Parkside Diner — Disney's Hotel New York

Started by Anthony, May 06, 2012, 03:23:05 AM

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Official dining topic for Parkside Diner at Disney's Hotel New York.

  • Buffet Service

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hawian rollercoaster

Whats on offer at the buffet.

hawian rollercoaster

Whats on offer at the buffet.


Hi HR,

The foods on offer in the buffet restaurants stay essentially the same, but some of the  dishes are changed weekly for variation.

I ate in Parkside Diner in January this year, and wrote a review afterwards on Trip Advisor with photos. Parkside is smaller than Cape Cod and Hunters Grill, so less choice, and I didn't see any whole prawns there as I did in the other two.

Personally I prefer the theming / decor of CC and HG, and having more foods to choose from, but the CMs in PD were very friendly and I enjoyed my meal there. As I said in my review, it is a smaller restaurant than CC and HG, and tends to be less busy.  I had the buffet to myself after my starters as everyone else there had finished and left! They stayed open until 11pm.

I hope my review helps - I have written similar ones of Hunters Grill, Cape Cod, and other restaurants in DLP on Trip Advisor with photos. ... rance.html


I ate in Parkside Diner last week as I was staying in HNY and had some spare meal vouchers to use.  Service was brilliant- waiter explained that my vouchers were more valuable that the price of their buffet so gave us wine, beer, bottled water and extra soft drinks to make up the value of the voucher.  When we'd finished I asked if I coud take the water back to the room as there was some left and he gave us 3 fresh bottles to take.

The food was very nice- chinese beef and noodles, pizza, swordfish, rice, nuggets, pasta, cold meats, salad, turkey carvery etc etc and the selection of cakes and desserts was excellent.


Ate here last week and wasn't overly impressed with the selection. I took photos so will explain with those :)
For starter there was soup with cheese and croutons. The name was only wrote in french but tasted exactly like macaroni cheese. There was also bread (no butter, needed to ask for this :s) sliced meats, oils and a number of jars of pickled veg.

Still on starters there was loads of fish. Crab sticks, cucumber and salmon, tuna pasta, tuna mayo and a large dish of prawns and mussles. There was also greek salas and salad nisoia (I cant spell it but the one with bacon and egg lol)

Onto adults mains there was spicy pasta, chicken leg in red wine sauce, beef in tomato sauce, rice (raw) steak pie, chicken and veg, Stuffed peppers and beef in black bean sauce. The food was nice but was odd not to have a side besides the rice which was seriously raw. It crunched when hubby ate it lol

Kids mains, disney shaped pasta (big hit with my daughter, spent more time telling me what each shape was than eating it!) Meatballs, potatos in cheese sauce, mickey shaped potato (these were lovely, I ate these with my main lol) fish fingers, peas and carrots, pork bbq ribs (yum) duck (yuck, very very fatty) pizza with olives.

Puddings, jelly (was put off after seeing a kid touch lots of it with their bare hands, ew) fruit, strawberry, toffee, banana and chocolate moose, yogurts, brownies, cupcakes (dried strawberries inside) pecan pie,

Fruit tart, cheesecake, tiramisu, spongecake, banoffee pie, chocolate eclairs, activia yogurts, rice pudding and fruit salad

Kids puddings. Obviously kids could eat from the other selection too but there were brownies, doughnuts, marshmallows, strawberry chews, hard boiled sweets and plain muffins. There was also chocolate sauce and caramel sauce with crepes but these were quite stale even though we were there when it opened.

There was also some cheese, but no crackers or anything to go with it.
While it seems like a lot when listed there wasnt many things to go with things iykwim. Pasta for example there was only meatballs, no other sauces. Mains sides there was only rice, creamy potatos (which with the rich sauces on the meats was a bit much imo) or kids mickey shapes. Starters was pretty much fish and not having butter out for bread was really odd I thought. The food that was there was nice and since I'm not fussy worked ok for me. For kids though who dont often eat food off the bone there wasnt much.  my daughter just had a plate of pasta and cheese for example and my son meatballs and Mickey shapes. They were happy but was pricey for what it was. I'd rather have done a table meal. Reading Jonathans review however it does seem to change often so maybe we were just unlucky.