Disneyland Trip - December 2007!

Started by MinniesBestPal, April 06, 2008, 10:45:45 PM

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Day 1

We went to Disneyland on 18th December and came back on the 23rd! 2 of the 5 days where spent travelling however, so that means we only had 3 days in Disney. Still, its better than none!

Our trip got off to a bad start, as we went to a hire car company to get a seven seater car (grandma and grandad were coming too!) However, the car company had a huge mix up, and had prepared the wrong car for us, so we had to sit for an hour in the freezing cold while they cleaned and hoovered out the right car for us.

Then we went to my Grandma and Grandad's house to pick them up. However, we found there was not enough room for all the luggage, so either me or my brother (martin) would have to sit between grandma and grandad in the middle, and not in the back seat like we hoped.

After 10 minutes of arguing, about 3 rematches of rock paper scissors, dad finally decided we flip a coin, and then swap at a pit stop half way. I got to sit in the back first!

So we had about 5 hours on the road, and finally we stopped at little chef. After the most delicious hot chocolate of my life (well, 2 actually, since Martin didn't like his because it had cream on!) we swapped places in the car, and I was squashed between grandma and grandad. Grandma fell asleep most of the way, and Grandad sat and watched me play tetris on my ds.

We were going to have another pit stop, but we ended up getting stuck in traffic on the motorway.
After a few more hours of a journey than expected, we finally arrived in Ashton and stayed in a travel inn overnight.

The Butlin Boy

Sounds like it didn't go quite to plan at the start. Thanks for posting your report, I'm looking forward to the rest :)


Nope, it didn't! We were all squashed in the car! But at least we got going somewhere!

Day 2

We woke up the next morning at about 6am. We grabbed ourselves a quick breakfast, and then headed off the the channel!

We caught the train at about 10am, and once we got to France we searched desperatly for a little cafe somewhere. At last we found one about an 2 hours into our journey. We had an early lunch, and then back on the road again. Mum had packed crisps, biscuits and bottles of pop the day before, so we had a few snacks in the car.

Martin fell asleep in the back, and me and grandma played noughts and crosses, the "word game" and many other bizaare games on a sheet of paper on my clipboard. There were no pit stops from the cafe to Paris, as we were all desperate to get there!

After about 3 more hours of driving, I was completely bored, and was looking out the window for some sign of Disneyland. Finally, we could just see the top of the Disneyland Castle over some trees, and I went a slight bit mad...

I woke up grandad and Martin, and grandma started singing the mickey mouse march. Then came to second sign of disneyland. A road sign with mickey mouse on saying "disneyland, so many miles from here!"

We arrived at the Davy Crockett Ranch at about 2pm. After getting settled in, and unpacked, we headed over to the shop to buy our first souveniers. Me and martin got a pin badge each (we have a collection!) and mum, dad, grandma and grandad all bought essentials such as washing up liquid, bread, etc.

Disneyland was a 15 minute drive from the Davy Crockett Ranch, but it was worth it! We headed over to Disney village for the afternoon, and after tea in the rainforest cafe, we headed off to the shops.

As it was Christmas, mum was looking for decorations for the tree (again, we have a collection!) and grandma and grandad were picking out presents for my cousins, aunties and uncles back home! Martin wandered off to look at the potc toys or whatever, and I adored the plush minnie mouses. (is it mouses or mice?)

After an evening of shopping, we decided it was too late to go in the park, and we were all tired anyway, so we went back to the davy crockett ranch, watched a really irritating version of "the top ten things to know before you go!" (the girl in it is REALLY cheesy!) and then went to bed for a good nights sleep!


Day 3

We woke up at about 5am the next morning, and put the disney channel on (the only thing on tv, except in deveral different languages!) while we had breakfast!

Then, we all got a quick shower, got dressed, and then headed out the door! Again, its a 15 minute drive from the davy crockett ranch to Disneyland Paris.

Once there, we parked in Donald, and then headed to the park! I love those escalator things! But most were either broken or switched off at the time, so we walked most of the way anyway!

Our first stop was buzz lightyears laser blast, as we knew it was a new attraction, and on the "top 10 things to know before you go!" it said the ques built up fast there!

