Restaurant Reviews on TripAdvisor

Started by CafeFantasia, March 03, 2012, 04:29:03 PM

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Did you know that TripAdvisor has reviews for a lot of the restaurants at Disneyland Paris? I only discovered this the other day. It's very active. For example, there are 122 reviews of the Blue Lagoon and 241 of Cafe Mickey.

And it's not just text. There are lots of visitor photos of all the different food you can get at the restaurants. Check it out: ... rance.html


Personally I find Tripadvisor very unreliable,
for instance, Annette's is the 5th highest rated restaurant in Marne-la-Vallee ???????????????????? really?


I agree with DopeyDad, TripAdviser seems to have really gone down hill recently. I take anything I read on there with a pinch of salt
Have a Magical day!!



Ok, so if TripAdvisor can't be trusted any more, where do you guys go for honest hotel reviews?


I would say forums such as this. I still look on TripAdvisor though. I actually last went on there to get a review on the Santa Fe where we are staying in June. The reviews on there seemed to be pretty much on a par with the reviews on here to be honest.
You are more likely to get an honest detailed review on here, but there will always be good and bad experiences in all hotels :)


Quote from: "Alan"Ok, so if TripAdvisor can't be trusted any more, where do you guys go for honest hotel reviews?

well, I struggle to find something I can completely Trust, this forum mostly for Disney stuff

I'll say it again though, Tripadvisor says "Annettes, 5th best restaurant in Marne-La-Vallee" ?????????????????????????


Got to agree with Dopey on this one - Marne-La-Valee covers a huge area. I can't think that any one single person can have eaten at enough restaurants in MLV to make a statement like that (more likely one of the under pressure managers working at Annettes) ;)


I've read the comments on Trip Advisor and some of the recent reviews do not paint Annette's in a colourful picture. Anyway in my experience Disney forums can be just as unreliable when it comes to Restaurant reviews. Many of the people are bias towards Disney and will not dare say a negative word against the company or its offerings.

QuoteI'll say it again though, Tripadvisor says "Annettes, 5th best restaurant in Marne-La-Vallee" ?????????????????????????

The list is compilled by not only positive or negative reviews but by the number of reviews given by people on the site. Some Restaurants have many more reviews compared to others. Although I do feel the site offers some very informative and independant reviews and thoughts that are worth checking out. And a good number of pictures that are worth a look. Its a great trip planning tool but things must be taken with a grain of salt.