Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Oh the problem is not to say what is wrong at DLP the problem is the rudness in this topic and this "Europeans" don´t like quality and the US makes everything right.

I have no problem with critic at TSPL - there´s much someone can say about it. But I don´t think that this kind of discussions about an european way of life (which doesn´t excist cause every life here his own countries way of life) about an european taste (same problem) and an european quality standard (which is higher in nearly everything except disney theme parks??) get´s one of this problems.

I think the "europeans" love high quality theme parks with top landscaping, with a story behind etc. like Disneyland Park. And cause they don´t like to spent money for a theme park like WDS we have the problem.

But back to TSPL and the lack of quality here. Which could make the problem bigger. But cause I don´t know how they quality of TSPL will be till the point it´s nearly finished I won´t say much about it.

And fighting is not life for me. Respect, discussions and opinions. That´s life.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


I'll go back to what I've always said on this subject. WDS had only two rides on opening day, Rock n Roller Coaster and Flying carpets (I wasn't keen on either) and no themeing other than the front lot. Although I've always liked the Studios. Clearly the park needs more than two rides. I think Disneyland Paris has done a lot to address these issues. TSPL does fit into Toon Studio and I think a lot of families will have fun with it. There has to be something for everyone to enjoy. I don't expect to like all the rides. I don't like Space Mountain, but I love BTM. I don't do Orbitron or the Flying Elephants, but I love Peter Pan and Snow White. The second park at DLP was always going to be a Studios, DisneySea was never on the cards for Europe. And as for what Walt Disney would do, how do we know  he would have built a Theme park in Europe in the first place? So enjoy it.
Ed & David


One thing Walt Disney didn't have to put up with was the internet ( I know we couldn't live without it) So if a ride broke down in his park, or some paint got scrapped, a picture of the problem couldn't be sent around the world in 5 minuets flat to put him to shame. Infact most people in Britain didn't get the chance to go to Disneyland in American during his lifetime, that didn't started until the 1970's and cheap flights. O.K the world has changed a lot since his time. The Walt Disney company is much bigger now. He only had one theme park to worry about and look after, he couldn't even afford to buy his own hotel. Look how the Walt Disney company has grown, more theme parks, more hotels, more rides, a Cruise line, theatre. TSPL is just a small part of that. WDS did need more rides.
Ed & David


Here here. I completly agree.

Well said, ed-uk.

*round of applause*


It may not seem like it, but what I have been trying to say has just been summed up by ed-uk so simply!
*round of applause* indeed
From what I gather Tommorowland '98 at Disneyland was a disaster and 12 years on Disney are still here producing amazing attractions for the whole family to enjoy. And I think the whole family can enjoy Toy Story Playland and I for one can't wait to go and try out these new attractions. Does anyone have any newer updates/photos by the way?


Whether one likes TSPL is a matter of opinion. Whether it is Disney quality is not a matter of opinion. It is not Disney quality. It's average-theme-park quality.

This sort of thing should not be being built at a Disney park. WDS isn't a very well designed park as it is; TSPL is making it worse. It is not adding to the theme of the park. It is not giving the park a better structure. It has just been added on to the end of the park and doesn't actually make any sense. Not only that but the rides themselves look awfully tacky.

If you can't see that, you're blind. 8)


TSPL is not average theme park quality in my opinion. But if you think it is, I could say the same thing about the Flying Carpets, the Flying Elephants, The Tea Cups, the Carousel, Orbitron. Traditionally Disney have always had rides like these, and they are popular. You don't have to go to Disneyland for them, you can find them in a British theme park. It's the themeing of the rides that makes Disneyland so special. It makes sense to have these type of rides in the Studios because some people won't want to go on Rock n Roller Coaster or TOT. I don't think Disney set out to junk their parks with poor quality rides. It's not in their interest to do that. They are not in the theme park business to destroy their parks.
Ed & David

Well, now I have "screened" this topic for quite a while and now the construction is coming along, I think I have to admit that my small hopes about construction changing the quality of this addition is now gone - this will not be up to the quality I expect of a Disney park - sadly!

I had my hopes that themening and WDI magic could safe this project but the color scheme of the Parachute Drop tower and the size, material and colors of the RC Racer construction has made this hope unsufficient - they would have to pull of some groundbreaking themening and unfortunately I do not think this will happen with a rather "small" addition as this is in my opinion (Compared to ToT, Ratatouille and partly Toon Studio too).

Regarding the endless discussion about european fans >< american fans that has made this topic lose it's focus. I just want to point out that I and many of the other people complaining about this addition are european fans and we DO have the ability to sense when something is true Disney magic or not - you do not have to be raised in the original Disneyland to feel this! So I completely agree with Riebi and even though I respect your opinion Davewasbaloo and agree with you regarding a lot of your opinions on how we have lost the true Disney magic for some time now, I think the comments about "european fans" were generalising and unnecessary.

