Does DLRP abandon germany?

Started by Riebi, November 12, 2007, 10:18:54 AM

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Since some years there seems to be a movement away from promotions, advertising, advert, commercials etc. in germany. Many of the people who aren´t interested in Disney like us even don´t know something about the 15. birthday and much of them even about a second park at DLRP or "Euro Disneyland" (that´s what the press write if they wan´t to say something about Disneyland Resort Paris).

From my work at a television and radio station I also know that DLRP don´t seem to have any efforts to launch some reports in radio or television since some years.

The avertising and promtion in german television seems also to be a bit unscheduled. Examples: The "Disney Filmparade" on pro 7 has wonderful reports about the resort. But the broadcast isn´t really steady. Some sundays you can see it at 12 a clock, some at 13, 14, 15. And some day theres nothing at all. On holiday you can watch sometimes a "Disney Filmparde" broadcast and sometimes you see something other.
The Disney cartoon series can be found on diffrent broadcast stations. Kabel 1 is intrinsically a station for the older people with much classic films from the 50th, 60th but on saturday they have a Disney Time with cartoon series and a disney reporter who is and was never at DLRP.
Super RTL has also some disney cartoons an serval times. And of course the german Disney Chanel (encoded... 8) ).

This all seems to me very unstructured and confused. I remember the 90th. There was a Disney Club at the first german televison ARD (something like BBC) with the Disney series and wonderful reports about the construction of DLRP and DLRP itsself. How the built Alices Labirinth and how the built the castle and other interesting things after the opening of the resort. At RTL was the Disney Filmparade changeless at the same timeslot. Also with wonderful reports about DLRP. At the space mountain launch there where great commercials at every channel etc.

Back in 2007 you must be fortunate to see the Disney Filmparade without changings and cancels, the Disney series are very scattered and you don´t see any Televion commercials or print reports. (Except they wanne say how much "Euro Disneyland" is in the depts :lol: ).

The german people are a theme-park-cracks. They go to very much themeparks like Europapark, Phantasialand, Tripsdrill, Holiday Park, Movie Park Germany or else. But it seems to me like DLRP doesn´t see this group longer. That´s a shame. :cry:

How a friend of me said yesterday "The have a birthday?? How old? 15.?? Never heard about it. AND there are really two parks???? Never know." :?

So what do you think? Does DLRP abandon the german guests? :wink:

P.S.: Sorry for the bad english;-) I haven´t "the flow" today!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Hey Riebi,

I totally and absolutely agree with you!! Good that you mention this problem :)!

It's really a shame how Disney(land) abandon us Germans. I remember the "Disney Club" very well and also tv promotions for "Euro Disneyland" in the 90s. But I can't remember having seen any DLRP commercial during the last years :(! And you're right that many people still say "Euro Disney" or don't even know that there's a second park!
I think it's not only DLRP that abandon us Germans. It's Disney in general, I think. Why don't we have Disney Store anymore?! We'va had loads in the past! Why does Buena Vista treat us so bad by its Disney DVD-publishing - why don't we get all of the (american/original) extras, why didn't we get a Pocahontas Special Edition (I love that film!!) with great extras, why didn't we get back our "good, old" voice of Ariel?!

I think it's a shame how Disney treats us. Maybe you're right and many Germans just aren't much interested in Disney. But for us fans it's just an unfair punishment  :cry:

But I have to say that I'm glad we even still have the Disney Filmparade. I don't like it either that it's a bit unstructured with the times, but it's great to see and hear something of DLRP in German anyways ;)! And we should be glad that there's the internet - without our "heros" like Baloo, raptor1982 and all the other people here in the forum we surely wouldn't even know that there's a new Toon Studio or that the ToT will open soon etc.  :shock:

But you're right ;) If I had a wish, I'd like Germany to be more friendly to us German fans - with more promotion for DLRP, the reopening of Disney Stores and a better advertisement and publishing from Buena Vista according to the DVDs (or Blue Ray Discs in the future?!)
 [-o< :ears:
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


It has nothing at all to do with DLRP (Euro Disney SCA).  It's the Disney Parks & Resorts office (owned by the Walt Disney Co.) in Germany that's letting down.

ford prefect

Also, I thank you are very lucky to have Disney Film Parade, there is nothing like that in the UK.

I watched the recent Film Parade (ToT) and realised how poor my German is now (even though I learn't French and German to O level)
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Its a shame that DLRP doesn't get advertised in all countries really, even the UK is let down really, most peeps still think its Euro Disneyland with only one park. This year the UK got a bit more advertisment due to the 15th anniversary but the marketing office just plow us with adverts for Walt Disney World which makes everyone forget about DLRP.
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


Quote from: "peep"Its a shame that DLRP doesn't get advertised in all countries really, even the UK is let down really, most peeps still think its Euro Disneyland with only one park. This year the UK got a bit more advertisment due to the 15th anniversary but the marketing office just plow us with adverts for Walt Disney World which makes everyone forget about DLRP.

The UK Disney Parks & Resorts focusses more on Walt Disney World than on DLRP.



