Temporary fun fair style attractions for WDS!?

Started by Remco K., July 20, 2008, 05:03:36 PM

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Pete's Dragon

you've convinced me. I'm gonna go to the aforementioned field and start my own picket line !!! Just say Non  :|


OK, where do I begin...  :lol:

Just remember that whilst the attractions you see in the pictures above do look rather awful, generic travelling fair type rides, this is the "genesis" of most Disney attractions. Don't assume they won't get customised versions or add themeing in the way they turned Zamperla's hideous Destruction Derby into the superb and hugely popular Cars Quatre Roues Rallye. When these rumours first came to the surface (on DCP, where else), it seemed like it was Entertainment behind the plans. Now, it seems like it's really Imagineering. So that's our first relief.

It does smell a little like Mickey's Birthdayland... that temporary land that eventually became the permanent Toon Town Fair. Hearing that these rides would be "temporary" doesn't make sense to me. Disney don't do "temporary".

Just to clarify, since it's not very clear (especially for the third attraction) the three rumoured attractions seem to be:

- Paratower, by Vekoma (Same as Jumpin' Jellyfish at DCA and TDS)
- Halfpipe, by Intamin (Brand new to Disney)
- Music Express, by Mack (Same as Scuttle's Scooters at Tokyo DisneySea - yes, Tokyo, folks)

Now considering Disney already have two of those in other parks, I doubt they'd suddenly phone up Vekoma and Mack and say "hey, can we just get a basic one... yeah.. no themeing this time... yeah... add some of those tacky fairground lights, and primary colours... great, thanks". The Halfpipe will surely be very popular with our coaster-loving European friends, and the others will add a huge amount of capacity for very little money. They might not be embellished as well as other attractions, but I don't reckon they'll be quite as bad as you're thinking.

But you know me, I'm quite optimistic. If they do arrive on the back of a truck....... :oops:

Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Nope, I would boycott it.  I have before and would again (I am currently boycotting WDW).  I would go to DL or TDL instead.
Are Walt Disney World panicking yet? But seriously, I feel your pain. Literally EVERYTHING that WDI have planned for the next 5 years (bar one or two of the DCA improvements) are heavily Toon influenced. Maybe it's just a phase. I mean, very soon, they're going to actually RUN OUT of films to make rides about. This is just Iger/Rasulo's way of squeezing as much as possible out of the Disney back-catalogue. I don't think they're necessarily making bad rides at the moment though. Far, far from it. They just seem scared to do something that's not already proven (ToT) or inspired by a film (Crush).

Three small rides like this are actually exactly what WDS needs. You can feel it in the park this Summer... It still desperately needs these filler attractions and places to walk around, especially if Crush keeps Fastpass and the crowds get bigger. Toon Studio could become a good alternative to Fantasyland. At the moment it's far too small. You've only got Carpets and Cars and then it suddenly stops. You see people walk through the gate at the back and suddenly stop, like "oh, that's it?".

But don't forget -- the rumours of a big Ratatouille E-Ticket attraction are still very much on the table for the 20th. I guess these would just be the entrées. :wink:

The biggest question for me is -- 2009? Really? They'd dug all the foundations for Cars already at this point in 2006...

The Butlin Boy

Right, now that Baloo has cleared some things up (thanks :wink: ) the main quetion now is what are they going to be themed on, and how themed will they actually be? Another question would be what land are they going to come under? Toon Studio or something else I take it.

Some of you may not like this, but at the end of the day, if they are pulled off well, they will be crowd pulling attractions that will not only add more things to the Studios, but will fill in the gap until Ratatouille. So it can't be that bad, can it?...


It's the words tempory and fair ground put together that set me off. If they were themed and given substance then maybe, and yeah theme them well and disguise that they are generic off the shelf amusement park rides. But I had/have visions of the fair when it ricks up in town on your local park...


Quote from: "penfold12"It's the words tempory and fair ground put together that set me off. If they were themed and given substance then maybe, and yeah theme them well and disguise that they are generic off the shelf amusement park rides. But I had/have visions of the fair when it ricks up in town on your local park...

Same here! I think we know how "themed" and satisfying Toon Town Fair at the MK WDW is. IMO you can clearly see that this place was planned to be tempory. And now it´s permanent and most people think that it´s one of the ugliest places in MK (always comlaining that they haven´t a real Toon Town as Disneyland California).

Fair ground means to me and odd not soooo much themed place like the Primeval Whirl at Animal Kingdom. For the attractions I must say it´s a bit sad for me.

Especially this Halfpipe-thing isn´t very impressive. Every litte amusement/theme park in germany has a similar attraction. It´s one of this thing they build to say "we have something like a coaster" but you really see and know that it was just a low budget decision. It´s really nothing that should be an attraction for disney. I say it again: Every little low budget and low themed amusement park has a similar thing here. It looks in every appearance cheap and ugly for me. But if you don´t wanna have a theme park and just a amusement corner it should be ok.  :P  :mrgreen:

(source: intamin: //http://www.ridetrade.com/rti/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=33&Itemid=37)

The Paratower could be good or worse. That is a real theming thing. If it´s just the fair-theme it could look unbelievable ugly.
Same for the music express.

