Pay for Fastpass, will it happen?

Started by disneyloverjessie, September 23, 2009, 08:02:43 PM

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At Disney are they thinking of bringing in a fastpass you have to pay for. I don't mean prenium fastpass or anything, i mean just for a normal fastpass will you have to pay.

Like at Thorpe Park and stuff it's like £30 for a fastpass in certain rides. Are they going to do this with Disney because i heard they might.

I think if they do it will be stupid.

Can someone tell me if this is true and if so your opinion. :)
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I can't see why they would.  I've never been to Thorpe Park but i'm sure Fastpass is a much bigger thing in Disney Parks.  Also you don't have to pay for Fastpass in any other Disney Park in the world.  Where did you hear this?

BTW your title is a little misleading.  Something like "Paying for Fastpass, will it happen?" would of been a lot clearer ;)
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I think i read it somewhere, maybe it was just a rumour!

Also i will change the title :)
\'when you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you\' - Pinocchio

\'A dream is a wish your heart makes\' - Cinderella<3

Hotel New York = 10 times
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