Hotel Cheyenne - January 2012

Started by Rafael, January 14, 2012, 07:34:29 PM

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Nice pics :-)
4 trips to DLP, 3 to WDW, 1 to Disneyland California


Thanks, Norhel! :)


I've loved reading your report and seeing your photos! I'm going next week and staying at the Cheyenne, which is the one hotel I haven't stayed at before so it was great to see your photos of it! Looks like you had a wonderful time overall (:


Thanks, Cendrillon! :)

I really liked staying at Cheyenne and I'm sure you will have a great time there.
By the way, which is your favorite hotel?

Have a wonderful trip! I'll be looking forward to reading your report :)


Quote from: "Rafael"It´s great going on rides, but it is also awesome just walking around, soaking up the park atmosphere. It has such a great design and so many things to look at and admire.

I couldn't agree more :thumbs:  When I visit I bet I spend just as much time soaking up the atmosphere as I do on the rides and visiting the various shows 8)  That why I love the Summer season, the parks are packed but the atmosphere is wonderful :D/

Thanks for sharing your holiday with us..........

Do you reckon you will return one day to DLP or are the American/Hong Kong/Japan parks calling you? :lol:




Actually it´s my pleasure sharing this report with you :)
It´s a way for me to enjoy the magic again.

I bet it must be great visiting in the summer. Maybe one day...
I really loved going in the winter though. We live in the Northeast of Brazil and here is summer all year long! lol  
Therefore it´s really nice to experience the European winter once in a while.

I have visited Orlando years ago and I would like to go back there. Helio and I are thinking about it. I just don´t know whether we should wait until the new Fantasyland is finished. I would also love to visit the resort in Anaheim. I´m excited to see the changes happening in California Adventure, and of course get to know the Disneyland that started it all.  Maybe one week in Florida and one week in California. What do you think? Would you go to just Orlando or both?
The boring thing for us Brazilians to travel to USA is the visa and the awful bureaucracy. As there is no American embassy in my town. We have to schedule an interview in another city (Recife) and wait there in a queue for many, many hours. Sometimes you have to schedule months in advance just to get a slot.
I would also love to go to Tokyo, but there is the visa bureaucracy as well.
We don´t need visa to Hong Kong, but I don´t think it is my priority right now. I think it will take some time for the park to be really good.

...and there is the awesome Disneyland Paris. I thought it would be a once in a lifetime trip, but I was so wrong...
We have just returned and I´m already dying to go back there!
Should I return this year? or should I wait for Ratatouille and miss the 20th anniversary? what do you think?
The great thing about it is that we don´t need visa, however, it´s more expensive than USA.
I don´t know what to do, but I know for sure that I want to go back to Disneyland Paris as many times as possible.

By the way, Epcot_Boy, what do you think about the other resorts?


more pics :)


Would it be wrong if I posted some pictures I took in Paris here?


Funnily I have been planning long term to visit America and Japan and have worked towards California in (For the first time) 2013 and then Japan 2014 (Also for the first time............Disneysea has really been calling me recently :lol: ).
I had thought of California this year but put it off because I am really looking forward to the 20th this year and plan on visiting DLP in the spring, summer and winter this year (And maybe some more times if the bank manager agrees :-" ).
Would I visit both Orlando and California on the same trip :?:  Absolutely :D/  I loved WDW, visiting on numerous occasions from 1989 until 2000, and I really really wished that on one of those visits I had gone across to California as well :roll:   So yes, if you can I would really do it :thumbs:

Should I return this year? or should I wait for Ratatouille and miss the 20th anniversary? what do you think?
Both :lol:  Seriously I would go for the 20th, Ratty once built will be there for many a year, the 20th wont :)
Anyhow, once again............thanks for sharing your hols with the forum =D>




I think I´m the one who should thank you for taking your time to read my report :)
Thanks, you are very kind!

I think you are right, the 20th celebration is only this year and it shouldn´t be missed!
I also liked your plans to visit America in 2013 and Japan in 2014. I think I will plan to do that myself! :)
Paris 2012, America 2013 and Japan 2014 would be awesome! I´d better star saving :)

Thanks again, Epcot_Boy! :)


Great trip report Rafael. Love the Pictures and it seem's really quiet when you went. I am going on Monday morning staying at the Santa Fe. I hope to a trip report when I get back I dont think it will be anywhere near as good as yours.
Santa Fe November 2010
Santa Fe Januray/Feb 2012 (a very cold trip)


Quote from: "Rafael"Thanks, Cendrillon! :) I really liked staying at Cheyenne and I'm sure you will have a great time there.
By the way, which is your favorite hotel?

I would say the Disneyland Hotel, but the only time I've stayed there was when I was about 4 or 5, so I don't remember it at all! I'm sure if I could remember the stay, it would definitely be my favourite haha (: Of what I can remember though, I'd say Davy Crockett is my favourite because I love the cabins and the freedom to cook your own meals if you so wish, and of course, the swimming pool which is superb - I think the general feel of the place is great! It's just a shame that it's so much further out form the resort.


Quote from: "sparklesprestonia"Great trip report Rafael. Love the Pictures and it seem's really quiet when you went. I am going on Monday morning staying at the Santa Fe. I hope to a trip report when I get back I dont think it will be anywhere near as good as yours.

Hi Sparklesprestonia!

It was very quiet indeed! great to go on rides without any queue :)

 I´ll be looking forward to reading your trip report. I´m sure it will be awesome! Have a wonderful trip! :)

Thanks for the kind words and for taking your time to read my report :)


Quote from: "Cendrillon"
Quote from: "Rafael"Thanks, Cendrillon! :) I really liked staying at Cheyenne and I'm sure you will have a great time there.
By the way, which is your favorite hotel?

I would say the Disneyland Hotel, but the only time I've stayed there was when I was about 4 or 5, so I don't remember it at all! I'm sure if I could remember the stay, it would definitely be my favourite haha (: Of what I can remember though, I'd say Davy Crockett is my favourite because I love the cabins and the freedom to cook your own meals if you so wish, and of course, the swimming pool which is superb - I think the general feel of the place is great! It's just a shame that it's so much further out form the resort.

Hi Cendrillon,

Thanks for the reply :)

Davy Crockett must be really nice indeed! I remember watching a video on youtube and the pool really seemed great.
When I was visiting the hotels during my trip I loved the feel of Sequoia Lodge. I think I would choose to stay there next time.