So, away we went! Mum didn't know what to do with the laser thing, so instead she kept spinning the car thingy around, therefore Martin got in a bad mood because he couldn't beat dad's score (they're both huge video gamers, and bet five euros that they would win!)

I got 2nd score, dad got first, martin got 3rd and mum got last (Can't remember grandma and grandad as they were 2 cars behind us!)

Once we came out, we had a quick drink while sitting on a bench. That was a mistake. Whilst sitting on this bench and sipping hot chocolate, I was watching space mountain, and got a bit taken in by its beautiful space age look (I'm a sucker for sci fi!) So, next thing you know, me dad and martin are standing in the que for space mountain, while mum, grandma and grandad all said "Well, we don't like it!" and then went on orbitron!

Whilst in the que, the woman in front was talking to dad about "Mission two doesn't go upside down! Its great for the kids! They love it! I heard its a bit slower too!" and she was making sound more than small world!

Just when we got closer to getting on the ride, we heard lots of screaming, and er... it put me off a bit. So I started saying "Dad, maybe it is a bit of a fast ride for us!" but we had already got near the front now, and dad just laughed and said "Oh no, you wanted to go on!" so my brother and me had an argument over who would sit next to dad (neither of us did!) Dad sat in the front on his own, and we sat in the back.
WOOSH! We were off! It wasn't what I expected it to be... A thunder mountain in the dark... It was much worse! I thought it would start off slow and gradually build up. Puh! A bit wrong there! I was petrified, and my photo was terrible, but much to my dissapointment, dad bought it, the framed version, and it now stands in the office for all to see.
Mind having said that, once we got off, I wanted to go on again! We also heard that woman getting off it going "I'd never been on it before, and I'm not going on again!" We all went "WHAT?!" She's been going on about "Oh its great! The kids'll love it!" and she'd never been on before?!

Anyhoo, we met up with mum, grandma and grandad (who had now been on orbitron 3 times in a row!) and went to honey I shrunk the audience! Grandma had never been on it before, and we told her how wonderful it was, and she agreed to go on it. Just as we went in and sat down, Martin suddenly yelled "Oh, and remember the mice Phoebe!"(Phoebe's my name by the way!)
The thing was, he said it loudly purposely so grandma could here, and she hates rats and mice! However, now, she was in, and there was no escape!

After a bit of a panniccy beginning, she realised it wasn't REAL mice, and calmed down. By the end she said she loved it!

We had a quick hotdog, and then next stop, Frontierland! We rushed straight to the theatre for Mickey's Winter Wonderland Show. Me, Martin, Mum and Dad had all seen it from previous Christmases, but it was still just as fab!

Next me and martin desperatly wanted to go on big thunder mountain. Dad said he wanted to go on no more rollercoasters, as space mountain had given him a bad back, so, surprisingly, grandma decided to go on with us. Since the que was 40 minutes long, we got a fastpass, then, me and Martin begged to go on the haunted mansion. Grandma and grandad said it was...lets just say another word for poo! So they went on the steamboat, while the rest of us went in phantom manor! Whilst in the que, we noticed where the camera was on thunder mountain. Haha! This time I was prepared!

After phantom manor, we wandered down to where the shops were and waited there for grandma and grandad. After we metr back up again, we still had 10 minutes for the fast passes, and so we did a bit of shopping.
Martin bought a davy crockett hat, and I looked for presents for my friends at school. Then, me, Martin and grandma ran off to thunder mountain while mum and the rest of the gang did their "christmas shopping."

Thunder mountain was great! Grandma sat behind us! She was hilarious! I expected her to enjoy, possibly even be a bit frightened, but I had no idea she would be like this! She was yelling "Yee haw!" at the top of her lungs at every corner and drop, and she was waving her hands in the air! She even posed for the camera (we told her where it was!) when we rode passed! So naturally, we HAD to buy the photo!

Once we'd met back up, mum had bags of shopping (of which she wouldn't let us see!) and we headed off to main street for the parade! (one of the best bits of the holiday! I LOVED it!)

Martin insisted we head off to Adventureland for the POTC ride. (Its his favourite!) and we stood in the que for an hour! Anyway, we went on that, then we headed to Fantasyland to go on Pinocchio and Snow White before heading to one of the best rides there...SMALL WORLD!

