Never felt so cold in my life TR 5th-8th January.

Started by littlemermaid83, January 21, 2009, 03:13:23 PM

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Part 1-Monday 5th January

After waking up extremely early, my Dad picked us up and drove us to Ashford, we arrived just after 7 and check in went smoothly as usual.

The train journey was unexciting as usual, though i kept looking out the window and was wishing the snow would just go away.  

NB: I apologise if i moan about the snow ALOT in this trip, i hate snow and sludge with a passion.

We arrived slightly later than usual about 12.45 and i headed to Disney Express where i was handed my tickets, VIP fastpass (that i never used) and HB vouchers.

I then took Kyra for a quick look around the park but then headed to Annettes.

Will add to the Annettes review later.  All i can say is the food from Mcdonalds was a lot nicer.

It was nearly 3pm so we then went and checked in, had some drama at check in (which i have complained to Disney about) and then went to our room.  

The room was lovely and the view was breathtaking, i really didnt expect to get a view where i could see the Earful Tower.  I only asked for a garden view.  We could also see the Disney Village through the trees aswell.

I then took Kyra down to the lobby to wait for the characters at 4pm where they danced and sung to Christmas music, I'm postive Tigger is the same Tigger ive seen there before he had the same moves and everything lol.

Snapped a pic of her and Tigger, the Minnie there was being a bit forceful with the kids she was only signing pics and having no photos so we decided to leave and go check out the park where we caught the end of the Parade.

The Alice Float was missing and there was also no parade stops and no characters walking in between the floats due to the horrible snowy weather.

Kyra was really excited to see Santa on the parade with all his Elves.

We then went on Its A Small World and had a look around the park and shops before heading back to the room to see if the the suitcase had hadnt so a quick call to Consierge it was in our room 10mins later.

Off we went back to the park to watch Enchanted Candelabration only to see the characters were not making a apperance and they was only lighting the was still beautiful.  It really made me fill up with tears.  

In my opinion that our castle looks so much more prettier than any of the other Disney castles when lit up.

About 20mins after admiring the castle, it was announced Fantillusion was cancelled i was a bit miffed off but understood because of the weather and told Kyra that we will hopefully see it tomorrow (how more wrong could i of been lol)

We had a earlish night, well i ordered room service for a sum of 28Euros for a burger and chips as i was starving.  It wasnt that nice to be honest but i did feel posh for ordering room service lol.

Coming up will Kyra be tall enough for Big Thunder Mountain?
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Part 2-6th January 2009

I woke up about 6.30am and not sure how but we got to breakfast for 7.30am.

They had such a wide selection, i had the fry up (how healthy lol) while Kyra ate 4 yoghurts and a apple.

As we came out from breakfast we saw Pluto on his own so we grabbed a photo with him and waited a extra 10 mins for Mickey and had a pic with him aswell.

As we was walking to our room right at the end of the corridor was Baloo.  Kyra was very excited as she hadnt had the chance to meet him before.

We went back to the room for a hour where i had a shower etc.

On our way back to the hotel bar area we bumped into White Rabbit who thought it was funny to pull of Kyras Snow White headband, we saw Friar Tuck (another one of Kyras faves) and the bouncy Tigger.

It was a bit of a free for all to be honest.

We then made our way to the park and OH MY it was FREEZING!!!  

We walked to Big Thunder Mountain only to find it wasnt open yet as it was having techincal diffculties so we decided to go to Woodys Roundup where we was the 1st people to see Santa.

He was the same one we saw in November and Kyra threw herself at the old chap and he gave us some great advice and that was to stay in the warm attractions.

Kyra had a quick ride on Bulleyes, she wanted to see Jesse or Woody but i wasnt hanging around in the cold.

We passed the character Express on the way back only to the hotel for a quick warm up.

We had a booking for the Auberge at 12 so we wandered back through the park looking in some shops in Fantasy land on the way, I think we even went on Peter Pan and Pinocchio aswell.

Kyra was freezing by the point so we waited inside the Auberge before it opened at 12, where Kyra finally got to see Cinderella.

She was SO lovely and spent about 5mins with Kyra talking to her.

We was sat at the back of the restuarant and we had a excellent server, all he did was call Kyra Princess and she loved it.

Suzy came over and Kyra was showing her the picture she was colouring in and then out of the blue Ariel and Eric was with us.

They was ever so lovely and friendly and Kyra was thrilled to pieces as she is a huge Ariel fan at the moment.

I told the Cast member not to bother with the starters as we wouldnt eat them but he said no and said he wanted me to try the mozerella which was disgusting lol.

Kyra had the pasta dish this time and ate half of it which was a result compared to last time.

