HELP! - Article regarding DLRP official and announcements

Started by ICHAPMAN, January 04, 2010, 02:42:36 PM

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I'm sure that I saw a thread on one of the DLRP related forums regarding a DLRP official (maybe the CFO)  being interviewed by a French Newspaper or publication and in that he was suggesting that (beyond Toystory Land) announcements would be made before the end of the year.

Now I can find that thread, or article.  

Did I dream it, can anyone point me in the direction of it please?.




The only thing I can think of, is that on January 1st, posted some information about the possible upcoming additions/changes to DLP between 2010-2014. The link was posted on another thread on this forum. (I don't know how to link to it though  :? )



The actual quote was:

QuoteParallel to this, the resort's traditional tourism activity will continue to be developed, with the expected expansion of Disney Village and the construction of new attractions in the theme parks... which will be the object of an announcement at the end of the year
So either something slipped or they were just talking about Toy Story Playland as a secretive upcoming announcement (despite everyone already knowing about it). :lol:


That will be the one - thanks all.


I take it that I either missed this announcement after all, or it was just something we all already knew!.