Finally, we wandered back up main street, shopping, the headed back to the davy crockett ranch to get ready for our pre booked tea at er...the restaurant in the davy crockett ranch (I don't know what its called!) AND HERE'S THE BEST PART! MINNIE MOUSE WAS THERE! YAY!

Finally, we went to the little shop, and Martin bought a pirate Mickey colouring book, I got yet another Minnie Mouse pin (my favourite! She's dressed as Tink!) and dad and grandad bought beers for the night. Then, we spent the rest of the night in the "log cabin". Martin coloured in, I drew Minnie in her parade dress, dad and grandad played cards (or was it dominoes?) and Mum and Grandma sat and talked. We all went to bed early that night, as we were all really tired.


Thanks so far for the report :)! I'm really curious to read more because we also planned to visit during Christmas Season this year (which would be the first time this season ever)!

Do you also have some photos?? I'd love to see them :) Especially the onride pic of BTM with your grandma, hehe ;)!
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


I would, but my mum wont let me post photos of me or any other family member on the net... :(

I'll try and find some photos which DON'T contain family members!

Day 4

We woke early again, had breakfast, and then rushed out to the park. This time, we went to the studios.
Now, I had been building up an excitement to go on the tower of terror for a long time before the trip, but as soon as we got to the park, I took one look at it, and got put off.
It was a much bigger drop than I expected.

On this morning, mum had given me and martin 15 euros each so we went off shopping. I don't know what Martin bought, because he wouldn't let me see it, but I bought christmas presents. I got mum a mickey mouse keyring (I know, a keyring isn't much, but I didn't have much money, and things in disney are expensive!)
 and I got dad a bottle opener with goofy on.
I got my brother a big bag of cola bottles (I think they're vile but he loves them!) and I got a big fun bag of disney sweets for my friends at school. I still had enough left for a pin badge, so I bought a limited edition 15th anniversary one with the castle on!

After shopping, we headed to the tour bus!
Anyway, my grandma and grandad had never been on before, so we made them sit in the "splash zone". They did wonder why the seats were a bit wet, but we just told them it must have been rain water from the night before!

Hehe! We loved that! Plus me and martin got to sit on the side where the dragon bit was (I love dragons!) but we were very dissapointed when we actuslly saw there wasn't an actual dragon, just a flame coming fro behind a building.

Nobody got very wet at all, but grandma and grandad got a few little drops of water on them. Not much. It dried quickly!

Next, we went to check the times for Animagique and Cinemagique before heading over to crush's coaster. It was only about 10 and already the que was an hour waiting time. So, we didn't get to go on it... :(

Instead, we went over to Cinemagique (which was just starting!)
Once again, grandma and grandad had never seen it before, and they thought it was excellent!
Once we came out, we went to the hollywood boulevard for something to eat. A show began in it, and we all remembered when dad had got picked after he volunteered to be in it in 2005 when we went, so we grabbed our hotdogs and ran before he volunteered again!

On our way to Animagique, we saw Cruella De Vil, and with her being my favourite disney villain, I HAD to stop and get her photo and autograph, especially when there was no que!

When I went over, she complimented my black fur jacket, but said how horrid she thought my WTP hat was !  :(
I told her I wasn't gonna take it off, so when we got our photo taken she pulled it off!  :O

Then, we hurried off to Animagique! We got good seats, quite near the front, but there was still 5 minutes to go before it started, so we sat and talked. Grandma handed me and Martin 10 euros each and winked and said "I know you spent the rest on presents, so spend this on yourselves!"
I had no idea what I was going to buy at the minute!

Then, the show started. I was very disapointed however. Not with the show (Its my favourite WDS show!) but with the kid sat behind me.He was american, and only looked about 3, but as soon as the lights went down, he started screaming "I'M SCARED!" at the top of his lungs over and over. Whats worse, his parents didn't even say "ssh! other people are watching!" or pull him back in his seat. After the characters came on stage, he started yelling "ITS MICKEY! ITS DONALD!" etc, which got really irritating. At one point my grandma turned around and loudly "whispered" "Talk about obvious! This kid is driving me nuts!" trying to get the parents attention, but he just gave us both odd looks.
Then, and this is the worst bit, the kid leaned forward, pointing at the stage and yelling, but he fell, and used MY HEAD AS A LANDING POINT!
Both his two hands smacked down on my head, and he used me to prop himself back up! By now I was fuming!!!!

