VIP Fast Pass - please help

Started by loxley108, November 03, 2015, 03:27:20 PM

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Hope all are well. 

As first time DLP visitors and going with someone who isn't very mobile I have bought a VIP Fast Pass from ebay - to cover 3 people for 2 days - 29th & 30th December.

I have the pass but am very concerned that it might not be accepted.  The seller has offered to refund it if I return it.

The pass has a 5 digit number on it.

Do any of you lovely people know whether it will be accepted?  I can post a pic of it if that helps?

Thank you


Hi Loxley,

Have you considered applying for a accessibility pass while at DLP? Might be more appropriate than the VIP fast pass.



Thanks for the reply.  My wife is currently suffering from a Polymyalgia Rheumatica which is a inflamed muscle problem.  This can be treated with steroids so I don't think it will come under the accessibility pass?



Get her dr to write a letter and she will get an easy access pass. The vip passes should not be sold anymore and are only valid if stayin in a suite.


Yes get your wife's doctor to write a letter detailing why she can't stand for long periods of time and she will be issued a temporary access pass at City Hall which will mean you will enter via the exit for most rides so won't be on her feet all day and can fit plenty of rests in if she needs them.


Not sure what kind of VIP Fastpass you bought, because they have updated them recently and the old ones are not accepted anymore. Can you please post a picture?



Thanks - pic attached.  The number is a 5 digit one printed on the pass.  Thanks again.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Ohhhh, I really hate to be a buzzkill, but this is the kind of Fastpass they don't accept anymore! I read of cast members not accepting them, because the new kind of Fastpasses have the dates printed on them and not in handwritten form like the old ones. I wonder if it depends on the cast member though and there are some who will accept them.



There is a lot of conflicting views on the different forums - some saying that the hand written passes will be valid until the end of the year.  Have you heard that?

Thanks so much


Sent you a PM. I really don't know what is going on, perhaps you're lucky and your FPs aren't confiscated, perhaps you're unlucky and you lose your money...  :(


Thanks for that.

Sounds like no one really knows for sure?  :o


I must say enforcement over disability badges and fast passes is getting stricter - was talking to my friends who are CMs and they were moaning about how thorough they have to be in their checks now. I think if your going off-peak you might be ok for some rides (i.e. the CM on BTM barely glanced at ours) but sometimes it can be strict.
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


Many years ago my mum (who has Multiple Sclerosis and therefore finds it hard to stand for long periods of time) got a letter from our GP and took it to Central Hall who gave us an Easy Access card... this was before she had her Disabled Badge... could be worth a try instead of the VIP Fast Pass :)