Starbucks Coffee in Disney Village

Started by Kristof, June 11, 2008, 05:18:56 PM

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This is beginning to look very interesting. I'm so curious to see how the facade will turn out when it's finished! Thanks for posting the new pics Anthony :)


Are you ready for this? Major part of the facade installed:

Photo: Scrooge,

It took the best part of a decade, but now, ladies and gentlemen, I think they finally worked out how an addition to the original part of Disney Village should look. It's Frank Gehry meets 21st Century eco-tecture. Smart and bold but earthy and welcoming.

Though I'm not entirely sure about the wicker basket section on the right yet, it's a bit *too* brave, hopefully there's a diagonal bit to come, to match this new wood on the left?


I think it looks quite good actually! It's very different to the other buildings of the DV, but I really think it fits. I'm so glad the building is no longer a plain box. I think the colour choice is good too.

I presume there will be more details added? There's obviously going to be a Starbucks sign somewhere, but other little things like lights and something around the edges of the window would be good.


I'd actually like Disney Village to have loads of crazy looking buildings like this, so each one looks totally different to the next, just to add a bit of variation.

Starbucks always do well with their buildings. Each one is totally different to the next.


Pretty neat. After years of no-longer-modern, attempted-modern and some brave but ultimately misguided stabs at postmodern, it's good to see something that could actually pass for modern. I suppose it would take a company like Starbucks to bring that to Disneyland Paris.

And sure, it's bold, but if there's a place for bold, it's Disney Village, right? This is a place where the world's most lurid McDonald's fades into the background.

It's a shame about the Buffalo Trading Company, but I think Disney Village will be better for this. Not to mention gain some credibility as a commercial place-to-be, something it could really use...


I love the starbucks green colour anyway and i think here it will look fab, also really like the stained wood, quite impressed with what we've seen so far


It's looking really good so far I think =D>
Luv Aveen xoxo

The Butlin Boy

The exterior is looking very promising right now, very modern, slick, and eco-friendly. So it's so far so good for Starbucks, but I'm going to see what else they have in store for the exterior before I fully make up my mind :wink:


OMG! it looks amazing  =D>  I love it

somebody please tell me it's gonna open soon  :lol:


What an improvement!!! It looks really good!!

Does somebody know if this Starbucks has two floors, or is it just the ground floor?


I think it looks great, such an improvement!

Adds some much needed character to DV!


Quote from: "dagobert"Does somebody know if this Starbucks has two floors, or is it just the ground floor?
The top floor already there is the La Grange buffet of Billy Bob's Saloon, and though the ceiling was quite high in Buffalo Trading Co, I don't think it'd be high enough for a mezzanine or anything.

Agent Lex

While I'm not a fan of Starbucks's coffee (or customers), I do quite like their decor. It looks like they've transferred that really well to the outside of the building here, and I agree with everyone else that it fits the Village nicely. Well done Disney and Starbucks =D>


i love their chai tea and frappucinos, so not sure what ive done to upset you agent lex. does my taste make me bad???

anyway back on topic, it looks good, any news on an opening date??


wow, I really like it! I am positively surprised!

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