After the show, nobody fancied the cars ride, or the magic carpet ride, so we headed back to magic kingdom. We attempted to get into the WTP show, and while we stood there, some woman rammed her pram into the back of my and my dads legs, and said "Oh, Sorry!" very harshly. My dad leaned over and went "Yeah, well she should watch where she's going!" but she obviously heard, because she yelled back "Well you shouldn't stand in the way!"

Anyway, we ended up not getting into that because my dad and this woman were arguing, and my brother felt sick. So we headed over to peter pan, which again, had an hour long que. The fastpass was an hour later too, and we had to go to get ready for buffalo bills later, so we didnt go on that either.  :(

Instead of queing for rides, and waiting to be with characters, we went to the shops in main street to spend our money! We spent ages in them, and I didnt even buy anything till the last minute! Its amazing how long you can spend pondering! Especially in Disney Shops!

I kept eyeing up the minnie mouse plushies, but I found it hard to pick which one. Then, I got stopped by a french lady, who asked where I got my hat from, IN FRENCH! I was so pleased that I could understand her! And I replied IN FRENCH! I told her I got my WTP hat in 2005 when I came, so she pulled a sad face, and then wandered off smiling at me. I think she knew I was english, but I was still happy I actually had a french conversation with her!

Anyhoo, I ran off to tell my mum, of whom I couldnt find, then realised I'd run away from my brother, who we later found wandering around, almost crying, saying "Mum? Dad? Phoebe?" We heard him shouting across the huge pile of teddies. You should have seen the look of relief on his face!
But he knew what it was like to be lost in Disneyland. So did I... terrible!

I saw dad first, then he found mum, who kept telling us to keep away until she'd bought whatever it was (again, christmas shopping!) Then we found Grandad standing drinking a coffee, and when we asked him where grandma was he kept saying "Ugh! She's taking ages in the loo!"
Then dad asked me where martin was, and we all got worried. (he is only 10 after all...)

So we began the search for him, and found him in the toy shop standing behind the plush toys shouting for us!
Then mum, grandma and grandad all came to join us, and we tried to stick together as best we could, as we were leaving soon.
I had changed my mind about the plushies, and was now looking at a Minnie Mouse diary. I was standing in the que about to buy it when grandma tapped me on the shoulder and whispered "Are you sure you want to buy that? You never know what santa might bring!" So, I went and put it back! Then, I saw a plush toy of Minnie Mouse in her parade dress, fell in love with it, and went and bought that instead!

Then, mum looked at her watch, noticed what time it was, went slightly mad, grabbed us all, and pulled us back to the car yelling "I've booked us in for a suprise meal tonight, and we cant be late!" We didn't know where we were going, but we went back to the log cabin, had a quick sandwich for tea, then all got ready to go out.
I was a bit disapointed that we'd miss the candelabration, but since the anniversary has been extended to 2009, I think I may have another chance sometime.

Anyway, we went back to disney village later that evening, and mum took us to buffalo bill's! I must admit, I've never been interested in it before, but I had been to Dolly Parton's in Florida, and thought "Well, that was good, so I guess this should be ok!"
Anyway, we were in the red team, and were given free cowboy hats! The show was great! Mum didn't have much to eat though (she hates chicken, and the vegeatrian meal wasn't very big!) but still, we all enjoyed, and thank god dad didn't get picked for anything! He's like a big kid! He volunteered for EVERY SINGLE thing in Disneyland!

Anyway, the show was fab! I loved every single bit of it! Afterward, we went back to our log cabin for the final night, had hot chocolate and all talked about our favourite part,(all the time I wouldn't let go off my new Minnie Mouse plush!) then went off for a good nights sleep!


Day 5 (Going home... :( !)

The next morning, we got up at about 5:30, and began packing (we couldn't collect our "breakfast package" from the office yet.)

