Ratatouille Living Character: Chef Rémy

Started by Kristof, June 24, 2008, 02:17:26 PM

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Captain Pan

Quote from: "lil-shawn"Look what i found  :D  its so cute and the guy looks funny  :lol:


What A Find!!
 =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>

 :idea: Wonder if he can hold a pen to sign the Autograph Book?

Congratulations Walt DIsney Inagineering =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D>  =D> ... It looks real good... Just want to know If we'll get any sound as I couldn't hear anything! If we do will it be Squeaks OR Voice?

How long before one of the other resorts acquire a replica leaving DLRP without its Exclusive?


Wow thanks for sharing lil-shawn it looks great. Also it looks like there have captured his movement perfectly.


Wow, that's very impressive! He looks a lot more lifelike than I thought he would. Though I think he could be improved if he twitched his nose a bit, like rats do. :lol:


Remy looks very cute! Hopefully he can speak aswell. But are you sure he is an animatronic? I mean, judging from this video he can be a puppet aswell. At least with Lucky, Muppet Mobile Lab, Push and WALL-E its obvious that no human is involved. Is it possible to fit a human under Remy's table?  :P

By the way, is Remy also still available for meet 'n greets at Toon Studio?! That would be weird haha. However, it seems like a nice addition for the Walt Disney Studios. Like Captain Pan mentioned, lets wait and see how long it will remain a Paris exclusive.

And now we want Muppet Mobile Lab!  8)



I absolutely loved that =D>  =D>  How cute (and clever) was that :?:  :lol:

Epcot_Boy :ears:



That is very cool! I love it! :D Does it talk, I couldn't hear?


I hate to be negative, but I'm not that impressed. Maybe my expectations were too high, that they could make a realistic AA that small, but he looks a little robotic. I can understand what Maarten says about it being a puppet too. And if he doesn't talk, it's a bit of an anticlimax when the lid is lifted - he just kind of juts from side to side with nothing to do.

Perhaps they took the film too literally -- none of the humans ever hear Remy do more than squeak.

It's no replacement for a WALL-E or Muppet Mobile Lab.


Quote from: "Baloo"I hate to be negative, but I'm not that impressed.

A bit harsh I think :)  I still think it's quite novel and cutish........ :lol:  :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:



I don't think you can judge it from about a 10 sec clip on YouTube.


Quote from: "Malin"I don't think you can judge it from about a 10 sec clip on YouTube.

Well that's all we have at the moment so judgement is really just a bit of fun :lol: I look forward to more info etc then perhaps I and others can make a more informed judgement :)  :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:


Captain Pan

Quote from: "Baloo"I hate to be negative, but I'm not that impressed. Maybe my expectations were too high, that they could make a realistic AA that small, but he looks a little robotic.

Now I never expected to hear those words from the mouth (or would it be keyboard) of Baloo.

Quote from: "Baloo"It's no replacement for a WALL-E or Muppet Mobile Lab.
=D>  =D>  =D> =D>  =D>  
 I agree... WALL-E as a Character is SO much better than Remy... But hey what you going to do?... Steal One from Florida and Abandon it in Paris...
  :idea: NOw there's an Idea for Someone :D


Aww, how cute does he look?!... I'd love to see this when I go in August! I wonder if he'll get a voice too? :)



Sorry raptor, thought you were a bit "angry" at him because of your smiley ;)!

Thanks for sharing the video... I think little Rémy is just cute!! :) Although he can't speak, I'd love to see him... does anyone know if he's now in the restaurant throughout the opening hours?
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


How adorable!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow,... You're always a day closer to my next Disney trip!


i've been looking him for the last 4 days and  everyone says something else. I have been to the information at the studios they called everyone 3 persons came. They said me Remy doesn't come back and they told me it was just for once. To entertain the children the replacement is a gift with remy on it with pencils in it. This isn't a worhthly replacement. I hope there wrong. I am here till next week and i hope i will see him.
