Compare Big Thunder Mountain and Crush's Coaster

Started by Bettan, January 28, 2008, 07:37:51 PM

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Are they almost the same kind of ride? Hopefully Crush's Coaster is not so noisy as Big Thunder Montain?


they are totally different I would say, because of the way the cars move on the track and the theming etc.. There is alot more going on in Crush in the fact that there is alot to look at. and I would say that it's less noisey yes. :-)


Thank you for your answer. Is it a lot of spinning around in Crush's Coaster?


I think you can't compare those two.Crush's Coaster is completly different-it's in the dark, it's not a train but single wagons, the whole feeling is different.And I think it's a bit wilder than Big Thunder Mountain.


There is alot of spinning in Crush Yes, It's very fast and there are alot of sharp turns, it's great though!

Remco K.

Quote from: "Bettan"Hopefully Crush's Coaster is not so noisy as Big Thunder Montain?
Funny enough, the noise was added on purpose. The noise is caused by the anti roll back system. Normally this system is much quieter, but at Big Thunder Mountain it had to be loud, to give more the illusion of a wild ride.


Quote from: "Remco K."
Quote from: "Bettan"Hopefully Crush's Coaster is not so noisy as Big Thunder Montain?
Funny enough, the noise was added on purpose. The noise is caused by the anti roll back system. Normally this system is much quieter, but at Big Thunder Mountain it had to be loud, to give more the illusion of a wild ride.

I love that sound and I really think it belongs to BTM  :D


Me too, it's very cool! The first time I went on it, I thought it was breaking, and I was on with a really nervous girl from my school and she started screaming, which made me paranoid.. lol :-)


could that have possibly been peta donutter? :D

i love BTM too. the first time i rode it we waited about 2 hours and i was a bit dissapointed with it at first because of the big build up i was expecting it to be a bit more of a thrill ride then it is but when i went on it again i now apreaciate it for what it is - a totaly brilliant ride!

sorry that was well off topic, to answer the Q i would also say they are both totaly different. crush is a lot faster and although i dont know if i would class it as scary its a lot more frightening then BTM is. The whole ride in crush is total eye candy though, theres so much going on in it and its so well done (not that BTM isnt)


Is the spinning quite intense?


Quote from: "StitchOhana"Is the spinning quite intense?
Hi there...
It seems you're relatively new to the forums, and while I do not want to overrule any admin or moderator on the board that do a great job, I would like to give you a warm welcome...

I just wanted to say that you should try and see whether questions such as this one hasn't been answered before, and in your particular case, just go up 5 posts, and you will see an answer...

Don't hesitate to post on the forums though, as all posts are much welcomed, but using the search function once in a while really helps to keep this place interesting, and not forcing other readers to read the same Q&A over and over again :)

Either way - back on topic: yes, it spins a lot, but I think most people will be able to ride, really...  It's extremely smooth and enjoyable :)  Try it and see for yourself :)
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I have never been on Crush coaster, but the spinning around thing sounds like fun


I don't think you can compare those two so much...

I love them both because they're so much fun :) (and I'm afraid of roller coasters in general :mrgreen:)

But I guess Crush's Coaster is much faster and wilder than BTM! I guess my mother wouldn't try CC, although she loves BTM. The spinning of Crush isn't that bad, it just fits to the ride :)! But the first drop and also the rest of the ride is, in my opinion, pretty fast and wild!
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Quote from: "Bettan"Thank you for your answer. Is it a lot of spinning around in Crush's Coaster?

i dont think there is much spinning well not as much as i thought their was going to be.
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