All three attractions aren´t very impressive. Could be ok with a big theme but the words tempory and fair ground doesn´t seem to say: Let the theme come in! The must also connect the theme in any way. That could also be a big point. Hope they don´t make a big step back with all this.

The interesting point is, that they take music express from Mack. Mack is the owner of Europa Park Germany and Europa Park is a very well theme park that get its german vistors easily. (Maybe because they make advertise and that longer then just 3 weeks. And of course they say what they have at this adverts and not like DLRP that hasn´t advert TOT till now in germany :( )

So I´m more skeptical but I hope I get surprised in a positive way  :mrgreen:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


In my opinion this is the worst idea yet for DLRP. I really think it makes the old Studio 1 billboard look good. :o

These fun fair rides are going to look horrible, I have pretty much no doubt about that. Can you imagine it? From all over the resort you're going to be able to see the two huge towers of the halfpipe coaster and also the paratower sticking up into the sky. It really will be an eyesore. I doubt they'll be themed well either - What's the point if they're only temporary? They may have a little theming, yes. But not enough to make them look permanent. It would probably be quite a challenge to theme such ugly fun fair rides anyway. :roll:

I'm also wondering how the rides will fit on to that piece of land behind AODA. I would have thought that only one of them would fit there, but all three?! That area of the park will feel horribly cramped if they are all going there. Too many rides in one place if you ask me. Toon Studio is already the busiest part of the park! They've also got to fit in the queues for each ride which will take up more space. Those halfpipe coasters have very low capacity, so the queues for it on a busy day will be huge. :shock:

The only ride that could possibly look alright in that space is the music express. It's not very big (unlike the other two) so won't give such a cramped, closed in sort of feeling in the area. I can actually imagine a ride of that sort going there permanently.

It's just the paratower and halfpipe I'm worried about. They don't fit there at all. They'll create such a horrible non-Disney atmosphere.

Come on DLRP! You've got to realise that this is DISNEY! Not Six Flags! :!: What happened to the Disney that designed our beautiful Disneyland Park back in 1992?


Quote from: "RnRCj"Come on DLRP! You've got to realise that this is DISNEY! Not Six Flags! :!: What happened to the Disney that designed our beautiful Disneyland Park back in 1992?

Well said!!! =D>  Sadly that Disney that many of us fell in love with seems to be dead (unless the Japanese pay for it).
since 2001 (many before that)


Currently I don't see what the problem is, yes character ride again, but lets not forget the idea of rides gets people in :wink: .  I can't see dlrp making them terrible, yes they wont be amazing, but if this does happen I feel they will theme it enough to toon studio to work.  Plus this along with ToT and stitch should keep people visiting for a few years.  So for now I am not agreeing its an amazing idea, nor disagreeing its the end of brilliant imagineering at Disneyland Paris.


I can't be optimistic about this at all. While they could theme these rides up to the max and do some damage control in that area, the location is just wrong wrong wrong. The park is randomly enough laid out as it is, it does not need a fun fair section located right next to Hollywood Boulevard and Art of Disney Animation. Gah.

And indeed, don't fall for this "temporary" thing. Temporary on the timeline of human evolution, maybe.


I'm also very skeptical about it. But why is there a need to do something like this?? Wouldn't it be better if Disney would use the money for something else?
I don't think there is a need to bring new things to the park every 2 months or so.
I don't think that it would attract more visitors or that it would be a reason for people to come back.


Quote from: "pussinboots"I can't be optimistic about this at all. While they could theme these rides up to the max and do some damage control in that area, the location is just wrong wrong wrong. The park is randomly enough laid out as it is, it does not need a fun fair section located right next to Hollywood Boulevard and Art of Disney Animation. Gah.

And indeed, don't fall for this "temporary" thing. Temporary on the timeline of human evolution, maybe.

Yep, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril was supposed to be temporary until Space Mountain came on line. Instead they cloned it at TDS!!!! This is not good at all.

I can go to crummy Alton Towers for that sort of junk!!!
since 2001 (many before that)


The music express at TDR works as Scuttles Scooter, because it is themed, permenant and in a very rich themed area, meaning it no long appears to be the basic music express. Smilar to the theming of off the shelf rides used for cars and crush in WDS. A temp, fair ground style however is totaly different situation. I felt that one of the greatest additions to WDS was the Hollywood Bld area. Not an attraction, just theming, and yet as good as any attraction. It added depth to the park, & I would rather more of that than increasing ride numbers by downgrading the theming by adding off the shelf rides for a short time


Please, relax!  Don't rush to early conclusions.  The Imagineers are NOT making the same mistakes they made in 2002.

All future attractions at WDS (and DLP for that matter) will be permanent and well themed!!!!!!!!!!!!  Period.  No matter what Disneytheque says.  I can't go into detail because I don't know anything more, but I can say that none of the projects beyond Playhouse Disney have been approved yet.  Don't expect anything new next year besides Playhouse Disney & Stars 'n' Cars Event.


Thank you Raptor, I can sleep easier now =D>
July 2003 My Travel Explorers
May 2004 Sequoia Lodge
July 2006 Patio St Antoine @Nation (RER commute to DLRP)
December 2007 Kyriad Val de France
August 2009 Hotel New York
May 2015 Hotel Cheyenne


This thread is certainly bringing out the passion for the studios in people....