What's Been Recently Refurbished/Painted?

Started by CafeFantasia, November 07, 2010, 06:36:30 PM

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I was just wondering, what major things in Disneyland Park have been completely refurbished and made good as new within the last couple of years? Can we make a simple list? Some things that I can think of are:

- Sleeping Beauty Castle entrance walkway
- Adventure Isle suspension bridge
- Dumbo


La Cabane des Robinson and Alice's Curious Labyrinth have both had major work, although perhaps aren't quite good as new yet. Town Square Photography and Disney Clothiers, Ltd. had their exteriors completely refurbished this year. Pueblo Trading Post was finally cleaned up a bit and had its sign repainted.

Pathways: Lots of areas, particularly much of Discoveryland and around Restaurant Hakuna Matata in Adventureland have been completely replaced and upgraded.

I guess you could also say Captain EO, since HISTA used to have peeling paint/decoration on its exterior it would have needed refurbishment anyway.


Plaza Gardens was done recently. Market House Deli must have been redone 3 years ago.

And obviously, Studio 1!


Thanks for the answers guys.