Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Quote from: "davewasbaloo"One positive thing I will say about this land (besides the introduction of needed greenery), is that it does what it says on the tin. It does look like a giant kid has been playing and using other bits of toys and junk to create a play set scene.
And that's why I think it has a charm - it's quite simple and looks like my playroom when I was a child. I was 9 when TS first came out and a lot of the toys are from my generation.  

However I do take offence to being called "happy clappy" just because I think this land is a welcome addition. I personally think it is far in a way better than "Toon Studio" which has little theming and looks like the rides fell out of the sky and landed there. In fact I think that this lane is more in the Disney way of doing things than any other part of the eyesore that is WDS. But, of course, you are welcome not to agree.

I respect the fact that some don't like it. But please, don't try to make those who are looking forward to it feel like they are any less of a Disney fan or less intelligent. We all have different tastes and likes.
Sequoia Lodge - July 1997
Santa Fe - July 2001
Day Trip - Sept 2009
Cheyenne - Feb 2010

Santa Fe - Nov 2010
Santa Fe - Feb 2011

I\'ve imagined being here like this so many times before, reaching out to take your hand as the butterflies in me soar


All, please respect each others opinions  :thumbs:
Some see it as fun and some see is as a degradation, but please don't spoil the harmony on this fantastic
forum with disagreements.
Discussion is good, but hurt feelings because of it not.

@Anthony/Kristof, please watch this somewhat closer if possible guys.

It's a welcome addition to the WDS imho and it looks okay, but it lacks that extra magical piece of Imagineering.
So hopefully the next addition will be more in honour of Walt and his believes.
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Quote from: "Clara2141"I personally think it is far in a way better than "Toon Studio" which has little theming and looks like the rides fell out of the sky and landed there. In fact I think that this lane is more in the Disney way of doing things than any other part of the eyesore that is WDS.

I totally agree with that. Toy Story Playland appears to be immersive, in that, you can stand in the middle of it and be completely surrounded (360 degrees) by the world of Toy Story. The same can't be said for Toon Studio, because there are so many different themes in such a small area.

When I said Toy Story Playland was well themed, I meant, they've executed the idea to a very high standard. Now, you could argue that the idea wasn't such a great one in the first place, because of its simplistic plastic nature. But the way I see it is, they decided to build a land based on Toy Story, and they've done the best job they can.

Disney would happily build this in Walt Disney World or Disneyland California. We haven't got some crappy European version. This is Disney doing Toy Story, the best they can. And I think we should all be satisfied with that. I'm just pleased they've moved on from the dark days of 2002, when they were big on tarmac and corrugated metal.


Quote from: "Alan"
Quote from: "Clara2141"I personally think it is far in a way better than "Toon Studio" which has little theming and looks like the rides fell out of the sky and landed there. In fact I think that this lane is more in the Disney way of doing things than any other part of the eyesore that is WDS.

I totally agree with that. Toy Story Playland appears to be immersive, in that, you can stand in the middle of it and be completely surrounded (360 degrees) by the world of Toy Story. The same can't be said for Toon Studio, because there are so many different themes in such a small area.

When I said Toy Story Playland was well themed, I meant, they've executed the idea to a very high standard. Now, you could argue that the idea wasn't such a great one in the first place, because of its simplistic plastic nature. But the way I see it is, they decided to build a land based on Toy Story, and they've done the best job they can.

Disney would happily build this in Walt Disney World or Disneyland California. We haven't got some crappy European version. This is Disney doing Toy Story, the best they can. And I think we should all be satisfied with that. I'm just pleased they've moved on from the dark days of 2002, when they were big on tarmac and corrugated metal.

Very true - I feel that if they had decided to place this in WDW it would look exactly the same. Whether or not this was a good concept, that they have created the best land they could out of the theme. I'm so, so pleased that they have gone back to actually being able/wanting to put a true theme into what they are doing now.

And the tarmac in WDS upsets me.
Sequoia Lodge - July 1997
Santa Fe - July 2001
Day Trip - Sept 2009
Cheyenne - Feb 2010

Santa Fe - Nov 2010
Santa Fe - Feb 2011

I\'ve imagined being here like this so many times before, reaching out to take your hand as the butterflies in me soar


More new pics of Toy Story Playland uploaded by DCP member Mr.freddy(credits to him)

Enjoy :D


Quote from: "Clara2141"I respect the fact that some don't like it. But please, don't try to make those who are looking forward to it feel like they are any less of a Disney fan or less intelligent.
Yes, I'm tired of seeing people having to justify every vaguely positive opinion here.

