Pin Trading: Share Your Trades!

Started by Masamune, October 04, 2009, 10:50:59 AM

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@ Belle - Hmm, I think I'll pass on the Castle pin. :) Like I said though, I will keep hold of the Belle/Prince pin for you, so be sure to post pictures when you get some more traders!


did another trade with Lindsay today, got a baloo pin which was quite nice :) even trading while she is in work lol


I did a trade with Dax from Facebook so could that be added to my list of good traders :) as I got a nice lilo and stitch pin off him hehe. Aswell as trading with Elaine at the disney store XD Also got a nice Lilo pin with 3d scump on it off the cm lanyard at the oldham disney store from 2002/03 I think so was surprised to see that on there.


:) I'm just going to keep the successful trades section to people on the forum. :P It'll get too big if we include people we trade with outside of the MagicForum as well.


hahaha okies lol and I think we have all almost traded with one another lol as Ive traded with you lindsay and belle and aveen getting me the jack set so Ive technically dealt with all traders who post here (or Ive seen post here)


except clarebelle. :wink:

There is only a few people on this board that really trade at the moment or who are big into pins unfortunately. :(
Luv Aveen xoxo


ooh I forgot clarebelle (hope she dont notice hehehe)

*Fades into the background like the cheshire cat*


hehe i'm sure she won't mind, I was just trying to think myself who all there is on here that trades hehe! :wink:
Luv Aveen xoxo


:) I think it's good to show that the pin traders on here are trust-worthy. It should reassure those people who may be a bit unsure/paranoid about trading with people online.

:D Oh, I traded for the core Baloo pin today on the Manchester lanyard.


lol so there is 5 XD

I traded for a lilo pin in oldham today when I bought my UP pin, she has a 3D scrump on her pin, thought it was a scrapper at first as there is no pin trading logo on the back but I dont think it is as pinpics dont say anything about it being scrapped :P


Quote from: "Stitch2814"lol so there is 5 XD

I traded for a lilo pin in oldham today when I bought my UP pin, she has a 3D scrump on her pin, thought it was a scrapper at first as there is no pin trading logo on the back but I dont think it is as pinpics dont say anything about it being scrapped :P

aww cool I bet its lovelyl! :D
Luv Aveen xoxo


erm quick question as I have no idea where on dizpins is the thread for bad ebay sellers as there is a UK seller selling a grab bag of 10 random pins for £13.50 and Im considering it just I dunno if I can trust the seller..

The seller is Peacey5462...

Has anyone or can anyone tell me if I can trust I wont get just scrappers??

Thanks in advance


Quote from: "Stitch2814"erm quick question as I have no idea where on dizpins is the thread for bad ebay sellers as there is a UK seller selling a grab bag of 10 random pins for £13.50 and Im considering it just I dunno if I can trust the seller..

The seller is Peacey5462...

Has anyone or can anyone tell me if I can trust I wont get just scrappers??

Thanks in advance


I have bought some pins off that seller before. To be honest some of them have been in what i would consider perfect condition and I have been so happy with them but I do wonder are they just very good fakes. I have seen one or two of his pins and know from the picture alone on ebay that they are fake. Thing is he has sooo many of the same pins that it's likely that he is getting them from china or some factory and not directly from disney.

I wouldn't say do or don't with this seller to be honest because his pins arent ones you would look at and consider to be fake really.

sorry I know thats not much of a help.

Most sellers that sell those bags are either selling scrappers or just really common pins
Luv Aveen xoxo


:o Someone on FaceBook has recommended that seller to me, saying that the pins from them are perfect. :lol: I'm leaving it at that though. I've banned myself from buying anymore trade pins until I've completely run out!


hmmm thanks for the advise. Think I will leave it then I dont wanna end up with just scrappers lol

Well lindsay you've seen my traders lol only about 5-6 :P