Toon Studio placemaking

Started by Anthony, March 14, 2005, 12:06:03 AM

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Oh no--why will it be opened in June instead of April/May as I've thought?? :( We've planned to visit DLRP in May 2007 the next time and I expected the Toon Studios to be opened then...

Is this a real fact or CAN it be the Studois open in June? Or does only the cars attraction open in June and Crush's Turtle Twister earlier?
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Quote from: "Nala_84"Oh no--why will it be opened in June instead of April/May as I've thought?? :( We've planned to visit DLRP in May 2007 the next time and I expected the Toon Studios to be opened then...

Is this a real fact or CAN it be the Studois open in June? Or does only the cars attraction open in June and Crush's Turtle Twister earlier?
The two attractions will 99% definitely open at the same time... With them being so close together, they couldn't really open Crush and continue working on Cars, it'd be really bad show and wouldn't do WDS any favours with its image at all.

So I'm afraid that it is also 99.9% sure the new land will open in June 2007.  I left out 0.1% because things can always change, but I doubt it.  As I said before, the 15th kick-off and new parade will be the draw for April, so they'll save Toon Studios for June.  I doubt it'll be fully ready for an April opening anyway, despite how fast they're going.

The Butlin Boy

LOL, i just had a thought, people who have recently visited WDS and the DLP website are going to think that the track for
Crush's Turtle Twister is the new Cars ride! :lol:


Jouri has the latest photos from the construction site: ... ticleid=40

It's amazing how fast Toon Studios has swallowed up that corner of Animation Courtyard and turned it into a chaotic construction site!

The next few weeks are going to be very interesting - changing the parade route means they must be planning some really big works in Animation Courtyard, they wouldn't change a whole parade route unless they really needed to.  I can't wait to start seeing the changes!  :D


As regards opening in June, Nala 84, that looks as if its the official opening date. Quite often the parks will open an attraction before hand, in dry runs etc, sometimes a month or so before the officail opening, so you never know......

The Butlin Boy

I think this pic really makes the Toon Studios site look really big:

:arrow: //


Great photo.  Crush has progressed a lot since the last update I saw.

The area in front of it is much bigger than you'd initially think, and although Cars will use up quite a lot of this (especially considering it's "just a carnival ride", the area as a whole will probably/hopefully feel much bigger than everyone first expected.  The fact it'll blend almost seamlessly with Animation Courtyard and the Flying Carpets is good too, since come opening day there will be more things for people to look at and do than just those in the new area of land.

It's interesting, as well, that Crush is actually lower than ground level of the Toon Studios area.  You can see its entrance doors on the right, and we're obviously going to have to go downhill to get in there.  This will really help to reinforce the queue/loading area theme of the Sydney Harbor pier, which you queue underneath in the main outside part of the queue.

Another interesting thing, and this is going way back to the actual plans for the area, is that you have to go up and then down some steps inside the building to get over the Crush track and onto the loading platform.  The reason I mention this is because DLRP always mention the fact that the WDS attractions can be accessed by anyone without any special treatment, so it's interesting to see Disney using stairs in an attraction again.  The change in height should add a lot of extra depth to the attraction, too.

Oh, and a third point - that splash of blue that's on the side of the Crush building in the new concept art: it actually looks to me like the showbuilding (which they'll hopefully theme as a huge aquarium housing all the "stars") has sprung a bit of a leak... That could be a good idea for a water feature, similar to the UFO Zone kinda idea they're building in HKDL.  :)


I can't see the pic--no permission :( Could anyone show it here please? ;)
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Quote from: "Nala_84"I can't see the pic--no permission :( Could anyone show it here please? ;)

Nala, I got the same message - but simple solution: just try reloading the page.

The Butlin Boy

Just found this pic of what the Crush building will look like:

a few things I noticed:
-The models of Nemo and Squirt on the rock with the seaweed
-The entrance doesn't seem very obvious (far right)
-It looks like the cars come out of the two holes in the rock it doesnt look like there is going to be a dip like in previous concept art
-The rocks look a lot like the rocks in Adventureland (Skull Rock)
-Is it me or was it going to be called Studio 4 not 5!

Overall, I think it looks good. :D


Very interesting!  :D

The rocks remind me a lot of Adventureland too - my first thoughts were "it's Legend of the Lion King underwater!".  The nemo and squirt models are interesting, I suppose this facade will be like a giant-scale version of that current Nemo photo location then?

Another interesting thing is that the track will be level with the ground.  I always imagined it would be higher up, with rockwork underneath, and previous concept arts seemed to show this aswell.  You can't see a dip in the track there either, so the dip must take the track below ground level quickly.  I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not - so long as the vehicles are still visible from far away it'll be good.  One of the things I really liked about Crush is that it'd add life and moving objects to the studios through the cars coming out the building.

I think the entrance isn't obvious because it's just to the right of this photo, they missed it off.  It's strange the soundstage is labelled with a "5", don't you think?  Rumours were suggesting it would be Studio 4...
Edit: Didn't notice you'd already got this one!

Overall, it looks just "ok" to me.  The colours of this photo are a bit dodgy and I'm sure the finished version will look much brighter and more vibrant, hopefully with some of that lovely multicoloured coral and plants you see in the opening scenes of the film.  It also looks like quite a cheap model, the finished version will have much more Disney quality to it...


Well, finally more stuff that's leaking out.  This is clearly a scan, so it must be from an internal CM magazine.  I'll ask my Little Blue Bird ( :lol: ) to keep an eye out.


The background of the photo is making me laugh... it's sooooo unmagical - those dull striplights, a dirty factory-style ceiling and not much else.  I always thought Imagineering offices might be a bit more inspirational than that.  :lol:

What's the concept art in the background for?  Looks like a layout plan for something, but I can't place it anywhere in WDS yet...


QuoteThe background of the photo is making me laugh... it's sooooo unmagical - those dull striplights, a dirty factory-style ceiling and not much else. I always thought Imagineering offices might be a bit more inspirational than that. Laughing

That's the Imagineering workshop for sure.  I looks the same at Burbank (maybe this is Burbank??)

QuoteWhat's the concept art in the background for? Looks like a layout plan for something, but I can't place it anywhere in WDS yet...

Somehow that plan reminds me of the Crush vehicles.


Quote from: "raptor1982"That's the Imagineering workshop for sure.  I looks the same at Burbank (maybe this is Burbank??)
Yeah you're right, it does look like the same place they showed in an article about DCA's Monsters attraction, with a photo of Imagineers finishing off the figures.  I guess they're working on all the Nemo stuff now, for DL, Epcot and WDS.

The Disney font used for the number "5" is worth a mention... do you think Animagique could get the same?  Backlot already has its own style of numbers, but Animation and Production ones are currently the same.  It'd be yet another step towards differentiating the lands a bit.