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"My opinion is just as valid as yours and so is Timmy Timmy Timmy's.
Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Expressing opinions is the point of this forum, but the people that love it have made their points now way too often. Thank you.
No no no. As others have already said many pages back, I get the feeling that some people feel their opinions are rather more valid than others. And to say other people have made their point too often? Please, read back your posts sometime, consider what you've been writing.

Criticisms are great, negative opinions are very welcome (there are a LOT of both in this topic, very well thought-out and put across), but having this constant singular opinion taking us back to this point has been stifling the topic, maybe the forum, for months. I'm sending a quick message.

Everyone else, please continue... new photos above...


I love the shot of the RC Racer, thank you for sharing them.
Sequoia Lodge - July 1997
Santa Fe - July 2001
Day Trip - Sept 2009
Cheyenne - Feb 2010

Santa Fe - Nov 2010
Santa Fe - Feb 2011

I\'ve imagined being here like this so many times before, reaching out to take your hand as the butterflies in me soar


I see. New info or photos go up, and people have positive to say that is ok (even if they said it before). If the photos go up and finally I might find something positive to say, that may or may not be ok dependent on whether people agree with me. If my opinion remains the same or worsens by the new information, that is not ok.

Does not seem like a discussion board to me by that rationale.  :evil:
since 2001 (many before that)


loving the new photographs!!! I think the benches look wicked, really well thought out!
Getting me even more excited the more pics I see!
Sante Fe - December 2008
Radisson Blu Disneyland Paris - August 2010


Quote from: "DopeyDad"

TTT, I think Alan is referring to the full DLPinfo article here; ... -close-up/

you probably won't like anything in it, but thats up to you whether you want to go there. I'd love to hear anything new you have to say about it though.

I think the article shows some really nice touches myself, the train track seats look great and dealing with any spoils like air con etc are also just what the area needed.

But it´s just a bunch of green sheds... not very much to look at all. A bit wierd to see a war themed section in a Disneypark...
As I mentioned... I still don´t see how this can be "very high quality". I think one has to define that. I can always back up my views by comparing different parks and by looking at the Disney themepark past. To just state that this is "very high quality" is worse than just simply hating by first glance.
The good thing is that it is easy to repaint.
The grass looks better tahn I´d thought it would do. I do have to add that it is indeed fun that they use classic toys from outside the Disney "realm". I´d just rather see some kind of a train ride insted of a... bench.

As long as YOU all post what you think... so will I. If it breaks the Magic Forum rules... kick me out.
When new pictures comes I´ll comment them.
Tuvok... you made me change my mind.

Is this VHDQ? ...Very High Disney Quality? If yes... what is low Disney quality?:


I love the K'nex - we had boxes and boxes of that stuff as children. I love all the colour. It brings a lot of much needed (imho) brightness to WDS.
Sequoia Lodge - July 1997
Santa Fe - July 2001
Day Trip - Sept 2009
Cheyenne - Feb 2010

Santa Fe - Nov 2010
Santa Fe - Feb 2011

I\'ve imagined being here like this so many times before, reaching out to take your hand as the butterflies in me soar


I must say, I'm not really impressed with the Parachute Drop queue. In the concept art it looked dimly lit and very atmospheric. Where as the actual army hut has daylight pouring in, the rest of the land looks very good though. Can't wait to see it for myself.


Quote from: "Alan"When I said Toy Story Playland was well themed, I meant, they've executed the idea to a very high standard. Now, you could argue that the idea wasn't such a great one in the first place, because of its simplistic plastic nature. But the way I see it is, they decided to build a land based on Toy Story, and they've done the best job they can.

Absolutely 100% nail on head. The land is extremely Toy Story and completely fits the look of the films. To have do it any differently wouldn't have worked. The army men stuff looks exactly like a giant set of army men toys.

I do wonder if those criticising it so vehemently actually like the franchise at all.

Quote from: "TimmyTimmyTimmy"Is this VHDQ? ...Very High Disney Quality? If yes... what is low Disney quality?:

You're confusing quality with style here. You don't like the style, fair enough. The quality however is very good.
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Quote from: "claire2281"You're confusing quality with style here. You don't like the style, fair enough. The quality however is very good.

Nail on the head right back at you :-) The style may not be to everyone's taste, but the quality of what they've built is very good.

The queue to Toy Soldiers Parachute Drop isn't supposed to place you in the gritty realism of modern warfare. Those figures aren't supposed to be real soldiers. You're not supposed to believe you're out in Afghanistan. Everything is supposed to be a toy. Everything is supposed to look simple and plastic. That's the idea, that's the style. If it did look incredibly rich and complex, it wouldn't look like an oversized toy, and Disney would've failed.