Please visit my DLP website:

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Quote from: "forza_united"Well, now I have "screened" this topic for quite a while and now the construction is coming along, I think I have to admit that my small hopes about construction changing the quality of this addition is now gone - this will not be up to the quality I expect of a Disney park - sadly!

I had my hopes that themening and WDI magic could safe this project but the color scheme of the Parachute Drop tower and the size, material and colors of the RC Racer construction has made this hope unsufficient - they would have to pull of some groundbreaking themening and unfortunately I do not think this will happen with a rather "small" addition as this is in my opinion (Compared to ToT, Ratatouille and partly Toon Studio too).

TSPL looks a lot better in the concept arts, but after seeing the Parachute Tower in real life two weeks ago all my hopes for good theming were gone, too.

I don't want to participate anymore in the discussion about European and American Fans or about Disney quality, but I want to say one last thing. In my opinion TSPL is really not Disney quality and comparing these rides with the Dumbo, the Tea Cups and the Carousel is not fair, because they are built in a very well themed land, except at WDW's Fantasyland.


I must say I'm having trouble with this whole thing about some of us knowing true Disney magic when we see it, and the rest of us supposedly less knowledgeable on the Disney subject don't. European or not. I mean people don't mind taking a ride on the flying Elephants from Dumbo or the Flying Carpets from Aladdin, but they can't imagine anybody wanting to go on the Parachute Drop from Toy Story. Admittedly the Parachute Drop is big and green, but since TSPL is still a building site, I don't know how some people can tell Disney have lost the true Disney magic so soon. If it's about being fair maybe we can judge TSPL and Toon Studios better when it's finished.
Ed & David


Quote from: "ed-uk"I must say I'm having trouble with this whole thing about some of us knowing true Disney magic when we see it, and the rest of us supposedly less knowledgeable on the Disney subject don't. European or not. I mean people don't mind taking a ride on the flying Elephants from Dumbo or the Flying Carpets from Aladdin, but they can't imagine anybody wanting to go on the Parachute Drop from Toy Story. Admittedly the Parachute Drop is big and green, but since TSPL is still a building site, I don't know how some people can tell Disney have lost the true Disney magic so soon.

That's the reason why I have said "in my opinion". I respect the views and opinions of other people on TSPL, but I'm not a fan of this new land. Maybe it will turn out better than expected and maybe not.

The reason why I think TSPL will not turn out very well is that there are similar rides (Jumpin' Jellyfish) at DCA. I haven't been there, but friends showed me their pictures and on these pictures the ride looked really cheap. I also didn't like Chester and Hester's Dinorama at Dinoland USA in DAK at WDW (I have been there) and I think these two sub-lands could be compared. Nevertheless I have to admit, that based on the concept arts TSPL looks better than the dinorama which is just a concret desert with some barely themed rides.

But as I have said before, that's just my opinion.


Quote from: "dagobert"In my opinion TSPL is really not Disney quality and comparing these rides with the Dumbo, the Tea Cups and the Carousel is not fair, because they are built in a very well themed land, except at WDW's Fantasyland.
Yes, this is why the Fantasyland rides are better. They are all located in a truly beautiful land. None of them tower above the park with bare steel and none of them look tacky. They have all been designed with the greatest care and attention to detail.

Quote from: "ed-uk"Admittedly the Parachute Drop is big and green, but since TSPL is still a building site, I don't know how some people can tell Disney have lost the true Disney magic so soon.
Have you seen the concepts arts and model? There is virtually no more theming to be added to the paratower and halfpipe. They've built the bare steel structure of it, and that is it. There's nothing more to come to hide their ugliness.

You can argue this all you want, but the fact is TSPL is not good enough. TSPL is not even close to the standards DLP used to achieve.


Well only time will tell. We'll see how popular TSPL turns out to be, and if DIsney got it right or not. I'm not going to argue about it. But I'd be disappointed if TSPL turned out to be ugly, I don't think it's ment to be. Two of the rides are going to be high though, that's for sure. I will judge it for myself when it's finished, it still looks like a building site to me. And Fantasyland and Toon Studios are different, I don't think they're supposed to look the same.
Ed & David


It is shocking to read how some guys here "ok" TSPL and compare it to something Walt had built 60 years ago. Nobody needs another Fantasyland or Dinorama.
TSPL will have lines and children will be smiling when riding. But that does not make it a succes. Anything next to Disneyland should be somewhat popular, especially in half empty park like WDS. A well themed unique ride would have been a better solution in all ways and more in line with what Disney is known for.
The only good thing about WDS is the entrence.


If you think the only thing good about the WDS is the entrance, I'm shocked. If TSPL has long lines of smiling kids some people might view it as a success even if you do not. We all want more unique rides and good themeing in WDS in the future, I'm sure, not just TSPL. Nobody is saying TSPL is enough. But I think it fits into Toon Studios. I wouldn't like it in the middle of Fantasyland or in Disneyland park, and that's not what they're are doing.
Ed & David