People who visit Disneyland without Children

Started by Aveen2008, June 27, 2008, 07:51:42 PM

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i have a different problem, with matthew being in a wheelchair when we go everyone thinks its ok to jump infront of him when we are queueing, mind you there a few number of people (majoritorily english) will say to others move out the way these have been waiting. luckily now though i can just ask the CM and they get the character to come to him.


I think it mostly boils down to good manners as has been said before on this thread.  I've been taking my kids since they were 4 and that first time my son -  who was 4 at the time - was knocked down by a scrum to get at Mickey (in our hotel)!!!  He was crying on the floor and as a good parent I was right at the back out of the way so couldn't get to him.  God bless Mickey who noticed, picked him up, sent the ill mannered brats to the back and wiped away my son's tears.  I will always remember the sheer delight on my boy's face as Mickey "saved" him!!!

Things like that really spoil the magic for everyone.  If only people would abide by the unwritten rules ie don't push in front of people and queue nicely and wait your turn....
Politeness and a smile cost nothing and make everyone feel good.

For me, it's the biggest thing that spoils my time at Disney and in my experience cast members don't always care.  I've seen them shrug their shoulders as people barged in front of us.

At least in Cafe Mickey when the kids get up and disturb a character who's visiting another table, they usually get sent away to wait their turn.  

I honestly feel Disney should do more to avoid these situations for everyone.


Quote from: "Suzy"I honestly feel Disney should do more to avoid these situations for everyone.

I agree something should be done about it, Cast members should try to control the que situation a bit more as so many people all experience the same thing and as Disney go so far to make their guests welcome and pay attention to detail, perhaps this is something they should try to resolve or at least cut down on. I would rather que any day than fight to get near characters etc

Thanks for your comment suzy
Aveen xoxox
Luv Aveen xoxo


I dont think you can really say its kids, its adults, its large families because I've experienced this with all groups. There are just people in all walks of life who consider themselves more important and will always push which is why I tend to keep myself to myself. My spot for the parade, I was prepared to get there early enough why should anyone push in front of me. The ones that annoy the most are those that run up as the parade arrives and start to subtley move to the front, amazing how mush space me and my elbows can take up :lol:
Strangely though with all these people I now have a bloopers tape from Disney, mostly me with a lovely shot on the camera then a comment as someone gets in the way, makes me laugh every time.
DLRP 2000,01,02,03,04x2,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,13, 14, 2015 (Booked)

"Pumba, not in front of the kids"


wouldnt min seeing that tape lol


Quote from: "Aveen2008"
Quote from: "Suzy"I honestly feel Disney should do more to avoid these situations for everyone.

I agree something should be done about it, Cast members should try to control the que situation a bit more as so many people all experience the same thing and as Disney go so far to make their guests welcome and pay attention to detail, perhaps this is something they should try to resolve or at least cut down on. I would rather que any day than fight to get near characters etc
In the American parks (or at least in WDW) the CMs that are out with the characters make the guests form a queue and if you try and push into that queue god help you! It does avoid the "rugby scrum" mentality that seems to prevail at DLP, the only problem I found with WDW's way is the CMs can get a bit nasty if there are people constantly trying to push in, which kind of tarnishes the Disney experience a bit!



Quote from: "Snow_White_Girl"
Quote from: "Aveen2008"
Quote from: "Suzy"I honestly feel Disney should do more to avoid these situations for everyone.

I agree something should be done about it, Cast members should try to control the que situation a bit more as so many people all experience the same thing and as Disney go so far to make their guests welcome and pay attention to detail, perhaps this is something they should try to resolve or at least cut down on. I would rather que any day than fight to get near characters etc
In the American parks (or at least in WDW) the CMs that are out with the characters make the guests form a queue and if you try and push into that queue god help you! It does avoid the "rugby scrum" mentality that seems to prevail at DLP, the only problem I found with WDW's way is the CMs can get a bit nasty if there are people constantly trying to push in, which kind of tarnishes the Disney experience a bit!

There must be some way that DLRP can make this part of the experience abit more stress free! If I waited in a queue and didn't get a photograph with a character because they left before i got to see them then thats fine but if i don't get a photo because people who came after me, pushed infront then that maddens me a lot and i know i am going to experience it this week and i am dreading it!:( it's unavoidable if your a teenager or adult who wants to meet the  characters too!

Aveen xxx
Luv Aveen xoxo


Quote from: "Aveen2008"There must be some way that DLRP can make this part of the experience abit more stress free! If I waited in a queue and didn't get a photograph with a character because they left before i got to see them then thats fine but if i don't get a photo because people who came after me, pushed infront then that maddens me a lot and i know i am going to experience it this week and i am dreading it!:( it's unavoidable if your a teenager or adult who wants to meet the  characters too!

Aveen xxx

I agree that some people do seem assume that Disney is just for kids.  Ridiculous, in our family we all love the characters, we all have our favourites and sometimes even the adults would like a picture too.  After all, we've all paid the same haven't we and therefore are just as entitled to interact with the characters.  The first time I saw Sulley I nearly died of excitement.   :lol:

Paris just seems to be more relaxed about queuing in general but it makes me cross too when I've waited and waited and people push in.  (Sometimes they even laugh).  I must admit we've got much more ruthless in queues and have learnt how to keep people behind us.  The character scrums are the worst thing and there SHOULD be a queue!  [-o<


I'm dreading the character scrums when I go in August cos I know it's gonna be mad!... I may keep the characters to a minimum just to keep stress to a minimum lol! Only the classics (Mickey and Minnie are always a must!) and ones I haven't met! :)

There should be some form of queuing system I agree, everything works fine over at the Fantasy Festival Stage where there's a system in place, even if the queue is ridiculously long!



