Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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I dont mind toystory land, its meant only to be temp ( i think that was the inital plan) and will add a little something for the very young kids, but i can understand TimmyTimmys feelings

I think hardcore fans (who are honest to themselves) not glossing it over with sugar, because they are superfans, and cant see no wrong in disney, the real hardcore fans will hate this land, because if people accept this as Disney, when we all know they can do so much better, our expectations will become lower and lower and lower. so the next ride will be lower quality we will all say, "its nice"  Disney was a company of the highest quality and giving the best to the customer,  creating dreams, letting all of us  to be kids, ot feel the its profit before all, is the way its going.. but what can we do, we will still go, we will still have a good time, but deep in our mind we know it was so much better, and could have been a whole lot more..


TSLP isn't temp, surely it's permermanent. I still think many people will enjoy it.  People queue up to take a ride on a tea cup or a flying carpet or a flying Elephant. I've yet to bother with the flying Elephants, and I've been going to DLP since 1993. You don't have to go to Disney for rides like that. But some people can't imagine anybody wanting to go on a parachute drop or a half pipe. The reason Disney theme parks are so popular is that there is something for everyone to enjoy. TOT is a great ride, but some people don't want to go on it, or Space Mountain for that matter, and I think many adults will enjoy going on the parachute drop with their children. The clue is in the name, Toy Story Playland. Why shouldn't Disney have such a land in one of their theme parks. The films and characters are popular enough and have made a lot of money for Disney.
Ed & David


Once again this topic seems to have descended into argument, strange references and the old offensive almost racist Europeans don't know a thing about Disney remarks. But if you're paying for park entry you get to choose which rides to go on. I went to Chessington the other week and paid £34 for the privilege and rode only 9 out of the 28 or so attractions and still had a fantastic day with my friends. If you don't like Toy Story Playland, don't visit it and we know by now you think its rubbish so there's no point telling us repeatedly, we can all form our own opinions which may or may not change.

Anyway, that is a problem from the stunt show picture and that needs changing soon, I wonder if Moteurs will have an impromptu "refurb"


Well said!!! And to the last point regarding a "refurb" on the stunt show, I hope so, but would be suprised if they did. I hoped they might when the tower of teror was under constuction, as there was this grey eyesore breaking the optical illusion. However once that was painted it didn't look too bad as it was a building and in a similar colour scheme. The TSPL pieces however do not blend in at all. So let's hope


Just think, you'll probably hear a lot of the screams too....


Quote from: "SM:M3"Once again this topic seems to have descended into argument, strange references and the old offensive almost racist Europeans don't know a thing about Disney remarks. But if you're paying for park entry you get to choose which rides to go on. I went to Chessington the other week and paid £34 for the privilege and rode only 9 out of the 28 or so attractions and still had a fantastic day with my friends. If you don't like Toy Story Playland, don't visit it and we know by now you think its rubbish so there's no point telling us repeatedly, we can all form our own opinions which may or may not change.

Anyway, that is a problem from the stunt show picture and that needs changing soon, I wonder if Moteurs will have an impromptu "refurb"

Wich 9 rides would you recommend me to go on next time I visit WDS?


C'mon people. :-)


Soooooooooo-moving on
I am confooosled (again, yes I know it doesnt take much :P ) I've been following whats been said about the stunt show-even google earthed DLP to try and work out how the stunt show could be seen/heard from TSPL-isnt tram tours in between them? Scuse me for not getting it :lol:

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they are quite far away, and youre right the STT is between them, and so is TOT and lots more, i dont think its a problem, i can see other attractions from other attractions ie i can see sleeping beautys castle from BTM


I was just looking at the Ratouille plans somewhere in that topic, and was wondering. Will TSPL seem quite different when it is much more a part of a bigger whole? It looks like it will work well to connect Crush, Cars to the Rat making quite a distinct feeling area. Not withstanding some people views on Pixar, this feels like it could be a very Disney, rich and emersive area, with Rat/Crush being the predominant attractions and TSPL being more a supporting artist than the main attraction, offering choice of rides, easing capacity and hopefully keeping guests I guess. What do people think, will it seem different when alongside Rat?


TSPL will be in Toon Studio, and hopefully Ratouille will be as well in the future. So Toon Studio will be the land and TSPL will be a part of that, that's my understanding of it. Pixar have made some very popular films, infact I don't think they've had a flop yet. So yes, Toon Studio could become a very rich emersive area. And it's no wonder that Disney want to replicate the success of the Pixar films in their theme parks. WDS needs that. When WDS opened in 2002 the park only had two rides, Flying Carpets and Rock n Roller Coaster. Now we have TOT and Crush as well, two really good rides. So I think the WDS is growing into a very good theme park. It's still small, but it is getting better.
Ed & David


So are we saying that Crush and Ratatouille will be the big pull rides with TSPL and cars as the carni types? I hope that I'll have saved eough for if/when its all open, it'd be great to see :)

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


I reckon so yeah, for example when Disneyland Park opened Discoveryland's main attractions were the Visionarium, Star  Tours and perhaps EO, but when Space Mountain arrived they left the spotlight and Space Mountain took over, so I think that when/if Ratatouille opens it will be the main attraction and TSPL will be a bit like Cars Race Rally, a secondary ride, except maybe RC Racer :?:


Certainly the Musik Express and the Parachute Drop are just filler attractions, RC-Racer will be the most popular in the land.

The lack of attractions at WDS are making Toy Story Playland bigger than what it probably should be.


QuotePixar have made some very popular films

Very true. Infact, the Pixar/Disney films are the ones that people look forward to the most. When was the last time Disney made a very successful cartoon film, on their own?

With regards to park characters etc, it is Disney themself that is letting the parks down, as they're now making so many films (with the majority of them bing flops) its hard for the parks to keep on top of the characters.

Quoteinfact I don't think they've had a flop yet.

Ratouille isn't that well known of. And wasn't the best/most popular film either. Thats why I find it a bit odd that there may be this big Rat dark ride. They need to stick with the popular films, like Nemo, Toy Story and..... Monsters Inc. A Monsters dark ride would be MUCH more popular than Rat...

Sorry for straying off topic a wee bit.... :)