A FantaStitch Halloween

Started by Kristof, April 10, 2006, 05:17:47 PM

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A FantaStitch Halloween
7th October to 5th November 2006 at Disneyland Park

Everything about the 2006 Halloween Festival goes here! :twisted:


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Bye bye Pumpkin Men...

... welcome Stitch!  

Disneyland Park will replace the Pumpkin Men this year with Stitch and his adventures!

Source: DLRPmagazine


... during the Halloween season ;-)


ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Why is it when DLRP get a great concept that they take it away? I hated the 2D Halloween Stitch cut-out in Frontierland, so I think the whole theme will suck!!
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!

The Butlin Boy

Does anyone know what sort of things he will be doing, maybe he will terrorise the park like he did when he covered the WDW castle in toilet paper for the opening of Stitch's great escape!


Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"Does anyone know what sort of things he will be doing, maybe he will terrorise the park like he did when he covered the WDW castle in toilet paper for the opening of Stitch's great escape!
If they did that, then it could be a good chance for them to rehab the castle too, couldn't it?

I'm not sure about the idea of a Stitch invasion at Halloween.  For a start, it's not very "halloweenish", but also wouldn't it get a bit boring seeing Stitch everywhere?  The great thing about the Pumpkinmen is that there's lots of different incarnations of them, meaning that even though they're a bit ugly, they don't get boring.

And I'd also be worried about how big the festival would be if they started from scratch with a new theme - I wouldn't like to see it downsized like Easter will be this year.

Stitch is popular though, so if they made some good publicity stuff for the season then it would probably help attendance.


In fact Stitch will hunt the pumpkin men out of Main Street,
the pumpkin men and others pinkladies will still be in Frontierland, but not the main focus of the marketing. This year's season would lead to the theme of 2007 Halloween which 'll have to be in connexion with the 15th Anniversary Celebration.
Hug it out bitch !


:( The Pumpkin Men were one of the things that I was really looking forward to in October...don't get me wrong, I love Stitch to bits, but I just don't see how he's gonna be better than random pumpkin people running around all over the place... :? *Sigh* My first Halloween at Disney and already it's not gonna be as good as I had hoped...


You don't know that yet!  Halloween has one of the biggest budgets in the resort, so I'm sure they'll make it big.


I love Stitch--but what has he to do more with Halloween (my birthay, by the way *g*) than the pumpkin men have?!?  :?

I loved it that the pumpkin men played trick or treat with me... mmh, free sour halloween candies ;)
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Quote from: "raptor1982"You don't know that yet!  Halloween has one of the biggest budgets in the resort, so I'm sure they'll make it big.
:( It is a shame though... *Hopes more than ever now that she'll get to meet Gaston*


Probably he will be out, coz he's in the Villains Parade :d


Quote from: "flor"Probably he will be out, coz he's in the Villains Parade :d
:lol: I wanna hug him...


Push your way through the crowd and under the rope and hope for the best!  He's high up on the cake and cutlery of the Beauty & the Beast float, but if you jump high enough and grab on you might just make it before the guest flow teams have chance to radio for support.

Not that I condone attacking Disney characters and parades.  :P

Poppy The Monkey

Or you could wait until the Christmas Season where he is out for meet and greetings 5 times a day in Belle's Christmas Village.  :)


I definately prefer Ant's way of thinking so adventurously fun :lol: , but I have to say stitch coming is gonna be erm interesting seen what it's like in Tokyo lately with Stitch invasion lets have a look :(

Photos from http://www.jtcent.com

Personally I'm not liking this look and I just hope they don't bring it to Paris like this.