Disney Studio 1 Billboard - Refurbishment complete!

Started by Kristof, August 07, 2005, 01:24:45 AM

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The Butlin Boy

I noticed this on Friday too, I can only say one thing about this though; HALLEUJAH!!! :mrgreen:  :D/


I can't believe this. They are finally working on the facade again. It looks like I'm loosing my bet that the billboard is still there for the 20th birthday. :lol:


I'm not going to get too excited until its fully complete and there are no signs of another billboard going up.

This is hugely positive news though!


Hopefully it will be down before July when i go =p Not going to get excited until someone turns up with a ratchet/tool set.

How long has it been now?
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


I posted this in my trip report.  The number 1 has been covered in scaffolding now.  :)


Lol, I was getting ready to moan about that top part not being cleaned, but I spoke too soon..!


Oh I can't wait for it to be back. They've clearly changed the grime at the top for things ARE moving - it's just a matter of time. Having this back to normal will improve the guest experience enormously. I can't see why it could have taken so long in the first place. Nobody likes seeing a construction site on holiday - especially if they visit every year.
"Life\'s a happy game, you could clown around forever - \'cos we\'re the best of friends"
It\'s time to bring down the house - welcome Mickey Mouse!


Finally! Work at long last! :D/  

Just have to wait until Studio 1 AT LAST will return to it's former glory. :)

Here Come The Belgians!


New photo from Disney Gazette:



already looking so much better so quick as welllets hope it will not be so long before more of it comes down!

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It's looking fantastic! Can't wait to finally see the demise of the scaffolding!


Looks very nice!
Curious to see the rest of the building :-"
[size=120]"Most men, they\'ll tell you a story straight through. It won\'t be complicated, but it won\'t be interesting either."[/size]

[size=120]jellep.nl - twitter - youtube[/size]


It's finally coming around now. :D

Well done DLP. =D>

Here Come The Belgians!

Disneyland Paris Treasures


Source left img: Martyn, Source right img: http://www.disneygazette.fr

Omg, will you look at that difference?


i know it looks so much better and more fresh looks like other parts have been painting at the sides tht still coverd up but cant wait till it FINALY gets finished

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Feb. 2012 - Florida - Radisson Hotel Orlando-Lake Buena Vista