At 6, dad went over to the office to collect breakfast (criossonts and an assorment of jam with disney characters one!) and the rest of us double checked we had everything. I got out my clipboard and pencil case, DS and Minnie and Pooh Plushies. (No doubt I'd be playing with them in the car!) and put them in my hand luggage. Martin got out his Pirate Mickey colouring book, and his Mickey Mouse toy.

After breakfast, we realised we didn't get the channel back to england until ten, so we drove to a big french shopping centre instead. Mum and dad stocked up on wine and many different cheeses, and me and Martin used the last of our spare euro change in the slot machines in the arcade. Grandma went off to do her final Christmas shopping. Grandad said he wanted to stay in the car, and when we came back he had fallen asleep.

So, we got back in, and headed off to the channel. We didn't have any time (or money!) to go into the shops, so we just got into the que (and we were near the front this time!)

So back onto the train we went. It took about an hour to get across to England, and Martin was in the back, asleep cuddling his Mickey toy when we got across. Straight away, I texted Olivia (with grandma peering over my shoulder at every word...extremely off putting!) and told her how fantastic the trip was. I also set my watch back to the right time, and then I sat and coloured in my picture of Minnie Mouse from the night before.

Mum was sniffing and weezing all the way home. She had a terrible cold. Grandad was complaing of a stomach ache too. We were determined to get home WITHOUT having to stay in a hotel for the night, and we spent about 6 hours on the road before a pitstop. We stopped at macdonalds. I tried to eat my chips, but I felt ill,Mum had a cold, Martin was far too tired, and Grandad took ages in the loo. We were all sick and tired by now.
After our quick tea, we got back in the car and carried on driving. I dont even remember when, but I must have fallen asleep, because when I woke up Grandma was cuddling me, and singing along to the dreadful music on the radio...
But at last, I recognised where we were! Finally we were almost home! Well, at Grandma's house anyway!

We dropped Grandma and Grandad off, (aswell as collecting presents from aunties and uncles...even less room in the car!) and then we went to the car hire to get our car back.

I don't even remember swapping cars, I must have been half asleep at the time, but I do remember arriving home, slowly wandering up the stairs, and flopping onto my bed.
It was 11pm when we got back! Most of us were ill with cold, and extremely tired. We all went straight to sleep.

I was a bit sad that we had to leave Disney, but it wasn't all bad. The next day was Christmas eve! And judging by all the shopping that mum wouldn't show us, we were going to have a disney kind of Christmas...

Day 6 (Not an actual day in the park, but its still a disney day...sort of)
The next morning we all woke up extremely early (I think our sleeping patterns had been changed!) had breakfast, and went into the living room to plan the day! Mum got out some brand new Christmas tree baubles she'd bought, and we eagerly hung them on the tree, then, we checked which films were on TV, and did other christmas evey kind of things, but by the evening, mum said we could each open one present only (its a tradition in our house!) I chose a small rectangular one, and now I know why Grandma wouldn't let me buy the Minnie Mouse diary! Teehee!  :D

The Butlin Boy

Great report MBP, I really enjoyed reading it and I'm glad you had such a good time. It's made me a lot more excited for my trip next week :mrgreen:


Great read, many thanks for sharing!! :D
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


The Butlin Boy - Thanks! I got excited just writing it! Lol! I noticed when I was writing the space mountain part I felt nervous just like I did before the ride... Its weird, but I guess it was because I was re living it all...

Soap - Thank you!


Sounds you had a really great time, Get well soon.
"To all who come to his happy place, Welcome" - Walt Disney

Previous Disney Visits

DLRP  | May 2001           |Newport Bay
WDW  | October 2004    | Calabry Parc Villas
WDW  | October 2006    | Hawthorns Suites
WDW  | May 2008          | Hawthorns Suites
WDW  | August 2008      | All Star Movies
DLRP   | November 2008 | Explorers Hotel
WDW  |August 2009       |Pop Century


Get well soon?

EDIT: Oh right! Cause we were all ill at the time...



you can remember so much

you must of had a great time
i want every single goofy in the whole wide world ha ha ha


Hehe! Yeah, I loved it there!


Thank you for the report :)! Yeah, I can understand your mum doesn't want to show pictures of the family in the net... it would be great if you could post a few without you on them :)!

Oh, your brother's really young, I guess if I was that age I would have panic if I went lost... how old are you?
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World