Perla came over for a visit and we also saw Aurora (who was the same moany CM we saw as her last time and clearly didnt look a bit interested in her job) and Prince Philip who was infact wonderful.

He made such a fuss over Kyra, probably because she was more excited to see him than Aurora lol.  I told him that Kyra loves him and he asked her who her fave Princesses was, Aurora looked a bit put out when Kyra said she loved Snow White lol.

I had the rack on lamb which was gorgeous and the desserts seemed to taste better this time around.  The CM went and got Kyra a wand then danced with her, he was fantastic.

We spent around 2 hours in there trying to defrost and it was around 2ish when we finally left.

This was when i then took Kyra to Big Thunder Mountain, the CM was unsure she was tall enough but she passed the minuim height restriction with flying colours.  

This is where some family decided to jump the line and go into the FP queue only to find it was a longer wait and then tried to push back into the normal queue, well lets just say after some heated words from me they didnt get anywhere in front of me.

Kyra clung on to me for dear life but stated that she did like the ride but didnt want to ride it again today lol.

We bumped into the best fed ducks in Disneyland on our way back to Main Street, where on the way we had a quick go on Buzz and then got ready to watch the parade.

 I froze to death unlike Kyra who was now snug in her pushchair with her blanket all nice and warm lol.

No stops today on the parade but some characters were walking the parade.

Best part for me is the Christmas float when suddenly it rings out with Chante Ce'st Noel.

We decided after the parade we would go back to the hotel for a little while and warm up and come back for Enchanted Candleabration.

Another family decided to let there children run amok and they kept grabbing Kyra's pushchair and banging it, in the end i took the hand of one the children and stated that if they did it again there would be trouble.  The mother apologised though not sure the child understood what i said.

Enchanted Candelabration was lovely and the characters were out this time.  I would go back at Christmas just to see this it was SO lovely.

Afterwards i went and asked a CM if Mickey has a stop in Fantillusion and she said no and that it was still on for tonight, I then told Kyra that the parade wasnt cancelled and we will go and find a spot to watch it.

I swear 1 minute later there was a huge annoucement stating Fantillusion was cancelled due to bad weather, Kyra obv heard the word cancelled and cried her little heart out.  She kept asking me for Fantillusion but i told her im no Walt Disney, this made her cry even more.

We then left the park and popped to the village where i picked up a Mcdonalds and took it back to our room before we had a early night.

Part 3 coming up
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Part 3-7th January 2009

Today was our Studio Morning, we didnt get till breakfast till 9am.  There was a queue but within 5 mins we was seated and i had my usual fry up and Kyra had her yoghurts and apple.

We made it to the Studios for 9.50am and we looked in some of the shops where i noticed that the sales had started (yippee lol) I knew to come back later on when i had gone back to the room to get some money.

I took some photos of Kyra in the Studios, where we also went on cars and the magic carpet ride before meeting up Donald for a photo.

Then i said to Kyra we should go on the Tower of Terror, she wasnt keen in the slightest but i told her unless she went on it she cant say if she likes it or not.  

Taking a just turned 3 year old on ToT got me some rather odd looks from people lol but hey at least Kyra wasnt crying.  As we sat down on the ride i apologised in advance if Kyra cries.  

Well Kyra was very very brave and didnt cry one, she actually really enjoyed it.  I took a photo of the ride photo.  Look for the minnie ears lol thats Kyra.  

Afterwards we went and watched the showing on Animagique which warmed me up nicely and i probably could of sat there all day as i was dreading going out into the cold again.

We then went to the Disneyland Parc as i had planned we would watch the Sleeping Beauty show as we hadnt seen it before.  

I will give my honest view, its a nice show for those who love Sleeping Beauty and co but it was a bit weak.  

We then went and rode some rides in Fantasyland, then popped over to have a go on Buzz which is a fave with me and Kyra, in the queue i bumped into Plutosgirl :) it was lovely meeting her and her family.

I then hot dogged over to small world where i was meeting some more people from another forum, we then rode Its A Small World together.

Kyra wanted to go on Tea cups so we went on that, made me feel rather queasy as i had forgotton to pack my motion sickness tablets lol.

I think after that we went back to our room and defrosted before I had to go and meet another friend of mine from another forum (i had a busy day of meet and greets lol) as we had planned to watch the parade together.

Today the Alice float had been replaced with lots of characters which i thought was fab.

After the parade we went back to the Studios so we could watch Stitch Live! which was probably the funniest one i had seen, Stitch was HILARIOUS.

I had changed our reservation for Inventions so we could eat earlier so we left the park and went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner and i could start packing.

