Pirates of the Carribean | official topic

Started by Owain, January 05, 2007, 12:41:05 PM

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No, I didn't see those closing dates untill now! Damnit, I've been bragging about this ride all along to my nieces who are coming with me for their first DLRP trip ever :( Shoot...


Blue Lagoon closes when the ride is in refurbishment.  (And you can't see any of the animatronics from the restaurant, by the way).


Thanks Kristof! I was afraid it would be closed. However, half board plus still offers a wide range of good restaurants we can go to, so we'll choose another one instead!

So, yo-ho, yo-ho, not a pirate's life for us, this time... (well, on the positive side, what a better excuse to go back to DLRP, though...?)   8)
Check our Honeymoon Trip Report! March 8-12 2010.


there is an article in the Telegraph today saying that they are looking at overlaying the movie onto the ride - i will post a link later when i get home as im on my iphone at the moment.


Quote from: "smurfy74"there is an article in the Telegraph today saying that they are looking at overlaying the movie onto the ride - i will post a link later when i get home as im on my iphone at the moment.

Interesting, thanks for the information. I assume I am the only one, but to be honest, I am more excited by a possible Jack Sparrow addition to Pirates, then for the entire Toy Story Playland. After experiencing the new Pirates overlay in the States, I think that it adds value to the exsisting attraction, without taking away any of its charm. Its important for the Disney parks in general to keep things fresh by updating their attractions, plussing like Walt Disney would say. Disneyland Paris is too static in my opinion. However, I do understand peoples worries since recent changes to attractions like Space Mountain- de la Terre a la Lune and Spaceship Earth have shown that the Imagineers are not always capable of improving a Disney classic.

Let's wait and see if these rumours turn out to be true this time around. Given EuroDisney's financial situation, it would be a relatively cheap investement. Pirates of the Caribbean on Stranger Tides will be released in cinema's in May 2011, so it could be possible to update the attraction next spring and cash in on the film's success (years too late obviously, but still)... Perhaps New Generation Festival will be extended next year?


It should be interesting to see if they'll finally do something with the Jack Sparrow franchise. Remember all the rumors about how they were not only going to add the animatronics to the ride but also put interactive Pirates of the Carribean-themed "hidden treasures" all over Adventure Isle? Which, personally, I was more excited about than the ride overlay.

But if it doesn't happen during the buzz for the fourth film, it won't happen ever.


The thing about the movie overlay is, it's already been tried tested. They did it almost 4 years ago now at both Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom, so we all know what's involved. It's safe. It's a worthwhile, positive improvement.

3 Jack Sparrow animatronics, 1 Barbossa animatronic and a mist screen projection can't cost TOO much, right?



Quote from: "Alan"3 Jack Sparrow animatronics, 1 Barbossa animatronic and a mist screen projection can't cost TOO much, right?

Not much less than TSPL. Each AA is about $10m each - so $40m for the AAs and a couple for the mist screen. Then add in the project management and installation costs, media and comms, It would come to about $50m or £30m or €39m
since 2001 (many before that)




From that article:

QuoteOne trick up his sleeve is introducing Disney's ever-expanding portfolio of brands to its older rides.

"Sometimes we will be asked to look at older attractions like Pirates of the Caribbean and freshen them up," Minichiello says.

"Children today grew up with the movies, so we put animatronic characters from the movies in the ride in Florida and we are looking at doing it here in Paris."


Is there any particular reason why The Telegraph insist in calling the resort Euro Disney?  Honestly it hasn't been called that since the 90s! :?

Anyway about POTC, i really hope this rumour never comes into affect as i'd dread to see our attraction have the movie characters.  Reason for this is because from what i know, Paris' POTC is the only one to not have the Jack Sparrow treatment, meaning our's is 100% pure Walt Disney Imagineering, which is how it should be.  It doesn't matter how small the changes would be, i feel it'd rip out the heart and soul of the attraction.  Most people now think the movies came before the attraction (was just arguing with a friend the other week who thought this), so surely adding the cast of the movie in would be confusing?  It's like they're embarrassed that the movie came first.

Just my opinion on it.  Needless to say, i'm sick to death of Jack Sparrow :P
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Quote from: "-breeno-"Is there any particular reason why The Telegraph insist in calling the resort Euro Disney?  Honestly it hasn't been called that since the 90s! :?

Anyway about POTC, i really hope this rumour never comes into affect as i'd dread to see our attraction have the movie characters.  Reason for this is because from what i know, Paris' POTC is the only one to not have the Jack Sparrow treatment, meaning our's is 100% pure Walt Disney Imagineering, which is how it should be.  It doesn't matter how small the changes would be, i feel it'd rip out the heart and soul of the attraction.  Most people now think the movies came before the attraction (was just arguing with a friend the other week who thought this), so surely adding the cast of the movie in would be confusing?  It's like they're embarrassed that the movie came first.

Just my opinion on it.  Needless to say, i'm sick to death of Jack Sparrow :P

I completely agree. Leave our POTC the way is it, perfect. Although I think a full refurb is in order (lighting/sound/effects), but don't add the characters.

I also found it irritating how the reporter kept calling it Euro DIsney. It's only been called Disneyland Paris for 16 years, but whatever...


Quote from: "-breeno-"Anyway about POTC, i really hope this rumour never comes into affect as i'd dread to see our attraction have the movie characters.  Reason for this is because from what i know, Paris' POTC is the only one to not have the Jack Sparrow treatment, meaning our's is 100% pure Walt Disney Imagineering, which is how it should be.  It doesn't matter how small the changes would be, i feel it'd rip out the heart and soul of the attraction.  Most people now think the movies came before the attraction (was just arguing with a friend the other week who thought this), so surely adding the cast of the movie in would be confusing?  It's like they're embarrassed that the movie came first.

Just my opinion on it.  Needless to say, i'm sick to death of Jack Sparrow :P
Got to agree with this. I think it would be a waste of money for just a couple of animatronics. They'd be better off using the money to actually refurb the attraction and other things around the park.


They are calling it Euro Disney, as that is what the company that operates Disneyland Paris is called.


Quote from: "Merman"They are calling it Euro Disney, as that is what the company that operates Disneyland Paris is called.

It could be interpreted that way, yes, but then again it would be odd for an article on Disneyland Paris to never once mention its name. The fact of the matter is that while the Euro Disney name lasted for only two years(!), people will probably continue calling it that for another 200 years.

Also, can I just say, depressing read.

But to get back to this Jack Sparrow business, while I understand your antipathy on the subject, do you not think the ride could use a few little somethings? The dueling pirates have long ceased to attract the oohs and ahs they received when the technology was considered state-of-the-art, and the spectacular capacity of the ride is very rarely needed nowadays. (Read: it's not all that popular anymore.) Obviously it would be nicer if they put some of that swanky Jack Sparrow animatronic technology into the existing characters, but since they can't market that, it's not going to happen.

And it doesn't alter the ride in any meaningful sense, as Space Mountain: Mission 2 for example did. It's just a few fun little additions. Would that really be so bad?