Disneyland Resort Paris to be smoke-free as of April 2008

Started by Remco K., January 25, 2008, 01:33:19 PM

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Quote from: "kurgly_bird"last week, there was smoke everywhere. I can hardly remember queuing without it involving smoke being blown all over me. I didn't even notice the signs on the park map, that's how poor they are. Hopefully it will be tackled better soon.

This is awful, really. Some smoking ban.


Sad to say this looks like another example of a  good concept that has worked well in other Disney parks around the world but has yet again been let down by DLRP inability to implement things correctly and with the right level of investment/organisation/training - and this a simple thing.  :(


Like Baloo said, its probably a thing that DLRP are introducing slowly, they don't want to come across as being too mean etc. Then again they should really get the CMs more involved, but if you were a CM would you continually nag other people to stop smoking?
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


Quote from: "peep"Like Baloo said, its probably a thing that DLRP are introducing slowly, they don't want to come across as being too mean etc. Then again they should really get the CMs more involved, but if you were a CM would you continually nag other people to stop smoking?

If it was a part of my job description, yes, I would, because that's what jobs are, unfortunately. And it doesn't have to be mean; a smile and a simple "excuse me sir" go a long way. They're not truancy police after all.

I think the idea is that people simply need to be made aware of the new policy, not threatened or bullied. That would be the phase II. (kidding)


Quote from: "peep"Like Baloo said, its probably a thing that DLRP are introducing slowly, they don't want to come across as being too mean etc. Then again they should really get the CMs more involved, but if you were a CM would you continually nag other people to stop smoking?

Having just recently got back from DLRP, I have to say that even if they were introducing it slowly, you'd at least expect to see no smoking signs but we saw none.

We don't smoke but I'd have thought that being a new rule, people should have been advised on checking into their hotels, on entering the park etc but there was nothing. People were smoking everywhere we went which was disgusting. Thankfully the queues weren't an issue for us as my son had an Easy Access Pass so we didn't have to wait amongst the masses.

I was extremely disappointed though, whilst watching the parade on our last night. We were in the disabled viewing area, my son in his wheelchair and 2 carers accompanying someone else were standing beside us smoking continously, all over my son. We were all crammed in pretty tightly so had nowhere to move to. They didn't appear to speak English so I had a word with a Cast Member to ask him to have them stop smoking but he just said there was nothing he could do and shrugged his shoulders at us  :roll:

My son is desperate to go back but if they aren't going to stop someone smoking over a child then I'm really reluctant to visit again.


oh it's so dissapointing to read all this!!!
I wish they did nag everyone about the no-smoking policy!
we were happy that our summer vacations were finally going to be smoke-free but i guess that positive experience will have to wait... (forever maybe?)

why do you all think all of this happens? we don't see any park guests at US parks smoking under the no-smoking sign!....and if one guest starts smoking there's always a CM that corrects it kindly. but in general, you go to a disney park and no matter where you're from, you always try to behave correctly, as the disney athmosphere demands

to know that there aren't smoking signs around DLRP freaks me out!


I've just returned from my first trip to DLP although I've been to WDW a few times. Now, I smoke a pipe (being of advanced years!) and didn't even know there was a smoking ban until I read this forum... I saw no signs, and missed if any, signs on the park maps or any signs within the park to designated smoking areas. I was with my wife (a non-smoker) and my grand-daughter and would never smoke close to them wherever I was anyway. I tend to adopt this policy generally with other people around when I'm out. I therefore obviously didn't smoke in any queues or crowded areas. Neither at any time was I approached by anyone and told not to smoke. This was also applicable to Disney Studios. On my next visit in August, I will observe the no-smoking areas and light up only where permissible. What does disappoint me however, is the sanctimonious rants of some of the anti-smoking Tali-ban that have contributed to this topic. I respect other peoples right not to smoke, and try not to impinge my pro-smoking views upon them. I would expect the same courtesy in return. Fat chance...


