Do They Advertise Disneyland Paris On TV In America?

Started by CafeFantasia, October 20, 2011, 12:14:39 PM

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I was watching TV the other night, and there was an advert for Walt Disney World. Nothing unusual, right? People living in the United Kingdom are expected to fly out to Orlando for their holidays, despite having Disneyland Paris next door.

So it got me thinking, what about the opposite? Are there adverts for Disneyland Paris on TV in America? It sounds sort of ridiculous, Americans flying over 4000 miles to visit a Disney Park. But it's the same thing.


In my time working in the reservations, they never did. Advertising space on US nationwide TV is a wee bit more expensive then the UK for example...
We actually didn't have many americans calling us from the US as all, but a huge amount from the US German Army bases....
The British Frog
Connecting people who would like to visit France with people who live there!


we noticed a lot more North American accents on our trip this Oct. We assumed DLP is on the visit list for Americans visiting Paris rather than a draw in it's own right.


I live in the US and I can honestly tell you that I have never, ever seen one single tv commercial, poster, or any sort of advertissment for Disneyland Paris.  :cry:     I believe there have been some specials on the Travel Channel regarding DLP but I haven't seen them either.  

I will tell you that they do advertise Disneyland and Walt Disney World heavily on just about every other channel here.  
Here's a few samples of what we get...     :D

The latest "Let the Memories Begin" tv ads ... plpp_video ... ure=relmfu ... plpp_video

It sure would be fun to see what kind of commercials they play in Europe
WDW Off-Site January 2001, Off-Site July 2001, Off-Site January 2003, All-Star Movies January 2005, Animal Kingdom Lodge November 2007,  Cabins at Fort Wilderness July 2010.

Disneyland Paradise Pier Hotel October 2011

Disneyland Paris   Disneyland Hotel June 2012  


Here's a question for you - how would you market DLP to Americans? In 30 seconds you'd need to tell them why they should fly over at far greater expense to a country with dodgy weather, to a resort which is much smaller than the 2 already on their doorstep. I'll be honest with you, I adore DLP, but if I didn't have a fear of flying I'd be booking WDW for my next holiday jut to see what it's like after hearing so many people so it's better.
Dedicated to DLP - Celebrating Disneyland Paris

Hotel Santa Fe 07/05, 11/11 and 05/12
Hotel Cheyenne 07/02, 11/02, 07/04, 12/05, 07/06, 10/06, 10/07 and 09/10
Sequoia Lodge 12/03 - Honeymoon Suite
Hotel New York 11/12
Off Site 05/13


Hi Steve. Great question. I would market Disneyland Paris to Americans that are used to Walt Disney World, by focusing on Walt Disney World's weaknesses. Yes, Walt Disney World may be larger than Disneyland Paris, but quite often this works to its disadvantage:

• Imagine visiting a Disney Resort that you can actually walk around, from park to park, rather than having to rely on transportation buses and cars.

• Imagine experiencing the most elaborate versions of Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain and Pirates of the Caribbean in the World.

• Imagine visiting a Disney theme park that isn't completely full of strollers.

• Imagine visiting a Disney theme park where you can stand outside for more than 20 minutes, without feeling like you're in an oven.

• Imagine visiting a Magic Kingdom where the car park is actually near enough that you can walk back to it!

• Imagine visiting a Magic Kingdom where your hotel is so near that it's literally on Main Street.

• Imagine eating in a restaurant where what you get charged is the same as what's on the menu  :D


ANd add in that DLP is the closest to a real Epcot as ever, with dozens of languages and cultures!

Take, we far prefer DLP to WDW, but Disneyland in Anaheim is our favorite of all.
since 2001 (many before that)


Great ideas Alan, but I'm certain they wouldn't advertise DLP with points as to why it's better than WDW or DL. They would have to highlight USPs of DLP and  can't help thinking that they'd have to bring in Paris and show some imagery of the Eiffel Tower, for example. WDW is known to so many people in the UK and it's in a location that so many want to visit anyway, it's almost an easy sell. Selling DLP to a country who most don't like to leave would be hard.
Dedicated to DLP - Celebrating Disneyland Paris

Hotel Santa Fe 07/05, 11/11 and 05/12
Hotel Cheyenne 07/02, 11/02, 07/04, 12/05, 07/06, 10/06, 10/07 and 09/10
Sequoia Lodge 12/03 - Honeymoon Suite
Hotel New York 11/12
Off Site 05/13



Right. They'd never use those ideas of mine, because they're too negative. But, they are valid advantages that Disneyland Paris has over Walt Disney World, drawn from my own personal experience.

Yes, to get Americans to really come over to Disneyland Paris, they'd have to sell it as a bundle with a trip to Paris. To Americans, Paris is a total fantasy destination.

Oh, btw, I thought of four more advantages that Disneyland Paris (well, France) has over Walt Disney World:

• Imagine visiting a country where you aren't treated like a criminal upon arrival :-)

• Imagine using a public restroom where the stalls actually offer some privacy!

• Imagine visiting a Disney resort that is surrounded by historical architecture, beautiful villages, and real communities.

• Imagine visiting a Disney resort in a country that actually has changes in elevation!


Well, we do have the original Disneyland to compare it to DLP .  As some of you may know, both DL and California Adventure are within walking distance, actually right across from eachother.  Also, one of  the entrances to CA is right through the Grand Californian Hotel which happens to be within walking distance to Downtown Disney as well . Furthermore, the two California parks are favorited by most Americans over WDW because of the way they are kept: all neat and Walt liked it.

Now as far as the weather is concerned, Florida may be a steam bath in the Summer months, but the weather is nearly perfect the rest of the year.  Plus Orlando is in the middle of the state, so the beaches, and Disney Cruises, are not far from the resort.

Here's the thing though...  Many Americans, (not me, I'm a foreigner who happens to live in the States) are still a bit sore at the French after the whole War on Terrorism fiasco.  Y'all heard about how the French were not happy with the way the US handled everything after the 9/11 attacks, how the Americans started seeing the French as being anti American, and how there's a huge misconception that all Americans are hated over there. It's more of a "Why even bother with France" attitude than anything else.  

What are y'all thoughts on that? Are the French truly anti-American? honestly?

Me, I will be going to DLP for the first time this year, and look forward to it since I want to form my own opinion of the resort and Paris itself.  I'm sure it'll all be as wonderful as I imagine it to be.
WDW Off-Site January 2001, Off-Site July 2001, Off-Site January 2003, All-Star Movies January 2005, Animal Kingdom Lodge November 2007,  Cabins at Fort Wilderness July 2010.

Disneyland Paradise Pier Hotel October 2011

Disneyland Paris   Disneyland Hotel June 2012  

Trendy Bambi

I'm French and I can tell you that people here are definitely not anti-American. Obviously, there are some prejudices, such as the fact that most of them are overweight nay obese, they are bad at geography, and they think we are kind of outdated.
Nevertheless, you gotta be convinced that we do not hate American ;)
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The thing is, a lot of Americans actually are obese and bad at geography, and France actually does have really outdated facilities. Facts, not prejudices :-)


Well hopefully the people over at DLP will follow in their California counterparts, and try to make the parks look as beautiful/clean/pristine as the original Disneyland from here on out.
WDW Off-Site January 2001, Off-Site July 2001, Off-Site January 2003, All-Star Movies January 2005, Animal Kingdom Lodge November 2007,  Cabins at Fort Wilderness July 2010.

Disneyland Paradise Pier Hotel October 2011

Disneyland Paris   Disneyland Hotel June 2012