Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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Quote from: "Martyn"^ EXACTLY. You should be king. The Studio's is full of things for older people. I know of a few people that went with small children and they didn't like the Studio's because there was hardly anything for their children to do, so they spent like half hour in there, then went back to the other park. TSPL is going to make the Studio's a 'complete' park, with attractions for every age group, it will no doubt become much more of a 'completel' day out, as appose to a 'time kill' park.
I have never understood why people always say that WDS has "nothing for children".

Let's have a look shall we?

I would say the Flying Carpets are suitable for children. Cars of course. Then there's Art of Disney Animation and Animagique. There's also the Studio Tram Tour. Cinemagique. Moteurs Action. Oh - almost forgot about Playhouse. And Stitch Live.

Now let's have a look at attractions that would generally be considered to be "for adults"...

Tower Of Terror
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster

...thus proving that WDS does not have a lack of offerings for children. In fact, it's more the complete opposite.

WDS needs more family attractions anyway. Attractions that everyone can enjoy - TOGETHER. Not attractions for specific age groups.

Quote from: "Martyn"Quickly going back to some of the people that dont like Crush, I think they should (and we all) consider ourselves lucky that DLP put as much effort in Crush as they did.
But it's still not good enough. This is Disneyland here - not some amusement park attempting a dark ride. Disney are famous for creating the absolute best attractions in the world, so they certainly shouldn't be opening attractions when they're only 80% of what they could be.

Remco K.

Some more pictures from


Quote from: "Remco K."Some more pictures from

Now those are some nice colours :D


That's the skyline ruined.

I would just like to congratulate the cretin who thought that plonking a huge green tube in the middle of WDS was a good idea.


from that angle then granted it looks odd, im guessing from normal guest perspective then you wont see it from say the boulevard. I cant wait to see it for myself next month just to get it into perspective


I actually just cringed and groaned out load when I saw the new photos. You can see it from Front Lot  :shock:  :shock:

I'll just throw a couple of Walt Disney quotes into the mix:

I believe in being an innovator. TSPL isn't really all that innovative is it. All they've done is stick well known characters onto different rides. I have no problem with the supposed fairground rides (after all, in essence Carosel Du Lancelot is just a Carosel. But it's what you do with those 'fairground rides' that makes all the difference)

I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things. Hmmmm, how many Toy Story attractions are there now? If you count TSPL's rides individually you get six. I love Toy Story but it just seems as if the people behind this sat down and agreed "Everyone loves Toy Story, the new Buzz ride and Woody's Roundup have been popular. Lets just keep repeatedly using the same film because people like it."

We believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun- together. I have said previously that I do think the Studios need more attractions that suit a younger audience. Personally, although I like the Tram Tour, I find it a bit boring, and I would only do once per trip. I can imagine that kids, who naturally have shorter attention spans might feel the same. Look at Stitch, that is an attraction that has been designed to suit all ages, from a 3-year-old to a 93-year-old. There is a small, children orientated theme park near where I live (Paultons park) and I enoy my days out there but I don't enjoy the rides at all, (apart from the slightly older orientated ones) the only enjoyment I get is seeing my niece and nephew having a great time. Disney is/has always been different. Everybody has a great time together because, roller coasters aside, all the attractions are designed with the family in mind-together.
I always go to DLRP with my other half, who 23 as am I this month, and yet, with no children in tow we go on all the rides in Fantasyland and throughly enjoy them.

You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway.   I get the feeling that these rides won't be fun for adults, other than seeing the enjoyment of your children.
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


Jeakat24, I totally agree with you. It annoys me too, that nearly everything new is based on Pixar and especially on Toy Story. Of course Pixar movies are great, but I still want to see something from Disney.
Toy Story is even in Frontierland with this Meet and Greet and it doesn't really fit there. In my opinion in Frontierland shouldn't be any characters. They just doesn't fit to the story behind it.

And I still don't get it how TSPL fits into a studios park theme.


Will be interesting to see the effect that TSPL has on Hollywood Boulevard - don't think the perspective will work as well with the rides visible behind.


Very good point Adam. Hopefully that won't be the case but I'm not holding my breath!
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


Oh dear. It's clear from those photos that the Walt Disney Studios isn't a very well designed theme park. The height of the Parachute Drop tower wouldn't be so bad if the park had some trees/landscaping separating the different thematic areas. But it doesn't. So now any sense of time/place that was created by Hollywood Boulevard is just being destroyed by having this very modern, plastic junk towering over it.


