TRON: Legacy (2010)

Started by Anthony, July 31, 2008, 06:01:59 PM

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Pete's Dragon

Well after 18 months since it was first announced at Comic Con, Tron Legacy is nearly upon us. Now I may have gotten caught up in the hype but I don't care, as I'm not getting carried away with my expectations for the film. I'm hoping it will be good, but I'm not expecting Oscar worthy dialogue (at least better than Avatar would be a good benchmark).

So I was wondering what everyone else is expecting, assuming you are going to watch it. What I expect from Legacy is:

1) Average Big Blockbuster style script - nothing too taxing on  brain power
2) Awesome special effects and big set-pieces i.e. disc fights
3) Dodgy looking CLU CGI
4) Parts where clunky dialogue takes centre stage in order to forward to plot
5) Some touching father-son moments
6) Daft Punk !!!
7) Jeff !!!


I have never seen the first Tron movie, but I will definately see Tron Legacy. I just expect a blockbuster with amazing 3D effects and I just hope that it will be better than Avatar. I had high expectations of Avatar and then I was so disappointed. Hopefully this will not happen with Tron and so I try not to expect anything from it. I don't know why I compare these two movies, maybe because of the 3D effects.

Pete's Dragon

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....... 'nuff said  8)


So has anyone here seen Tron Legacy in 3D yet? I definitely want to see the film, but I'm interested to know, is it worth seeing in 3D or 2D? Does the 3D add anything to the film? Does the 3D have a lot of depth, or is it a very flat looking 3D effect (like Toy Story 1 was)?


I saw the film last week as I had tickets from Sky.I would recommend you watch it in 3D.The first 20 minutes or so are in 2D but when Sam goes into the computer it changes to 3D. I would say the 3D Effect is very subtle and does not have too much of the 'things coming out at you ' all the time. It just enhances your viewing.I preferred this 3D to others I have watched.I don't really know what you mean by 'flat looking' but there is so much action taking place and the soundtrack works so well with that action that I found I was totally immersed in the film and was sat on the edge of my seat throughout the film.
I loved the original but haven't seen it for a long time.I missed it on Sky Movies so I may watch it on Sky Player.You do not need to have seen the original to follow this one though.
I loved the Soundtrack so much I downloaded it from Amazon onto my iPhone.


I just got back from the 11:30 am showing. It took 2.5 hours to get home (30 mile journey) thanks to the blizzard, but it was still worth it.

There were about 30 people in the theatre, which surprised me, but it was prime Christmas shopping time. My fujitsu friend, Mikey (7.5 years old, a year younger than I was when I saw the original) and I LOVED it. It was so awesome.

the Wizard of Oz pastiche, the design, the philosophy, the 80's and Star Wars references, I LOVED it all. I have not been this stoked about a Disney film since perhaps Tarzan. I loved it and cannot wait to see it again. It even made me shed a little tear.

Two thumbs way up, but I am sure it will be a love it or hate it film with very little in between. And it was great to see how Disney can still do masculine, even if it is rare these days. Also loved the look of the Narnia trailer and Gullivers Travels. PotC looks ok.

But the real wooooaaa for us was the Disney TRON castle in 3D, beautiful.

and Alan, it is totally worth the 3D for the light cycle and flight sequences - awesome!
since 2001 (many before that)


Glad to hear some good reviews coming in about the new TRON.  I'm hoping to see it sometime during the week in 3D (weather, homework and christmas shopping permitting of course!), the idea of the real world being in 2D and the "TRON world" in 3D interests me, did they pull it off well?  I've never saw the original TRON, although I do know the basics of the plot so in theory I shouldn't be kept too much in the dark.

Oh and Daft Punk doing the soundtrack, that's why I'm most looking forward to 8)
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Quote from: "-breeno-"the idea of the real world being in 2D and the "TRON world" in 3D interests me, did they pull it off well?

I think they pulled it off very well. Though they warn you at the  

Quote from: "-breeno-"I've never saw the original TRON, although I do know the basics of the plot so in theory I shouldn't be kept too much in the dark.

Some of my love of this movie might be the fact I was obsessed with the original!
since 2001 (many before that)

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"I just got back from the 11:30 am showing. It took 2.5 hours to get home (30 mile journey) thanks to the blizzard, but it was still worth it.

There were about 30 people in the theatre, which surprised me, but it was prime Christmas shopping time. My fujitsu friend, Mikey (7.5 years old, a year younger than I was when I saw the original) and I LOVED it. It was so awesome.

the Wizard of Oz pastiche, the design, the philosophy, the 80's and Star Wars references, I LOVED it all. I have not been this stoked about a Disney film since perhaps Tarzan. I loved it and cannot wait to see it again. It even made me shed a little tear.

Two thumbs way up, but I am sure it will be a love it or hate it film with very little in between. And it was great to see how Disney can still do masculine, even if it is rare these days. Also loved the look of the Narnia trailer and Gullivers Travels. PotC looks ok.

But the real wooooaaa for us was the Disney TRON castle in 3D, beautiful.

and Alan, it is totally worth the 3D for the light cycle and flight sequences - awesome!

Would you believe me if I said I hadn't seen it yet. No babysitter :-(
Having read a lot of mixed reviews plus the whole 18months of hype I've been trying to be pessimestic about how good Tron will be. 'Dont get your hope up' kinds thing. But having read how much you enjoyed it davewasbaloo I'm biting my fingernails again and looking even harder for that elusive babysitter. Where are the grandparents when you need them ?


Lol my friend, I know what you mean. I was given a special pass to go from the Mrs (though it helps my son is a TRON fan and wanted to see it). I hope I haven't hyped it too much, but I tried to lower my expectations and I loved it.

I know what you mean about the baby sitter, we are lucky to go to 1 film a year. Look forward to your view once you get to see it.
since 2001 (many before that)

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Lol my friend, I know what you mean. I was given a special pass to go from the Mrs (though it helps my son is a TRON fan and wanted to see it). I hope I haven't hyped it too much, but I tried to lower my expectations and I loved it.

I know what you mean about the baby sitter, we are lucky to go to 1 film a year. Look forward to your view once you get to see it.

Leaving in one hour, the babyistter has arrived !!

Pete's Dragon

Just back from Tron Legacy and I'm a very happy boy, I mean man, errrr.......
The style is amazing, really loved all the design aspects. I lost count the amount of times I said 'nice' out loud (the loudest when a security guard got shot leaving a massive whole in the centre of his head) .Daft Punk's score is Oscar Worthy without a shadow of a doubt.
But I can see why it has gotten such negative reviews. All the action is crammed into the first 45mins. After Sam meets Kevin 'The Dude' Flynn it all slows down and becomes more a of Zen-creationist-meaning of life kinda vibe. It was around this point my wife lost interest. But the power of nostalgia kept me going right up to the end. And there might have been a little tear in my eye when Sam lifted up his disc into the portal at the end, very Tron 1.0.

All in all, not as good as I'd hoped for (never gonna be that good) but better than expected. Better story wise and dialogue wise than Avatar. Then again, sometimes with films I enjoy the ride more than the destination and this film definitely fell into that category.

With all that said, I'll give it 7.8/10.

P.S. Loved the Tron-Disney-Castle !!


NICE!!!! That said, I love the Jedi story more than the action as an adult in the Star Wars trilogy, hence enjoying this movie more than the original. I can understand why some are not keen, but I love it, and cannot wait to see it again.
since 2001 (many before that)


and you were not the only one to have something in your eye at the end!
since 2001 (many before that)


Saw Tron in 2D. One word.. amazing!
Will see the 3D version after christmas!