While in our room i took some photos.

The tiles in the DLH bathroom.

Coming up next-Inventions
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


great report =D> ...looking forward to read the rest. Sorry that you had to make a complaint to Disney, hope it got sorted out.
The pictures are gtreat and I have to say it once again: I simply adore your daughter!!! The pictures of her with Cinderella really warmed my heart.


I loved reading your report, I especially like the fact wherever Kyra was Peter Pan was! This is making me so look forward to our next trip.


Thanks guys!

I had to buy 2 Peter Pans as Kyra dropped her first one on our last day and she was so upset that i had to buy another one  :cry:

Also Disney handled my complaint very well, yesterday they sent Kyra a Winnie the Pooh soft toy and a letter stating that for my September trip they will make sure i have a magical stay.   =D>
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Excellent trip report as always :P ! Really looking forward to Inventions

The Butlin Boy

Great report, thanks for sharing :)

Talk about a room with a view :shock: That's fantastic. And those pictures of Kyra and Cinders are so sweet :wink:


Awww, thanks so much for the trip report so far, I always enjoy your reports so much :)!! Looking forward to the rest of it!

Kyra is just so cute!! What, she's only 3 years old? And she enjoyed ToT?! Well, then I guess I don't have any other choice than testing it next time, if such a youngster is braver than me :mrgreen:  :oops:
She looks totally cute in her Snow White dress! :) All the character pics of her are awesome! You can create a big photo album for her in a few years (or months hehe)!

For the moment, I enjoy going to DLRP without children. But I can just imagine how magical it must be to see his own child's eyes shining bright when he/she is seeing all the favourite characters :)!

And: It's so cool that you could stay at the DLH!! I hope oney day I can afford this too, if only for 2 days or so ;)! The room and view look so magical!

I love the Adventureland in the snow picture so much! Although you hated the snow (I can understand that lol), it looks so special!
The Aurora of the Sleeping Beauty show is exactly the same we have seen in December:
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Seeing Kyra's little face light up with joy when she see's that castle its worth the scrimping and saving and being poor lol.

I think it will be a long time before i can afford the DLH again tho :(
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


We had a reservation for Inventions for 6.30pm, I went to dinner in the slippers provided by the hotel lol.  

We was sat in the food area by the window where we could see the castle it was lovely.

The waiter we had was so lovely and made sure Kyra was treated like a Princess throughout the whole meal.

I was a bit dissapointed that they didnt have the chicken and potatoes that i ate back in September so i tried the duck and it wasnt too bad, I actually stuffed my face with pasta and salad aswell.  Not to mention the cheesecake too which was to die for.

We also saw them light the castle for Candleabration which was lovely to watch while eating our dinner.

We saw Mickey who my little one adores, she loves him so much.

Tigger, he kept doing weird things with Kyras Peter Pan lol

Dale who was highly impressed i could tell the difference between him and his brother lol

Also saw Goofy and Launchpad who was so happy that me and Kyra knew exactly who he was lol.

We could of waited for Chip but we had already been in there for 2 hours and i wanted to go and have a look around the village before we went to bed.

Overall we had a fantastic meal here, and it is a must do for us.  I gave the waiter a tip as he made our meal very enjoyable and he is what a CM at Disney should be-magica

Day 4 coming soon.
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Your photos are lovely , we missed the parade on the wed and it seemed like they did pull out the stops character wise... not seen Daisy walking in the parade before...

Sorry about Kyra's Peter pan , we had that with a Peagus one year and last year a Lanyard with pins on the last day (ooch) we left in on the table at Cafe Mickey.   It hurts so much paying out the second time lol.

Looking forward to your update  :D/
Sequioa Lodge 2006, Sequioa Lodge 2007, Sequioa Lodge 2008
[strike]New York 2009 booked[/strike]Suprise Upgrade to Disneyland Hotel

Hotel New York Oct23 to Oct25 2011


Ps your photo of Kyra on the bridge at the studio's I dont recall having seen that before ...where is it??
Sequioa Lodge 2006, Sequioa Lodge 2007, Sequioa Lodge 2008
[strike]New York 2009 booked[/strike]Suprise Upgrade to Disneyland Hotel

Hotel New York Oct23 to Oct25 2011


Its inside Studio 1 :)
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


Quote from: "Nala_84"What, she's only 3 years old? And she enjoyed ToT?! Well, then I guess I don't have any other choice than testing it next time, if such a youngster is braver than me :mrgreen:  :oops:
you know, I was thinking the exact same thing  :lol:

Great update, littlemermaid, the dinner sounds lovely and the pictures are once agaib very cute. Looking forward to the rest :D !