QuoteApparently we have different expectations when it comes to Disney attractions?
QuoteBut it's still not good enough. This is Disneyland here - not some amusement park attempting a dark ride.

I think the fact that MM & PW were built in the first place goes to show that times have changed, and you need to adjust your expectations to that. So with that in mind, Crush is a much better ride for WDS than MM & PW .

(And IMO Crush is better than any other dark coaster I've been on outside Disney.)

QuoteI have never understood why people always say that WDS has "nothing for children".

Let's have a look shall we?

I would say the Flying Carpets are suitable for children. Cars of course. Then there's Art of Disney Animation and Animagique. There's also the Studio Tram Tour. Cinemagique. Moteurs Action. Oh - almost forgot about Playhouse. And Stitch Live.

Now let's have a look at attractions that would generally be considered to be "for adults"...

Tower Of Terror
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster

...thus proving that WDS does not have a lack of offerings for children.

Lol, so you because you said it, that proves it? The likes of Moteurs Actions, Armageddon, Tram Tour and Cinemagique would be enjoyed more by adults than children, thats what I believe anyway.

And I never said there was nothing for Children to do, there's just not much. Cars and Flying Carpets are currently the only RIDES for children to go on.

And if you have young children that dont like loud bangs and explosions, that rules out Tram Tour, Moteurs Action, Armageddon and possibily even Cinemagique (I'm going by my 7 years old niece here).

Yes shows like Stitch live, Playhouse and Animagique are good, but kids get agitated easily.

I just dont think the Studio's has much of a 'child friendly' atmosphere like the Parc has, yet hopefully this TSPL will add some of that to it. The music they play and the general look of the Studio's isn't very appealing for children, hence why they then created Toon Studio, and now the TSPL.

Wether you personally like the rides or not, this will get a massive thumbs up from the majority of family groups to the Studio's as they'll now be able to spend a whole day there, instead of just a few hours

However, on another note, I do feel that the Studio's could benefit from a fantastic dark ride.


There will not be any effect on the Hollywood Blvd., because there will never be one at WDS. :lol:

I really hope that WDI kept in mind during desining TSPL, that Hollywood Blvd will be expanded in the future. But I'm also worried that TSPL will be seen.

After the expansion in 2007 I was very confident that WDS could become a nice and beautiful themepark, but now I have lost some faith in it. Isn't there a masterplan for the studios, because I have the feeling that WDI is throwing anything into the studios that is just a little bit related to movies.

As I've already mentioned before, I don't get it how TSPL fits into a movie studio. If it is just because of the fact that  Toy Story is a movie, than you could transfere the whole Fantasyland into the studios, because these attractions are also based on movies.

Maybe it was already posted, but what is the story behind TSPL? Is there a story behind it?

I'm sorry for being so negative, but I always compare WDS with DHS at WDW, because we really enjoyed this park a lot over there. I also know that many people think that DHS is also not a very good themepark, but we liked it better than the MK at WDW. Hopefully one day, WDS will be like DHS.


^ It probably never will do though, for 2 reasons:

1. Florida is like one of the biggest, most popular holiday resorts in the world, and WDW will always have a hell of a lot more money to spend than poor old DLP.

2. There are 4 parks at WDW, so they have the space to build appropriate attractions where ever they want, they wont have to cram everything into one little 'extra' park. The biggest problem with WDS is the space, and I think that will always haunt them.


More construction photos: ... op-climbs/

Credit: Dlrpteam


No matter what anyone says, TSPL is not a real Disney quality* addition to the park.

You can try all you want to find positive things about this addition, but overall it is not what should be being built at a Disney park. Not if they don't want to decrease to the level of parks like Chessington or Alton Towers.

I hate to be arrogant, and I know people will back at me for saying that, but it is true.

It doesn't fit the theme of the park.
It features three unoriginal carnival rides and nothing else.
The rides have a low capacity.
The theme is already over-used.
The visuals are badly designed.
There is no real area development.
The bare steel destroys the views from other areas of the park.
The land is badly integrated into the park.

Guests may like it, yes, but it doesn't mean it's up to the Disney standard.

* by "Disney quality" I mean how it used to be - attractions that were original, innovative, fit the theme etc...