Disneyland Paris iPhone and Android App

Started by Anthony, November 03, 2010, 05:24:47 PM

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Quote from: "Soap"And where's the ANDROID version?? Or the WM7??
Not to start a flame war against Apple, but it's just not the only thing around  :?
Especially Android is booming at the moment....

Though android is "popular" and a good OS (I have a HTC Desire running android 2.2 custom) there isn't really a mass market for it yet and certainly not Windows mobile (lol) as that has only just launched really. Android and WM haven't made a dent on iOS. Everyone has an iPhone therefore making the iOS market the key money making one to go in line with the "Theres an ap for that", if you don't have an iPhone app your not cool. Android users tend to be perfectly happy with web based stuff. That said it is easy to recompile the code (with a bit of change) over to android.
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


I get what you are saying, but iphone and being the only cool thing and the most sold phone is just not totally true imho.
The marketing from Apple is the best there is, that's where Steve just rocks all other guys.
But...in example HTC is knocking at the door!  :thumbs:

And maybe it's just me, but is see more Android based foons around then that Iphone thingy. So an ANDROID app would be just very profitable ;)
Like indeed my own HTC Desire 2.2 would loveeee to have it  :oops:
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Like I said before, the agency lists Android and other phone systems on its website, so it is at least possible DLP will get an app made for those after assessing the success of this first version. I really hope so anyway, even if Steve Jobs is vaguely in the hierarchy of the company, though it probably won't happen for a while. I think for most developers iPhone just has the best backing, documentation, the most awareness. It's the best place to take a first step into the market and test the response.


The once glitch I've found with it, is when on "Shows" mode in Disneyland Park, when I tap The Castle Stage, it freezes and crashes.

Walts heir

its a pretty cool app but i wish the waiting times were available over wifi i was kinda hoping to be able to check them at Starbucks on my ipod during my next visit in december but i kinda understand why its limited to in park use


Looks good, I'll be downloading this to have a look around for sure. Just a shame that there isn't any free Wi-Fi inside the parks, and this may encourage people coming from abroad to use the app without realising the potentially huge costs they will run up doing so.


I would like to see the iPhone app used as a translation/audio description device. Set your spoken language to English, pop in your earphones, and every ride you go will have spoken dialogue in English, not in French. It would be really useful on rides like Phantom Manor and the Tower of Terror.


Quote from: "Alan"I would like to see the iPhone app used as a translation/audio description device. Set your spoken language to English, pop in your earphones, and every ride you go will have spoken dialogue in English, not in French. It would be really useful on rides like Phantom Manor and the Tower of Terror.

Android app, Google translate. Say something in french, it will spit out english text that it can read back to you. Don't think it would work well in the parks though, too much background noise so on
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


That's not what I meant.

I meant, given that your iPhone knows where in the parks you are, it could play back a pre-recorded dialogue track in synchronisation with the attraction. The iPhone wouldn't need to listen to the audio around it and translate it. It would simply know: your primary language, its location in the park, synchronise with the timecode of the attraction, and play back an audio file through your earphones.

So for example, rather than wearing Disney's headphones liked you used to in HISTA, you simply pop in your earphones and get the language of your choice via your iPhone.


It annoys me enough when you see people wearing headphones walking down Main Street (who are these people?! You've just paid €40+ to get in!!), would you want to encourage more people to wear headphones? Seems like a barrier between you and the park. And it'd be very hard to synchronise properly.

I would like it if the app had its own "Tips Board", just a single easy place where all the day's information can be displayed - opening hours, Extra Magic Hours, entertainment times, weather, closed attractions. Like those screens at the hotels. The app makes getting some of this info easier than the website at least, but you still have to jump through too many hoops to get the basics.

Also, actual full-screen photo galleries for the attractions would be good, even if it means a larger download.


I LOVE the app!   just been on it at home because now going to DLP any time soon :'( but i think its fab :) love how you can click on points where you can meet characters :) i do agree that there should be wifi hotspots in the park, i think it would be amusing to see a whole bunch of guests stood in one place on their ipods ;P hahaha <3
We made a wish.. and believed and believed and VOILA![/color]
Here we are... <3[/b]


We tested the app this weekend, particularly the waiting times, they seemed pretty good!! Though you really need to be IN the parks to get them... Even in the Disney Village they didn't work!!


I asked whether there were any plans for an Android version on Twitter and got this reply:

QuoteAs the iPhone app is a test, we are analysing all the comments (as the wish of Androïd) to work on it during the next months.


An android version would be awesome. How ever for non French visitors the cost of the roaming is very high, and there for not interesting. (Or is an internet connection not needed?)