More than the 'bare necessities!' ;)

Started by _Natalie_x, October 12, 2011, 09:11:02 PM

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Hey guys. Just back from a long weekend trip to DLP.. and while there, I didn't half meet some wonderful CMs!!
When I got home, I decided to write to Disneyland to compliment someone who made our trip extra special. After looking online for the correct place to send this.. I found other stories of guests whos compliments were very much appreciated, and it made me realise, how we should do this more often. :)

I went on the official DLP website and wrote to guest relations (under the only suitable catogary of 'Complaints and Queries'!!.. says alot doesn't it?) and explained that I didn't want to write about either of those.. but instead told them of my wonderful experience with a certain CM (named and described him) and how he made our trip that little extra magical.

This morning, after only writing yesterday, I recieved a long and lovely reply to my compliment..
click Spoiler if you want to read it... (only under spoiler as not to make this an epically long post!)
[spoiler:w6s672lk]Dear Miss Taylor,

Thank you for your correspondence concerning your recent correspondence concerning your recent visit to Disneyland® Paris.

It is always a great pleasure to hear from our Guests especially those who take the time to write, telling us of their positive experiences at Disneyland Paris.

Going beyond each Guest's expectations and offering a warm welcome has always been paramount to Disneyland Paris. It is truly encouraging to know you enjoyed your stay.

Ever since the first Disneyland® Park opened on 17th July 1955 in California, the goal of Disney has been to make the dreams of all Guests come true by bringing a little magic into their stay.  Just as characters appearing in a Disney motion picture are reminded of their role during filming, so too are Cast Members appearing the show that Disneyland Paris presents.

The Cast Members play a key role in the experience that Disneyland Paris offers to its Guests, and are aware of their role to maintain the Disney tradition of exemplary Guest service.

He will certainly be motivated by your kind words, which I have equally forwarded on to his manager.

Disneyland Paris hopes to soon have the opportunity to welcome you once more to the Resort.

Yours sincerely,

Gabrielle Scott
Guest Communication[/spoiler:w6s672lk]

I believe this was very much appreicated, and I reckon I made Gabrielles day abit more cheerful, after she probably was reading many complaints!!!

PLEASE guys, on your next trip to Disneyland, when that CM makes your stay extra special, remember their name, visit town hall while you are there, or write to the website after. Think if it was the other way round, how much you would appreicated hearing that you made someones day. :D

We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


its lovely to see both you taking the time for positive comments as it is them taking the time to get back to you in such a quick response.
i work in after travel customer support and although 99% of what i see is complaint its lovely when people call/email/letter us to let us know any positive service and although it takes us up to 40 days during peak season to come back to people we always get back to them and i always pass it on to the right managers to ensure the members of staff get the messages we receive as its such a lovely treat!
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I always try and write to companies to let them know when I have received excellent customer service. People are quick to complain when something isn't up to scratch - quite rightly- but no one seems to be as keen to compliment!
Well done for doing what you did, I'm sure you made the cast members day!


You can do this at City Hall which I did at the end of my trip. I also sent a thankyou card which is now displayed on the notice board in the EPC parade breakroom.  

Kyra wants to bring cakes in next time for everyone lol!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!