I know that Austria is not a very big market for DLRP, but we have the same situation than Germany. Almost nobody knows that there are two parks or that DLRP is celebrating the 15th birthday. So there are no commercials on german TV stations, there are also no commercials in Austria, because we have all the German TV stations like pro7. Everybody thinks that Disneyland is just for kids and I'm getting tired to explain everytime what DLRP really is.
I hope that this will change in the future and that more Germans and Austrians will recognize what DLRP is and that they will travel there.

PS: I'm going to Walt Disney World in January. I'm sure that nobody in Austria will know that there are more than one themeparks.


Quote from: "raptor1982"The UK Disney Parks & Resorts focusses more on Walt Disney World than on DLRP.
Why's that??
Working xmas 2012!!! \":D\"


Quote from: "benjy"
Quote from: "raptor1982"The UK Disney Parks & Resorts focusses more on Walt Disney World than on DLRP.
Why's that??

Aparently the market for WDW is bigger in the UK than the market for DLRP. Tbh, its mainly because they don't give the UK a choice, I mean I didn't even know about TDL until becoming a theme park enthuisast (sp?) and HKDL was reported on the news when it opened and that was the last I heard anything about it. Its all rather silly if you ask me.
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


Quote from: "dagobert"Hi,

I know that Austria is not a very big market for DLRP, but we have the same situation than Germany. Almost nobody knows that there are two parks or that DLRP is celebrating the 15th birthday. So there are no commercials on german TV stations, there are also no commercials in Austria, because we have all the German TV stations like pro7. Everybody thinks that Disneyland is just for kids and I'm getting tired to explain everytime what DLRP really is.
I hope that this will change in the future and that more Germans and Austrians will recognize what DLRP is and that they will travel there.

PS: I'm going to Walt Disney World in January. I'm sure that nobody in Austria will know that there are more than one themeparks.

I believe the Austrian market is also the responsibility of the German market.


Quote from: "dagobert"there are also no commercials in Austria, because we have all the German TV stations like pro7.

And even if there was commercial on Pro 7 people in Austria couldn't see it, because although it's the same channel, there is only Austrian commercial at the German TV Channels ( when you watch it in Austria ).
Sometimes there's an own Austrian program during the "Disney Fimparade", so that only people in Germany can see it.


Quote from: "raptor1982"It has nothing at all to do with DLRP (Euro Disney SCA).  It's the Disney Parks & Resorts office (owned by the Walt Disney Co.) in Germany that's letting down.
Surely they get a certain amount of funding from EDSCA and/or the Walt Disney Company though? I'd imagine they wouldn't get as much as the UK or Spain, for example, and so wouldn't be able to do as much.

The UK office do an ok job. I've seen the 15th launch and 15th Christmas ads on TV more than any campaign before, and a lot of online advertising too. It's pretty criminal they favour WDW really. I hope when the new Eurostar line opens this Wednesday and is undoubtedly a huge success they look again at things. I've seen NOTHING about the fact it'll now only be 2hrs30mins London>DLRP. That's INCREDIBLE. But they don't care.

I've heard this complaint about Germany a lot before... what confuses me - what the hell happened in Spain? It seemed like overnight they convinced the whole country into visiting DLRP. Did their office suddenly get more money, a new manager or something?


I think we've had a lot more of a push in recent years for DLRP in the UK, but then that might be because I've become a visitor again in the last couple of years, so you tend to notice it more.

I really don't have much interest at all in visiting the US parks, and DLRP does get advertising on all the Disney DVD releases in the UK, and in Disney Stores too. So it probably does get a bigger push overall than the US Parks.


Quote from: "Dark_Prince"I really don't have much interest at all in visiting the US parks

Really  :shock: as much as I love DLP, Epcot and Animal Kingdom are awesome, and the original DL in California is the best of the lot!!!  But DLP is still pretty special.
since 2001 (many before that)


I never mind that the Euro Disney S.C.A. has so little influence in the promotion things on germany. And maybeee they have change the german disney park chief or something. But for me that doesn´t matter.

The point is: It was much much much much much much much much better just a few years ago. I remember great campains in germany. DLRP resounded throughout the lands. Something like the big "Kennen Sie jemand der nicht davon träumt?"-Campain (Something like "Do you know somebody who doesn´t dream of it?") And everyone couldn´t really say "no!". Maybe "it´s a bit expensive for me but it´s a dream".
Also today much people know this slogan and connect it to DLRP. And that 10 years after the campain!!
Now they have a wonderful "product" with the 15. birthday, the new attractions TOWER OF TERROR IN JANUARY!!!! Kids under 7 free!!!!! aaaaand: Nothing.

It´s simple sad that now there´s nothing. Other parks make big campains for every simple thing. I know, that Movie Park Germany has a new "Nickelodeon Land" with Spongbob Squarpants and the whole gang, I know even that Heidepark Soltau (I never heard something before) has a new hotel etc. And the thing is: I´m not interested in this parks at all  :lol:
After seeing one german park comercial after one other I ask myself where is DLRP?  [-o<

The 15. spot must be in the next break....


but....nothing happend....I´m alone with heidepark soltau and spongbob squarepants. :cry:

Where is the creative german disney head :wink:

....I will do it  :lol:  give me a CM sign!
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...