I know, I am still classed as a child, even though I'm 13, but it still annoys me when you've been standing waiting for the parade for half an hour, with a cup of hot chocolate, and a packet of sweets, and you're all prepared, with your bags placed carefully next to you so you can wave, and you have the camer all set up, and then 5 minutes before the parade, some parents push their kids right to the front! They run in front of you and take your spot, they pull on the rope so it digs into your knees (and believe me, that hurts!) I got into an argument with a french boy who kept doing that! I didnt understand most of what he was saying, and I think he probably didnt understand me, but all the same, he knew exactly what I meant, and stopped, then started again half way through the parade!

Anyway, I had a bag of treats, and some lady shoved her child into my back going "GO ON DARLING! JUST GO TO THE FRONT!" and I got pushed foward, only causing me to drop half my sweets all over the floor! (luckily they were in wrappers, but most got stood on anyway!) and the kid pushed in front. I managed to save my hot chocolate (only just!) and this kid knocked over my bags, so my stuff went everywhere, and she wouldnt stand still! All the way through I was about to take a photo when she bangs into my and my camera gets knocked!

Thankfully my dad got some good photos though!


Quote from: "Suzy"
Quote from: "Aveen2008"There must be some way that DLRP can make this part of the experience abit more stress free! If I waited in a queue and didn't get a photograph with a character because they left before i got to see them then thats fine but if i don't get a photo because people who came after me, pushed infront then that maddens me a lot and i know i am going to experience it this week and i am dreading it!:( it's unavoidable if your a teenager or adult who wants to meet the  characters too!

Aveen xxx

I agree that some people do seem assume that Disney is just for kids.  Ridiculous, in our family we all love the characters, we all have our favourites and sometimes even the adults would like a picture too.  After all, we've all paid the same haven't we and therefore are just as entitled to interact with the characters.  The first time I saw Sulley I nearly died of excitement.   :lol:

Paris just seems to be more relaxed about queuing in general but it makes me cross too when I've waited and waited and people push in.  (Sometimes they even laugh).  I must admit we've got much more ruthless in queues and have learnt how to keep people behind us.  The character scrums are the worst thing and there SHOULD be a queue!  [-o<

I totally agree when you say we have all paid the same and therefore have as much right to interact with the characters. i am 21 and meeting the characters really makes me happy, im a mad disney fan and always have been. I think unfortunately you have to be ruthless because of how others act!:(

Snow_white_girl: i know what you mean, i am going in a few days time and i am dreading the character scrum too but meeting the characters really makes the holiday for me so i guess i am going to have to just be stressed out.

Minniesbestpal: that sounds like a bad experience, i know what it's like, parents have no considerationa dn they dont even have the courtesy to ask and if you even look at them wrongly they say something nasty, even though they are in the wrong!! i think so many people have experienced this and it should be made as a petition and sent to disney!

Aveen xxx

Luv Aveen xoxo


QuoteAll the way through I was about to take a photo when she bangs into my and my camera gets knocked!

OMG that doesnt sound like fun at all Minniesbestpal! if anyone knocked my camera there would be a full scale fight lol

I mean pretty much everyone here has stated at one time or another that they would let childrem stand in front of them at parades so whats the deal,why do parents have to push?????
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


I have let kids stand in front of me for the parades also,but I usually get there early for a good spot and it is annoying to go from having a clear view to having a line of children stood in front of me 5 mins before the parade passes by ! If I can stand there for 40 mins waiting then why cant these families do the same ? !
Another annoying thing is to have a great view of the castle for a show or fireworks and someone comes along with either a child on their shoulders in front of you or a helium balloon which completely blocks your view !!!! Guess some folks just think of themselves and not those around them !!!!!


Quote from: "Timbo"Another annoying thing is to have a great view of the castle for a show or fireworks and someone comes along with either a child on their shoulders in front of you or a helium balloon which completely blocks your view !!!! Guess some folks just think of themselves and not those around them !!!!!
I actually find that more annoying than being shoved around in the queue for a character or being pushed in front of at the parades... I'm fairly small anyway (5ft3) so most of the time it's hard for me to get a decent view even without people pushing in front of me!



I must admit, I'm not as kind as you guys. I don't let kids stand in front of me. I've had too many bad experiences with parade queues. I always show up early, get a nice spot with my boyfriend, and maybe a crepe or a softdrink. And then people start forming around me, and when (not if) parents start trying to take over my spot or push their kids in front, I give them an evil glare and if necessary I push them away from me. Last year a kid kept hitting me with her lollipop so I got it all over my clothes. I then looked at her mother, pointed at the lollypop and said, STOP! Even though the kid kept swinging it throughout the parade, it didn't hit me anymore. So, well, I'm ruthless. I'm there to see the parade and not to be nice to annoying little kids. Sure, the nice and sweet kids that ask politely to get in front can, but not the other ones.

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