Everyone who has applied for a job in Disneyland, Paris! :)

Started by Dixieface, June 12, 2011, 07:05:25 PM

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Hi!  :D (Sorry for my english, I'm actually Norwegian) :)

The summer 2012, my plan is to apply for a job in Disneyland Paris. A job for a fur character that is.
And I've gotten many different tips and advice on what to do to prepare.

So my question is; What excactly DO I have to prepare for?
I know that fur characters aren't supposed to talk, and I don't speak french, only english. So is it ok if I don't speak french.. at all? :S Do I have to learn to speak fluent french, or just some words..?

I've also heard that I don't have to know how to dance, just have a certain rythm.. Is that true, or do I have to really become a "profesional" dancer when I apply?

Do I have to be thin, or do I not have to think about lose weight? I'm not really fat, but I have my curves!  :roll: And I also know that my height matters, on which character I'm gonna "play".

If I don't get a job as a fur character, is it easy to get a job in a souvenir-store.. (I really don't know how it's spelled, or what the real word is..) Do I have to go through a interview, audition or what?

Uhm, is that all I wanted answers for?.. Yes I do believe that's it.  :pluto:

Hope you understood what I ment, if not, just ask ;)
Thanks alot for the answers I get! :)
"I don\'t want the public to see the world they live in while they\'re in the Park (Disneyland). I want to feel they\'re in another world." - Walt Disney ~


hi there,

If you like I can answer all your questions... although I'd prefer not to on a forum for obvious reasons. If you like get in touch through my site.

The British Frog
Connecting people who would like to visit France with people who live there!


Okei, thank you! I will do that probably tomorrow, cause I'm in the middle of my exams and stuff ^^, But I will :)
"I don\'t want the public to see the world they live in while they\'re in the Park (Disneyland). I want to feel they\'re in another world." - Walt Disney ~


I tried to send a message on your site now, but I think I did it wrong.. I don't know..

I didn't send, like, my questions or something right away, just what I wanted to know more about.. :S
Should I send again?
"I don\'t want the public to see the world they live in while they\'re in the Park (Disneyland). I want to feel they\'re in another world." - Walt Disney ~


Hiya, there is lots of information and helpful forum members on this thread that will have lots of advice for you
September 2007-Cheyenne
March 2009-Santa Fe
January 2010-Cheyenne
October 2010-Hotel New York
December 2010-Cheyenne
February 2011-Disneyland Hotel
October 2011-Newport Bay
December 2011-Santa Fe
August 2012-Offsite
October 2012-Explorers Hotel
December 2012-Sequoia Lodge
May 2013-Kyriad
October 2013-Kyriad
December 2013-Dream Castle
October 2014-WDW Saratoga Springs[/color]


Thank you, kelly.dylan! I'm sorry I didn't see it before.. :S

thebritishfrog.com, I've sent a message on your site now :)
"I don\'t want the public to see the world they live in while they\'re in the Park (Disneyland). I want to feel they\'re in another world." - Walt Disney ~



I've just sent you the email!
Let me know if it helps!
The British Frog
Connecting people who would like to visit France with people who live there!


Yeah, I saw it now ;P

It really helped alot :D and I just happened to remember some more questions that I forgot to wright in the first one. So if you don't mind, I will answer you email with them? :P  :oops:
"I don\'t want the public to see the world they live in while they\'re in the Park (Disneyland). I want to feel they\'re in another world." - Walt Disney ~


"I don\'t want the public to see the world they live in while they\'re in the Park (Disneyland). I want to feel they\'re in another world." - Walt Disney ~