as Disneyland Paris official photographer... with my eyes closed!!!!! 8)  Your just like an imagineer for attractions but instead with photos  :P  hehe


Whoa. I'm speechless, those pictures were amazing. I'm sorry for your feet but those shots were definitely worth the wait!! And the night pictures around Main Street (and that GORGEOUS Adventureland entrance, whoa!!) are stunning. You really are an amazing photographer, Please please please do a book!

I can't wait to see Dreams for myself. Originally I always thought I would go for a spot by the flowerbeds, but I don't think I'll be able to handle very well people climbing over... I can't believe Disney doesn't do more about that, surely they would just need a few CMs to go around and ensuring no one climbs over. They're very good when people are waiting for the parade and they step on the road, can't they do the same?? Or maybe they should fill the flowerbeds with stinging nettles... I understand people wanting a good view, and people wanting their kids to see it well, but please, plan for it!! Why assume that they can turn up 5 minutes before the start and push their way to the front??

Sorry, I'm ranting...

As I was saying. Gorgeous pictures. And a great read as ever. Please keep this report coming!! And start planning another trip....


Thank you very much once again Donald-Duck-Malta! "An Imagineer with Photos" - way too much praise! But please find someone to recommend me to - would be perfect :P

Quote from: "never2old"Whoa. I'm speechless, those pictures were amazing. I'm sorry for your feet but those shots were definitely worth the wait!! And the night pictures around Main Street (and that GORGEOUS Adventureland entrance, whoa!!) are stunning. You really are an amazing photographer, Please please please do a book!

I can't wait to see Dreams for myself. Originally I always thought I would go for a spot by the flowerbeds, but I don't think I'll be able to handle very well people climbing over... I can't believe Disney doesn't do more about that, surely they would just need a few CMs to go around and ensuring no one climbs over. They're very good when people are waiting for the parade and they step on the road, can't they do the same?? Or maybe they should fill the flowerbeds with stinging nettles... I understand people wanting a good view, and people wanting their kids to see it well, but please, plan for it!! Why assume that they can turn up 5 minutes before the start and push their way to the front??

Sorry, I'm ranting...

As I was saying. Gorgeous pictures. And a great read as ever. Please keep this report coming!! And start planning another trip....

A book is now officially on my to-do for the next month or so :) AND thank you so, so, so, so much!

I really wish Disney would do something about it, but I don't know if it will ever happen. I tried telling them via Twitter, but I guess that is just some marketing worker with no options of letting the information pass on...

The initial plans (in my head and so) for a new trip is of course already underway!  ;)

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]