WOW That's tiggeriffic. This will be my first trip to DRP and I am used to being in WDW so I am not used to people smoking around me in the parks. Here's to hoping the cast members are doing a good job enforcing it and not having TOO many problems... See when I was working in the parks, especially Magic Kingdom I had quite a few troubles with nasty smokers and their attitudes. Some people are simply horrible about it and have made even personal insults to me when I asked them to put out their cigrarette and directed them to the nearest smoking area. Even threatened me...


Quote from: "Fubar"I respect other peoples right not to smoke, and try not to impinge my pro-smoking views upon them. I would expect the same courtesy in return. Fat chance...
OK I am actually not against smoking people in general in fact I have many friends who are smokers and I have been in the situation where we have to hunt around for the nearest smoking section and sometimes go out of our way to go to it in WDW and it's a pain in the butt sometimes. So I understand frustration...

So yes just wanted to say please don't put me in that category... probably most of these people don't hate smokers it's just that we hate having smoke blown in our faces when we're trying to have fun or when people smoke in an area full of children and older people who might not be able to handle the smoke... (or in my case I hate people with nasty tempers who scream at me or refuse to put their butts out..)

"peep wrote:
Like Baloo said, its probably a thing that DLRP are introducing slowly, they don't want to come across as being too mean etc. Then again they should really get the CMs more involved, but if you were a CM would you continually nag other people to stop smoking?"
Well It's their job so hopefully yes.


Quote from: "anthonysprincess"See when I was working in the parks, especially Magic Kingdom I had quite a few troubles with nasty smokers and their attitudes. Some people are simply horrible about it and have made even personal insults to me when I asked them to put out their cigrarette and directed them to the nearest smoking area. Even threatened me...
That's no good. For the two or three days of the year that people spend at DLRP, it's not much to ask for a little respect and to step aside to a quiet corner. It's not like they've completely banned smoking from the parks.  I'm sure this is what CMs at DLRP would be worried about though (that's assuming they've all actually been told of the new rule?)

(Btw anthonysprincess, if you're commenting on more than one post at a time, please don't double post, put everything in one single post!)


in my case i do consider myself a "tali-ban-like smoking hater" person, though i respect smokers just as much i respect a non-smoking person  :) ... I hate having to breath air that's polluted from cigarrettes, having smoke blown to my face  :? , and having to disturb hotel CM's because the last guests who were in my room left it full of cigarrette smell and now i am needing a new non-smoking room (ok it's their job but is it really necessary to leave a room THAT stinky?).
i was also born with many health-general and breathing problems (not to mention asthma) thanks to my parents' smoking so yes, i do hate smoking. I'm glad they're trying to get the park smoke-free but it's a shame that they have to be forced to run a policy because people don't respect each other.
people like me wouldn't have to be radical about smoking if it wasn't needed
so sad  :(

now I think I want a "no queue-skipping" policy ...yay!  :mrgreen:


I'm glad that Indoor areas of restaurants are smoke free in more and more European countries. We still have to inhale other people's smoke in nearly every Restaurant here in Austria.  :|

Remco K.

Quote from: "Parkfisch"I'm glad that Indoor areas of restaurants are smoke free in more and more European countries. We still have to inhale other people's smoke in nearly every Restaurant here in Austria.  :|
It seems like ages ago that smoking was allowed in an office. At least in The Netherlands, years ago employees didn't have to get to a smoking area or outside to smoke, but we're allowed to do so at their desks.

I think we've progressed very well from that point and no more smoking in themeparks is the topping on all that.

I understand smokers will have a hard time living with all those rules, but personally I'm pretty satisfied not having to inhale other people's smoke all the time. Especially not at work.


Quote from: "Remco K."At least in The Netherlands

...smoking is going to be banned in restaurants from July 1, 2008.  :D/


im a smoker!!! i know i know........ but i AM a conciderate smoker, i dont smoke in my house, because there's other people there, just as i dont agree with smoking in a theme park.... i encourage a ban, however do think for the sanity of some smokers there should be a small area in the park to smoke, or even a smokers area outside the complex that you can come and go to...... i would walk for a cigarette if i really needed one. NO child should have to breathe in smoke.... and if there is no ban then i would go away from children anyway..... some smokers do think about others, and some will welcome the ban too!